Monday, October 14, 2024

Coronacrazy Made it to the Totally Finished Up Stage!

Finally got the Coronacrazy quilt completely finished up! It's one that I started just after the lockdowns happened in 2020. Basically just went out on a limb with the rows of arcs or 'hills'. Really no clue what was going to happen from there!

Another 2024 finish!
Lots and lots of applique in the quilt. It was so very time consuming. But what else did I have to do at that time? ha!

The outside flowers are my fave
Later on, after adding on the leaves in the outside border, I discovered that one of the fabrics used was a bleeder. That didn't make me very happy. After struggling with all the ways it could be addressed, I just went ahead and took those 5-6 leaves off and soaked them until the dye was done bleeding out. Very annoying to have to 'redo' any work at all, but much better than ruining my quilt over something so simple.

Will probably have to keep this one for myself...
Although I generally wash my quilts directly after finishing up the binding, this time I've decided to wait till later. Just want to enjoy it for awhile and not have to worry about something else giving me problems. Like maybe one of those orphaned flowers stitching into the center of the quilt? Ughh.  Don't want to take the chance right now! 

So awesome to see all the orphans being used up!
It's such a sweet quilt. Hard to believe it was started during a time when my mind was practically exploding with worries and stress!

Never know where I'll end up these days...
Love seeing the texture from the hand quilting take shape and give it all a little bit more depth. It's definitely a quilt that needed the little bit extra time and effort.

Still love the quilt colors too
I've also got my Gold Crossroads quilt ready for the last bit of binding stitching. I ended up doing a crosshatch pattern throughout all of the quilt except for the circles. Love the simplicity and old timey charm it brings to the quilt! And the colors of this quilt just kill me. Love how soft, sweet and cozy it feels to me. This is a quilt that I just sighed into every time I was adding quilting stitches. Very relaxing to work on!

A cozy look to this one
I've also been working a little bit almost every day on the Old Fashioned Wildflowers quilt. Have all of the vine work stitched down and am working on the flowers and leaves now. I thought {so optimistically} it would only take a week to do all of the hand stitching, but it's going to be tough to even finish it in two weeks and three is more like it. Really wanted to plow through this before getting to the hand work on my Bramble Blooms quilts.

Still enjoying the background blocks for the base
Which have actually seen a bit of work too. There is now an extra 2 1/2" on each of the outside border rows of the BBII-A quilt. It's a very subtle cream and lt. tan, every other square addition but I think it works well for basically expanding the area for the vine detail. 

An easy way to make it larger and not detract
It's one of those things that I didn't want to do, but now I'm thinking it adds something special to the quilt. Will definitely lift the overall look of the quilt. Bonus!

Now for the applique!!
Lots of quilting stuff on the list and mustn't forget, a quilt project for my SIL too, which has a Christmas deadline. Why oh why do I do these things to myself? 

Friday, September 27, 2024

All the Applique, All the Time

 There's a lot of applique stuff going on around here. Are you surprised?  First off, I went off on a little detour with the pear cut-outs. Was digging through the applique parts and pieces totes and somehow these just sort of jumped on the wall. All from left behind bits and pieces, including the background rectangles!

An impulsive start
Another project that just all-of-a-sudden starting coming together is this 'Wildflowers' quilt. The background was finished up sometime in 2023 and I really thought it was done. Yep. Until my mom gave me a piece of fabric with these gorgeous flowers on it. Just had to do something with them, so why not fussy cut them and find a background? Should have known I'd find an excuse to put some applique on this yellow quilt top. Never quite satisfied with the simplicity of piecing am I? 

At first I thought all the flowers needed to be cut very close to the shape/color of the printed flower, but after a bit of play, I decided, no. Will just sew the rough shape onto the quilt and let the colors and impact of the flowers tell their story. Don't think a bit of black behind the flowers is going to harm anything. The leaves were interesting to cut out, mostly it was just freehand work. I wanted something a bit larger and flowy looking, but it's always a delicate balance between looking a little contrived and like it was meant to be! It's going to be a bear to work all the hand stitching over the top, but I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do. Will never be happy with the quilt now unless the flowers are added.

Starting to look more put together
Also decided to make a couple basket blocks. Will be using more parts and pieces from the leftover applique totes. They are a little brash looking for now, but hopefully will calm down with the right background....

Lets see if these go anywhere
Started cutting out more flowers for the Bramble Blooms II-A quilt. Decided that since I was already playing in the applique parts and pieces totes, I'd take advantage of the short, skinny little pieces of green vine available. If the color works, why not? They'll make perfect little stems for this quilt and then I won't have to make even more bias vine. Love having the orphan totes so much!
Very simple floral border work
I went ahead and laid out the borders to Bramble Blooms II-B quilt again, this time focusing on the colors of the green vine. I think the darker green fabric vines look better on the B quilt and the more medium greens look better on the A quilt. 

Mostly at this point I'm finding myself a bit annoyed that the border on the A quilt isn't wider. Proportion-wise it looks fine. Fitting the vine and flowers on the way I desperately thinks looks better is a whole 'nother story.*sigh  I'm half tempted to figure out a way to bump the size of the border up about two inches wider. Hmm... do I have enough fabric left to make that feasible? Will have to check it out before I get any of the applique sewn into place. Sometimes taking the extra steps makes everything look soooo much nicer. Just not sure I want to make the effort with these oldy moldy fabrics though. Please tell me it's not at all worthwhile...

Wrap around vine a little more complicated
For this BBII-B quilt, will have to come back and lay out the vine properly on another day. Right now, I'm suffering from a severe lack of sewing pins. I seem to have used most of them up getting other applique securely in place. Obviously need to get things sewn down and free up some of those pins! For now I wanted to show {for those of you who were curious} how to affix the vines in order to sew the applique on one border at a time. Sorry, not the best picture, but hopefully you'll get the general idea. 
Always good to have extra length
Yes, my vines are lying on the quilt rather sloppily. You'll definitely want to lay the vines out exactly as you wish to sew them. Pin them into place. Best to start the end of  the vine overlapping on a corner, leaving plenty of extra vine. On the other corners, pull extra vine, just kind of bunching it up on top of the quilt, so that you have enough to cut later. I like to have enough extra to leave an inch or two hanging out over the edge of the border. When you pin the vine into place, remember that you will not be sewing the last inch or two of the vine onto the border fabric until after the entire quilt is sewn together. Yes you will have to nudge the unsewn vines completely out of the way at that point and pin them so that they don't end up creeping up into your new sewing machine seam allowance.

After the all the borders are sewn onto your medallion quilt, you will free your dangling vine ends, carefully overlapping each pair. Trim each of the vine ends to land where it's most discreet and fold down the raw edge at the end of the top vine. {You don't have to fold down the edge of the bottom vine, just maybe scrunch it a tiny bit more narrow.} Then, make your last hand stitches. Just a few minutes of stitching with the entire bulk of the quilt laying in your lap. Totally worth the effort, prepping the corner vines in this way!

Easy enough to cut the vine and have extra
at each end
The last applique project prepped and ready, is one that has been patiently waiting in the stacks for at least two years. I never got anything going because I was quite sure the 'sun' needed to be yellow. As you know, I often pull the marinating fabric stacks out throughout the year and contemplate various design ideas. Always waiting on the right inspiration before diving in! In this case, it was a matter of pondering why exactly my brain was resisting having a yellow sun. Oh who cares what color it is, just get this party started! And so it goes... This one will eventually have some bird blocks thrown in if all goes well. Probably not doves, though the antique 'doves in flight' quilts have absolutely been a huge inspiration for the overall feel of this quilt. We'll see. Sometimes the quilt changes its mind and all the ideas go out the window anyway.

The yellow is much prettier than the picture shows...
Will need to get the motif more centered onto the background and see if it still lays flat. These circle things don't always play nice! And that's exactly why I intend to square things up later. After all the stitching has taken place for the centerpiece. So that's that. Lotta applique stuff prepped and even more needing more details here and there. Should really try and find a project or two that doesn't require hand work. Sometimes I just want to sit down and sew at the sewing machine....

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Second Border Prompt for Bramble Blooms QAL--{BBII} & Eek! a Bias Vine Tutorial

Here we go! This is the second {and last} prompt for Bramble Blooms II. It's taken awhile to get here and the pictures are abysmal. Ughh! Sorry for that, lots of late evening quilt play. 

Second BBII Border Prompt: Short and sweet, the prompt is as follows: Piece together an outside border as simplified or as complex as you like. Add floral applique motifs similar to what was used in your first Bramble Blooms quilt. These motifs can be exactly the same as the originals {BBI quilt} or not. Feel free to size them up or down. It's all up to you! Just try and keep the shapes relatively similar so as to keep good continuity going with the series. If you want to end up with a floral vine look for your quilt, scroll down through the post for tips on bias vine making.

BBII-A with borders cut to desired measurements
As per usual, you can add an additional 'coping' border in between the last border prompt and the newest one. As you can see in my BBII-B quilt, pictured below, I am in the process of adding a thin, striped coping border. Not for any specially intended whole-quilt size, but more for overall interest. Totally optional. If you need one, go ahead and make it happen! We want our quilts to be happy, right?

BBII-B with border fabrics still being auditioned
When adding borders with applique, don't actually sew them onto the quilt until after the applique is stitched down. {Unless that's your preferred method!} It's much easier to stitch applique motifs to your quilt on these smaller border widths than to wrestle with the whole bulk of the quilt. Measure out the proper length of the intended borders and maybe add 1/4-1/2" extra for stitching shrinkage. Butt these border lengths up against the quilt and play with the applique design until you're satisfied, then pin or baste the applique elements you choose into place. Sew them down in whatever method you like, and then after all parts are secured, sew each border onto the quilt in the proper order. I generally add the side borders first and after that, the top and bottom. 
Label your measured border units
Thoughts on my BBII border work:  Obviously still a work in progress, the applique on both of my BBII quilts will include vines. One quilt will have vines that completely wrap around the borders and the other will have a flowy individual vine at each border side. I love including vines and flowers in my work! Bias vines are a really easy way to include a bit of sweetness and whimsy into our quilts and also, create a bit of movement and energy. 

You can use large single pieces of fabric or even incorporate a purposely pieced background look behind the applique--perhaps more of the patchwork. Another, oft used design element around here, is to piece together somewhat scrappy, complementary colored fabrics instead. This is a deliberate choice because it helps use up languishing fabrics {something that sorta thrills me}, and also keeps me from making mad, panicked runs to the fabric store. And I love the look, so yeah, there's that. Do try to think about the little details that will add to your emotional response when later viewing the quilt. 

People sometime comment on the 'Quilty Folk' aspect. I truly believe a large part of the overall picture is this utilitarian, improv. style of making. Incorporating lots of random {hit-or-miss}, smaller cuts of fabric. It's crazy how cozy and sweet it can suddenly feel when the right fabrics start playing really well together. But why???? I don't know. It's not like you can plan for it. Or can you? 

It doesn't make sense to stress about not having larger pieces of yardage for borders when the workaround time and again, ends up looking better. So make yourself do the workaround. Take your bland and unassuming fabrics and just start playing with a purpose. We're only talking about one border length at a time! How hard is that? Don't be shy about putting it all to work {no matter how small or odd the fabric} if the color seems right or perhaps not too wrong.

Puzzle piece various potential fabrics together until you have a good looking unit. You'll know if it's working or not and yes, some fabrics may have to go! Then cut each of the chosen fabrics to the desired border width. This may simply end up being the width of your most narrow piece of fabric. You might choose to sew 'make-do', much smaller fabric pieces instead. Or you might determine the border width based frankly on the fact that you can get two border lengths if you cut the fat quarters in half at the 18" side of your fatquarter. Whatever works best. There are no rules!

It's usually easiest to figure out the scrappy border backgrounds while these fabric bits are laying in place alongside of the larger part of the quilt. One piece of fabric at a time, take it over to the cutting mat, make the cuts and then promptly return it in place. Keep doing this until there is plenty of fabric to make up the entire border surround.

Audition for satisfactory look and feel, as to subtle color flow and fabric print pairings.......,  THEN go ahead and cut and sew to the intended total border length measurement--per side. If you look closely at the above pictures, my BBII-A quilt has each border side cut and sewn to the precise border measurements, just waiting for the applique stitching. The BBII-B quilt borders are only cut to proper width, and you can see where I'm still playing with where to cut and trim the fabric pieces {as to length} for good overall appearance. 

Always label your sewn, measured-to-length border units. Left, Right, Top, Bottom. The last thing you want to do is sew applique onto the wrong border or potentially sew a border length onto the wrong side of a quilt.
Playing with applique

Okay, you know me, I'm all for free-wheeling and making the best of what is available. That also goes for making a simple bias vine. You don't need any fancy tools and it's totally doable with third of a yard cuts, fat quarters and even smaller cuts of fabric. Loosely gauge how many inches of bias vine you might need for your entire quilt. Add another 20 inches or so for good luck and then grab a couple pieces of fabric to get started.

Gathering the vine fabric
Scrappy is good, nothing to be scared of. And don't be confused by the amount of fabric pictured above. Remember, I'm making two BBII quilts, plus, options are fun! Definitely helps with keeping the auditioning momentum rolling along over here at Quilty Folk. And.... all of the extra just goes into my applique 'parts and pieces' totes.

So... To get started, cut your chosen vine fabrics so that they fit inside of your cutting mat--on the vertical length--up and down. If you have an 18" x 24" mat like the one pictured, your fabric needs to be cut to approximated 17 1/2". Shorter is fine if that's all there is left of a piece of fabric. Note: The fabric can extend longer than the 24" mat--however long the fabric is {42", 60" etc.}, absolutely no problem there.

If you have the much larger cutting mat, it's the same premise. Just ensure that the vertical measurement of your fabric fits inside of the very top and very bottom cutting lines, usually something like 23 1/2". 

Determining width of the Bias Vine:

Basically, the width of the bias vine is a personal choice. Just play with some folded fabrics or discarded bias bits and pieces until you find the best look for your quilt. Take that measurement and double it. Then add 1/4" to 3/8" for the seam and folded edges of your vine.

I wanted 7/8" bias vine which doubled is 1.75 + .375 = 2.125 or 2 1/8" for the cutting measurement. I always err on the larger size as wider bias vine tends to be my preference. Note: I could just as easily only added 1/4" extra and ended up with a 2" cutting measurement, probably the better choice as I later made a sewing adjustment anyway!

Making the first cut:  

Before you make your first cut, trim the fabric to the straight of the grain on the top and bottom of your fabric and also the left side. Lay the fabric on the cutting mat where ever, it doesn't need to be lined up with the grid. The important thing is to line the 45 degree line on your rotary ruler up with the bottom edge of your fabric--as straight as possible! Move the ruler over to where you will end up with about an 8" cut line on the diagonal. Cut that corner of fabric off. Discard or save for making applique leaves later.
Placing the ruler
Next, move the ruler over the larger piece of fabric until the right side of the ruler is exactly your cutting width, in my case 2 1/8". 

The first strip cut
Cut your first strip of bias vine and move it out of the way. {Don't be confused by the picture below, the fabric wasn't pressed super well, so the tip popped up after it was cut.} 

Careful placement of the ruler
Keep cutting strips in the desired width, continually lining up the ruler on the large piece of fabric. Important to keep the ruler very straight. You might even eventually have to take a cut just for the purposes of straightening the fabric, something that often happens when you use a very large or very long piece of fabric.

Keep going even around the corner at the top
When you are finished cutting strips from each fabric, you'll need to go back and trim the top left corner strips to the proper angle. You see where they will have a flat, squared off side to them? The easiest way to fix this, is to simply lay another strip right over the top and cut to the proper angle, no special ruler tricks needed.

Trimming the odd cut strips
If you are cutting from several different fabrics, you can sew together random strips and make a hodgepodge of your bias vines as to color order. Or perhaps line them up from lightest to darkest. It really depends on the individual quilt and what it might demand.

Getting strips ready for sewing
Okay, lets sew the bias strips together. Take two of them and make sure the angles will fit together correctly.

All lined up!
Lay them over the top of each other on the angle, right sides of fabric together and sew your seam. You will have tails at each end.

Sewing the angles together
Flip the seam open and make sure the strip edges line up. It's okay if they're a tiny bit off. {This will be hidden at the back of the bias vine.} Keep adding strips until you have a long row of bias vine sewn together. If you ever end up with two strips where the angles will not match up properly for sewing, just lay another strip over the top and cut the angle to the proper direction. This usually happens when you're trimming those strips with the squared off ends--they just get cut in the wrong angle direction, no biggie!

Do the strips match up well?
Fold the long row of strips in half at the width and line up for sewing underneath your sewing foot. Move the needle over to the far right if possible and then line up the fabric along the foot {or even possibly with the foot hanging partially off of the fabric.} Either way is fine, just do it one way or the other all along the fabric strip as you sew!

Placement of folded bias strips under the needle
When you are finished sewing the row, you should have one long tube of bias vine with a seam that is just barely catching the fabric at the right side.

The sewn bias vine tube
Take the tube of bias vine to your ironing station and carefully press it flat with the seam underneath. Use your fingers to carefully roll the fabric to where the seam continually ends up in the middle at the back of the bias vine.

Pressed flat
I don't know if you noticed, but I went back and sewed a second, slightly wider seam so as to change the width of my bias vine from 7/8" to 3/4", pictured below. It's very easy to start with a larger bias vine and make it smaller. Impossible to take a too-narrow vine and make it wider if you later change your mind!

The intended measurement!
I'm leaving town for a long weekend, but hopefully next week there will be time to prep one of my quilts for a bias vine that wraps clear around the corners. That way, I can show {those of you who are interested} how to place the vines so that you can still do all the stitching with the borders unattached to the larger part of the quilt. So much easier on our hands! 

This is the last phase of Bramble Blooms II so lets try to have this part finished up by early December. If we have a link-up party sometime before the 15th of December, then we can start the BBIII quilt in January. That will still leave time for enjoying the holidays. That is if I still have any followers left by then! I'm well aware that a three part quilt series is a whole lotta extra on top of our more cherished projects. No pressure whatsoever to continue onward. I will be doing this regardless!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Third in the Melon Patch Series and A Tisket A Tasket Finish!

 Lovely to get the applique border on the Melon Patch Blossom quilt! I was ready to talk myself into another border and then pulled myself back from the brink.

Wrapping up the Melon Patch Blossom top
It really does look pretty good 'as is' and it's a large throw size now so why bother adding more onto the quilt and quite possibly ruining the look? Gotta know when to quit!

A lot going on in this quilt
In my planning, there was supposed to be some of those green leafy things inserted on either side of the corner whatchacallits. Just looks sooo much cleaner without them though. Had to leave them off of the quilt which of course meant less hand stitching and so I finished up faster. Yay!

Hard to get the true colors for this top
I've been determined to get this third Melon Patch quilt in the series {plus a couple other things} done and squared away before doing more on the Bramble Blooms QAL. And.... ahem! There are a few more of these leftover melon blossoms that may or may not be the start of a fourth Melon Patch quilt! hehe  I told you, these series quilt can be sort of addictive. But I won't start that just yet, promise!

Love the crumpled vibes
Also put my nose to the grindstone and got the binding completely sewn onto the 'A Tisket A Tasket' quilt. Now I just need to get the label taken care of.

A Tisket A Tasket is a completed quilt!!
This quilt was basically a project dreamed up just for the simple joy of using up some of the oldy gold fabrics. I don't know if you can tell, but the gold fabrics behind the baskets actually have an interesting green cast to them. I sorta love playing with these strange, oddball colors. Always so much fun to see if I can make them shine!

Looking across
I also managed to squeeze in as much of a red plaid shirt that I could. It's one that my dad wore years ago and I just loved the idea of putting it into a cozy, snuggle-up sorta quilt!

Up-cycling an old shirt from my dad
There was a lotta old, stale-dated fabrics used up in this quilt and I'm so very happy to see that it didn't ruin the look and vibe at all. Not one little bit! The few, newer bits of fabrics here and there were a big help in perking up the some of the more boring fabrics! Oh! Did I say that? Some fabrics are much more wonderful looking when carefully grouped together with a great supporting cast. 

Simple baskets

So that's that. I also managed to get six pair of jeans hemmed, all thrifted this summer. I'll be happy if three or four of them find their way into my new favorites stack as I wear jeans all fall and winter long. Last year there was way too many skinny jeans to choose from and that just drove me crazy. Ugghh.  Crossing my fingers these jeans work out better!  

Okay, now I'm gonna try and catch up with some of my blog reading. I have been falling so far behind with everything this year. Feels like all I ever have are good intentions....

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Wrap Up

There was a list of things that I was determined to do this weekend and one of them was throwing up a quick quilting post. It's been awhile I know. I was working on this 'Worthy' quilt before we made the trip to Oklahoma and it seemed like something to post about. But then my husband upended all of our plans and we left for our trip earlier than expected. 

Starting to see where Worthy is headed
This has been a very slow project, started in November of 2023. Basically I took a stack of fabrics and started free-cutting triangles, ala Sujata Shah. In fact, the progress has been so very slow that I really never bothered to post about it after the initial start. I mean, what was there to talk about?

 The fabrics are very soft, muted and have quite an old fashioned vibe. I've been pondering them for a couple years, but every time I decided they weren't enough to bother making a quilt out of, there was just something that wouldn't let me toss them back into the fabric totes. I'm not even sure there's enough value changes to come off as interesting, but I'm gonna try anyway. 

This is probably about a third of the fabrics in the stack. It's not been the most fascinating quilt to work on, but as I said, it's still compelling for reasons that make me want to continue on. Forward ho! At this point I'm dithering over sewing this all together and then joining in subsequent piecing later {as I go} or.... waiting until I have all of the various strips piled together and then start fresh. 

Part of me wants to be brave and sew it together and just make the rest fit on and around. Ughh. You know how that can turn out. Possibly lots of regret and frustration. Much better to go ahead and take it off of the too-small design wall, be patient and come to terms with the fact that it's going to be awhile yet. I'm almost certainly going to end up crawling around on my knees, moving parts and pieces around on my design floor before anything becomes truly cohesive!

There will be more pink colors added in, more of the dark brown and also, more cream fabrics. I've even thought about expanding on the 'Worthy' block, perhaps adding in more applique in the form of a border motif. Something like that. I'm really, really liking the odd pairings and uneven rows of triangles. This definitely is not a quilt that wants to be perfect or even exactly aligned.

The goal is {for now}, taking each particular fabric as it comes and cutting it all up till it's gone. Really easy when there's just a small chunk of fabric left, but lots harder when it's a much bigger piece. I'm continually second guessing myself as to adding 'that much' of a specific fabric into the quilt. Am trying to quiet the admonitory voices in my head and just let creativity have full reign. At the end, my hope is to have a quietly charming and cozy {utilitarian-look} quilt that feels a little like it could have transported from the late 1800's. Ha! 
Needs some hand work before finishing
Though my goal was to have both of these quilts completely finished up by the end of August, life just got away from me. Again. Can't say that I'm surprised! Will have to squeeze in time to hand sew the binding on here pretty soon as one of the quilts is for a nephew getting married this month. At least there is serious finishing progress on both.

Applique border work
Have also been working on the hand sewing on these borders for Melon Patch Blossom. The middle part of the quilt has been done since late last year. You'd almost think quilting has become the lesser obsession in my life in the past year and you might be right. Family time has absolutely ended up being the top priority.

Ready for the next phase!
Finally got all the applique done on Bramble Blooms II-B. It wasn't complicated at all, so no real dragging of my feet. Just didn't want to take something this large with me on the plane! I get lots of looks when I'm working on my quilting in the airports, but rarely does anyone actually say anything. I wonder if it's like a houseguest once told me, 'Just makes me want to laugh! Quilting is such a grandma thing to do these days.'  My whole family was kind of looking at this man with their mouths hanging open. 

Seriously? Do you know how much money and time is spent on quilting these days? The incredible quilt shows that people can attend and feel inspired and moved by? Thankfully, I chose not to feel insulted. His grandma really was a hodgepodge quilter, quite artistic in other ways, but her quilting was strictly utilitarian and quite primitive looking. If he wanted to laugh at my old fashioned hobby, who cares? It brought her {and now me at this point in my life} lots of joy and that's really all that matters.

Sandwiched and ready for pins!
Next up in the hoop is Gold Crossroads. It's been finished up since about 2021. It's part of the 'Circle Game' quilts where I'm taking the cut-out circles from behind other applique and incorporate it into a brand new quilt. My latest Circle Game quilt top was Good Vibes. I already have fabric stacked up for the next one in the series and ideas for that and one more after that! Gotta love series quilts! They're a great next-up quilt when you run out of other ideas or are stalled with indecision.

Happy, happy mail!!
I also had this wonderful gift sent to me from an online quilting friend. This awesome box of fabric was waiting for me when we returned from our trip! Very generous and so sweet of her. Am always more than willing to mix brand new-to-me fabrics into the stash totes and see just where things might perk up a little. It must be my month because I was also able to buy a little fabric with some birthday money and also a recent surprise from the Tip Top Jar! Quilters are the best! While I am having great fun digging through all the older stash fabrics, there has most definitely been totes that are starting to seem quite, quite dreary. Always more exciting to throw in a few newer pieces occasionally to see what might start to spark and take on new life.

Okay, that's it for a what's happening around here on the quilt front. Lots of projects, ideas and stacks of fabric, but not nearly enough time to get it all moving and grooving. For all the Bramble Blooms QAL folks, will probably not dive into the last border prompt for a couple weeks or so. Lots of little things that I want to make forward progress on first, including hemming a couple pair of thrifted jeans. Darn it, when you're 5'2", the jeans rarely seem to come in the right length....