Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2025

Not a lot of quilting getting done these days though I've enjoyed getting all the red and white or red/white and green quilts out. We're getting ready to have Christmas with all of our kids and grandkids at home this year. Very exciting! Wishing you all the very best Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Bramble Blooms II Link Party is Ready!

Time for the 2nd Bramble Blooms Link Party! This is a quilt top that should be similar but different to the first one. I want everyone to feel comfortable posting whatever progress that's been made, whether it's a completed top or not quite there yet. It's also okay to post your previous BBI quilt top or total completions as well! Just make sure to let us know which quilt top we're viewing. We'd love to see all the details!

BBII-A quilt top
First up, for my efforts, is the BBII-A quilt. As mentioned in an earlier post, there was a lot more fussing with this last border attempt than the quilt probably warranted. One of the things that I think improved the overall look of the quilt, was to fuss-cut a few lighter half circles and applique directly them over the top of those bright blobby red flowers in the left hand sashing fabric. See? They don't even look blobby anymore. Mission accomplished!

Looking at the flower detail and
vines that don't join up at the corners
Another thing that was bugging me, was the brash look of most of the flowers on the outer border vines. As you can see, just adding the smaller little detail to the bottom of most of the flowers seemed to work wonders. I know it doesn't look like much, but the entire quilt just acted relieved. Don't be afraid to chase that feeling of getting everything just right. The key is to know when to quit and let the quilt be. 

Closest to actual quilt color
The last thing this quilt got, was a narrow brown outer border. So surprising, but it totally made sense when it occurred to me to try. It probably could have ended up being the binding fabric, but I just felt that the quilt center needed somewhere to connect at a deeper, almost unconscious level. That chunk of brown at the outside of the quilt really helps balance the quilt out in a way that make the vine border work better now. The flowers settle into the quilt as though they were always meant to be there, instead of looking like they just got slapped onto the quilt.

All these simple details work to make me so much happier with the look and feel of the entire quilt! It actually feels like a success now instead of just another reason to sew older fabrics together!

BBII-B quilt top
Next up is the Bramble Blooms II-B quilt. The afterthought. The experiment. The why-not-try and see what this fabric can all do together? This quilt always had the more compelling energy, to my mind, but in the end I don't think it actually looks better. It just looks different. Love that!

Simple vine border work
I'm very happy with the stripey 'coping' border. Glad that it was worth the effort. The subtle way it adds depth to the quilt also gives a nice transition place for the applique border to come next.

Close look at the vine going around the corner
The flowers on this particular quilt seemed pleased enough with the fabric and design, no extra fussing needed here! I did second guess using the darker green vine for this quilt rather than the other one, but it all worked out in the end. Probably too dark a shade for the other quilt to accept it gracefully!

As you can see, both of these quilts have used all of the same elements that were introduced in the first Bramble Blooms quilt. Everything is simply rearranged in a different order, dimensions are altered here and there, and blocks are changed up to fit the new quilt vibe. 

Are you starting to feel your creativity 'turn on'? Do the available options make you feel frustrated, or does it make you think about possibilities? Series work should hopefully give you lots to think about in terms of trying a new direction. {I've done this so now maybe I'll try that.} And the fabric. Has it been easier to play knowing the fabric has been hanging about for years? For myself, I'm finding it a bit of a roller coaster. One minute I'm quite bored with the fabric options and the next, really pleased there's no real expectations attached. For some reason, that gives me an extra bit of leeway with creativity. I'm much less stressed about doing the wrong thing. Which... usually leads to taking risks with design that I might not take when I'm super attached to the fabric.

Please link up your BBII quilt top if you have some progress to show!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Thursday, December 5, 2024

You Really Need to Try a Textile Art Party Too....

Our family 'Wattle & Loop' inspired, textile art party went so good! I grabbed a design off the Net and tried to make my own version--not super original. I wanted something very simple to work on while helping others figure out the process. Still needs lots more stitching but I'm pretty happy with it. Very interesting approach using all the raw edge fabric, embellishments and prim stitching. Not my normal at all. I can totally see why it's so addictive though. All the layers of texture that are possible. The mind boggles!

Slow Stitching
Below is a picture of most of the stitching efforts after the first night. We're missing about three of the original attempts. Two of my sisters and I gathered together all the background muslin, fabric scraps, needles, #8 Perle Cotton thread, random embellishments, paper for sketching, batting scraps, plus fabric glue etc. All they had to bring was an embroidery hoop and small craft scissors, and even that was optional. We had some simple textile art pictures to show them on our phones and several inspiring Instagram sites to check out. 

The stitchers ranged in age from 9 to 54 yrs old. Several of the teenagers enjoyed it so much that they made a 2nd block in later days, after they finished up their first try! Isn't that so cool to actually get the teenagers off their phones and busy with their hands? Wish we could have gotten a picture of those later blocks, but it never happened, such a busy, busy weekend. Lots and lots of stitching, snacking and visiting all weekend at mom and dads. Good times!

Most of these blocks aren't totally finished {obviously}, but you can see how easy it is to let your personality shine through. The totes of scrap fabrics that I donated to the cause were a big hit, with many of the gals and even teenagers taking a baggie of scraps home for later attempts. The fact that this thread and fabric play feels very forgiving to imperfection helped everyone relax and just enjoy. It really was the perfect craft for a mixed age gathering. After the first little bit of 'overwhelm', everyone just sort of dove in and got busy being creative.

We had a textile art party...
I think we're going to have one more stitching party for the ones who couldn't make it. They were very sad to miss out and of course we have many more ideas to explore. More threadplay? Or more fabric play? It's all so open ended and fun! Now I have ideas for the 'little quilts' I've been wanting to make for a 3 pane window frame decor thing. Just need to decide how to finish up the first block and learn a few more tips and tricks.

On an interesting note, I showed the picture of all the stitching to my husband and then asked him if he could pick mine out. He just kind of huffed, then he laughed and set the phone down. I was like 'what?' He just looked at me with this expression and then said that he knew I thought he never paid attention to my quilting. {Which of course is true.} He barely glances at any of it, and if he does comments {which he rarely ever does}, it's most always favorable. Very sweet, but then that makes me think he's just being supportive 'cuz it's the nice thing to do. Right? And it's not like he's ever truly enthusiastic. It's my deal not his blah, blah, blah. I don't need him to hold my hand about this. Yes, women are weird. Anyway. In less than 15 seconds he picked out my block. Seriously, it really was that fast! Isn't that the sweetest thing? I just love that guy.

More progress on Worthy quilt
I did manage to get some more work done on the 'Worthy' quilt. Had a good several hour cutting/sewing marathon one evening after getting in the proper flow of things. Had to stop what I was doing right in the middle of sewing these strips of wedges above. I don't often leave projects right in the middle of this kind of work 'cuz then how do you move this? Ugghh..  Really need to get these sewn together and out of my way.

Another 2024 quilt finish!
Finally finished my commission quilt! Binding on and all the threads cut. Just waiting on the label to be delivered to me and then I can sew that part on and be done. The deadline was Christmas so it feels wonderful to have this much done and out of my hair. Ended up trading the work for a roll of batting so that made it all worthwhile. It's kinda hard sometimes to work on something that doesn't feel quite as creatively challenging, but it's also nice to help someone finish up a longtime project....

Completed BBII quilt tops!
And.... Both BBII-A and BBII-B are completed quilt tops! Got the last stitches in them today. Huge sigh of relief!! Will try to get the linky part up later next week or perhaps Monday the 16th? We'll see. We have a family wedding in Oregon this weekend and then some of our kids are coming into town for the week after so yeah. It's already hoppin' holidaze....

Friday, November 22, 2024

Bramble Blooms Quilts are Progressing and A Couple New Starts!

Though I try to keep the open ended projects at 10 or less, a couple projects just demanded to be started this month. First off is the barely-there start to a very large improv. style Log Cabin quilt. It's going to be golds, cream, brown, black, green and rusty reds. Had to start it before the snow fell or it might end up being another year!

Feels good to start something new!
That put me at 10 projects, but then.... I just couldn't resist. So I went ahead and started what I'm calling 'This Old Friend'. The color palette is based on an old flannel shirt that I wore for years and years. Lots of greens, blues, creams, rusty reds and kind of a cantaloupe orange color too. We'll see where it goes but for now I'm just working on the beginnings of what will be a large basket. I really needed this. Feels so good to have something in these colors.
I could leave it like this
There has been sooo much hand work lately that I'm positively craving a little bit of mindless time at the sewing machine. Both of the new projects are improv. and virtually perfection free. Very easy to pick up and put down without worrying about making a mistake in piecing etc. 

As you can see from the previous picture, BBII-A is a completed quilt top. Or not. After getting the last stitch into the border, I decided it needed something more. So I added a couple little leaves next to the larger flowers. After lots more contemplation, I decided to try adding those little bottom pieces to flowers like what I had done with the first Brambles quilt. Maybe that would quell my dissatisfaction?

Auditioning the extra layer for the flowers
Thus far they are just sitting on top of the flowers waiting for a final decision and some stitching. It's probably not immediately obvious from the pictures, but they do seem to add a much needed layer of subtlety and value to the quilt. Not surprisingly, mind is mostly made up. I mean, I'm showing it to you, right? This new look absolutely gives me that feeling of quiet satisfaction I've learned to never ignore anymore. What's holding me back is the time involved!! Ughh. I just want to be done! And why oh why didn't I think of it before the borders were sewn onto the quilt? So annoying.

A closer look
It's one of those things that 'once you see' it's hard to unsee and would probably always leave me with a clench of regret if left undone.*sigh  Meanwhile, I'm hard at work stitching away on the borders of BBII-B. I've taken what's already stitched down, laid it side by side with the middle of the quilt and everything looks great. Pretty sure there's no last minute fix-it's with this one coming up, thank goodness! But then, this is the version that I've been happiest with all along. Funny since these are both made from the same fabric stack!

The BBII-A quilt however, might still see a little bit of fussy cut fabric placed over the top of the loudest red flowers in the sashing fabric between the middle of the quilt and the first border. They just keep reminding me of 'bleeding' and that's not a great vibe for this sweet, floral quilt. We'll see what happens. At some point I have to quit picking at and fussing with the quilt top--call it done and walk away! 

Three borders done for BBII-B
Another mindless piecing project that has been seeing a tiny amount of progress lately is 'Worthy'. August is probably the last time it's seen any love so it was way past time. I'm hoping to lay all the pieced units out this weekend and take a good long look at to what needs to happen next. I had thought to make some triangle units with a little bit of pink and cream or tan fabrics but will need to check and see if the quilt agrees. It's not that this quilt is uninteresting to me, it's just one that I'd prefer having a design wall to work with. It would make things ever so much easier as it's going to have be 'puzzle-pieced' together.

Starting to add up!
My daughter caught a quick picture of me doing some hand quilting late in the evening. She said that I looked very colorful! This poor quilt has been sadly neglected as I continue to devote much of my hand work time to the Bramble Blooms quilts. Still trying to have them done before Thanksgiving if at all possible! Don't worry if yours won't be done by then. It's early! Still tentatively planning on posting the link-up for the BBII quilts sometime after December 10th. 

Hand quilting for good health...
That's it for now. Our extended family is planning on having a crafty day during the Thanksgiving holiday where we will attempt to make a Wattle and Loop or Mandy Pattullo inspired {small} wall hanging. One of my sisters has shanghaied me into helping out with the bulk of it {like I know how to do this?} so now I'm scrambling through scraps and batting orphans etc. We're trying to keep it as cheap as possible and doing everything free-style of course, as it's our first attempt. If all goes well, I might even dig out that old window frame I've been wanting to frame little quilts in like forever....

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Always Playing Catch Up!

So it's been one thing after another here, like always these days. Our washer broke down and two service calls later, we might as well have bought a new washer. Well, 15 years ago. Now it's half what we paid for the thing 2-3 years ago. But seriously. What are they making anymore? A bucket to rinse our clothes in and if we actually use it, then it breaks down and costs hundreds of dollars?

Almost finished up!
Yeah, yeah. We should have bought the extended warranty but honestly, we just couldn't afford it. So now we're crying cuz actually, yes. That would have been cheaper in the long run. Never gamble with the newer appliances. They are not made to last. Anyway, lots of everyday, but heavy drama going on over here and I'm just trying to keep my head above water and keep posting a couple times a month about quilting. So crazy when I used to post three times a week no problem!

Next up in the hoop
It's still my sanity saver even though it has slowed down so very much this year. {The quilting and the sanity. Don't even hardly know who I am anymore!} Anyway.... Flower Power is sitting in a basket waiting for the final hand stitching on the binding. I had a hard time knowing what quilting motif to put in the dark blue border, but finally went with freestyle X's. I really like the look but one side has more X's than the other which makes me laugh. Oh well.

A closer look at the daisies
Next up in the hoop is Crazy Daisy, which came to a quilt top completion in 2021. Think it was started that year too? Who knows. Sometimes I don't link things like is best for future origin questions. The pics of this quilt are not quite 'right' somehow. Just a little more orange than reality. It will probably go to one of my granddaughters. She's three right now, but next up in line for a 'grown up quilt' from Grandma. I'm thinking this will make her very happy as it's so bright and busy, but also, hopefully grow with her for a few years.

Bramble Blooms II-A
Bramble Blooms II-A has seen quite a bit of applique work lately. Thought the pic only shows two of the border units, I actually have all four stitched down now. Had to go back and add in some little basic leaves here and there as it looked a little too spare. I'm crossing my fingers to have time today to sew the borders onto the main part of the quilt and then there will just be a bit of applique to finish up on the ends of the other two borders. Bit of an overlap {on purpose}, though it doesn't completely wrap around the quilt like the applique in Bramble Blooms II-B will. 

Don't know who else is still working on Bramble Blooms quilts these days? I know many have dropped out or put the quilts off for later in order to concentrate on more inspiring projects. Totally okay. It's pretty difficult to power through three quilts in a series, back to back like we're doing. I myself can get very down on the project at times too. Sometimes it takes quite a lot of effort in order to start seeing the good stuff happen when you're primarily working with old, tired looking fabrics. If you have to take a break, don't get down on yourself. Some of the best stuff just takes time and lots of pondering!

Friend quilt
I hesitated to post about this project, but it's really been taking up the bulk of my time lately. Kind of a favor, kind of a commission, mostly trying to be a friend--this project is an answer to all of that. Blocks are from 2016. The person who organized the project is mentally not up to the task anymore and I was asked to finish up. I haven't made a formal looking sampler quilt in years and years so it's been difficult to be excited about, though the colors are fresh and lovely in their own way. I'm finally nearing completion--just taking a break now and working on some of my own projects for a bit. Will be soo glad to get back to a list of whatever-feels-good-to-work-on-today sort of mentality!

Joy Basket
I had all sorts of ideas for making the Joy Basket quilt larger, but each and every one has fizzled out. Then, a couple days ago, I saw the lovely green floral fabric in the project tote and felt like it needed to be attached next, but perhaps not in a complete surround. It happens to be a little bit clashy with the rest of the quilt, but wowsers, I am just loving the look! Can we call it a completion already? hehe  I stuck the 'joy' letters up on the quilt and it just looks like they belong there as to attitude and spirit. The white and gray of the letters are not quite the thing compared to the yellow creams in the rest of the quilt, so will have to think on this for awhile yet. So far so good with this project. Haven't managed to ruin it yet! You probably won't believe this, but I have been worried about pulling the vibe of the quilt down with generic looking borders. I mean, who does that? 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

October Quilting Efforts

 Another finish to show off! Gold Crossroads ended up being even sweeter than I expected. The original inspiration was from an old quilt I stumbled across in a second hand quilting book years ago. Still love it!

Gold Crossroads
I find it super interesting that I was hand quilting this particular quilt when the DS Wagon Wheel SAL started. How crazy is that? My quilt was made out of cut-out circles and also, it is appliqued to the background rather than machine sewn like the Denise Schmidt pattern. Super classic look though and it seems to look amazing in many, many color palettes.
Another 2024 finish!
Some day maybe I'll make a brighter version like hers, but for now, I'm just crushing on the texture the hand quilting brings! Quilting in a simple grid isn't something that I do very often for whatever reason. Laziness? Or more because I really, really hate marking my quilts. Such a chore. Ughh! Every now and then a quilt just calls out for the look though and wowsers, this was the right move for sure.
Sweet, simple color palette
This quilt is the first one in my 'Circle Games' series where I'm starting each quilt with cut-out circles from behind other quilts. Lovely to have it come to a true-blue finish and see that I'm not just wasting my time.

Sometimes it pays to mark the quilt....
Flower Power is coming along with the hand quilting too. It was the 'next up' in the hoop. It's pretty hard to see what I've been doing as the quilt is so dark. Trying to do very simple quilting with perle cotton as always. Nothing fancy here either. Strings are great fun to quilt organic straight lines through. Always makes me wish for more of them!

In the hoop
Old Fashioned Wildflowers is all ready for an outside border now. I went ahead and powered through the applique. Sometimes its easier to not think about the time involved and just takes big bites out of it till it's all done. Will probably put off figuring out the border till some other stuff gets wrapped up. There's a couple ideas percolating in the back of my brain so I'm feeling pretty good about it coming together properly. Will just keep the fabrics together with the quilt top until I'm ready to attack the next phase of the quilt. Sometimes that urge comes from out of the blue, you just never know.

All the hand work is done!
Not a great picture below, but I wanted to show the prep work for Bramble Blooms II-A. I'm already putting in the hand stitching. After finishing Old Fashioned I really wanted to dive right into something easier and the skinny borders feel so much better on my hands already.

Ready to pin
All the details and prep work are done for Bramble Blooms II-B too. I used the same flowers and just made them a bit smaller than those on the original quilt. Seems to suit these quilts better. I ended up incorporating the same leaf shapes from the first Bramble Blooms quilt too {very important to me for this project!}. I'm really liking how interesting these leaves look instead of my normal simple leaf look. It's also something that I feel will help keep this series of quilts more connected, having a continuity in the applique motifs. It's the simple things!

Getting it ready for hand stitching...
It always takes a chunk of time to get all the leaves and flowers cut out out and the vine pinned down into place. Much more time than I ever expect! Once the stitching starts though, it's free sailing for those of us who enjoy applique. I'm definitely eager to see if these two quilts look as good in person as I'm hoping for. Using older, less exciting fabrics usually means quite the slow build up and then lots of second guessing. Are these fabrics actually going to look good in these special little flower shapes? Yes, no, maybe so? I wanted to get these two quilts in particular moving along and then I want to start a couple new projects with fall colored palettes. I am positively antsy at the thought that fall might be over before I get a chance to start something new. I mean, there's only so many open-ended projects my brain can handle at a time!

Meanwhile, we've been having a little bit of company the past week or two and that of course means less time for quilting. Then today I spent most of an hour on the phone with Verizon whose customer service is frankly, quite pathetic. Isn't customer service just so terrible compared to how it was 30-40 years ago? Why in the world would I want to try and communicate with a machine?

Monday, October 14, 2024

Coronacrazy Made it to the Totally Finished Up Stage!

Finally got the Coronacrazy quilt completely finished up! It's one that I started just after the lockdowns happened in 2020. Basically just went out on a limb with the rows of arcs or 'hills'. Really no clue what was going to happen from there!

Another 2024 finish!
Lots and lots of applique in the quilt. It was so very time consuming. But what else did I have to do at that time? ha!

The outside flowers are my fave
Later on, after adding on the leaves in the outside border, I discovered that one of the fabrics used was a bleeder. That didn't make me very happy. After struggling with all the ways it could be addressed, I just went ahead and took those 5-6 leaves off and soaked them until the dye was done bleeding out. Very annoying to have to 'redo' any work at all, but much better than ruining my quilt over something so simple.

Will probably have to keep this one for myself...
Although I generally wash my quilts directly after finishing up the binding, this time I've decided to wait till later. Just want to enjoy it for awhile and not have to worry about something else giving me problems. Like maybe one of those orphaned flowers stitching into the center of the quilt? Ughh.  Don't want to take the chance right now! 

So awesome to see all the orphans being used up!
It's such a sweet quilt. Hard to believe it was started during a time when my mind was practically exploding with worries and stress!

Never know where I'll end up these days...
Love seeing the texture from the hand quilting take shape and give it all a little bit more depth. It's definitely a quilt that needed the little bit extra time and effort.

Still love the quilt colors too
I've also got my Gold Crossroads quilt ready for the last bit of binding stitching. I ended up doing a crosshatch pattern throughout all of the quilt except for the circles. Love the simplicity and old timey charm it brings to the quilt! And the colors of this quilt just kill me. Love how soft, sweet and cozy it feels to me. This is a quilt that I just sighed into every time I was adding quilting stitches. Very relaxing to work on!

A cozy look to this one
I've also been working a little bit almost every day on the Old Fashioned Wildflowers quilt. Have all of the vine work stitched down and am working on the flowers and leaves now. I thought {so optimistically} it would only take a week to do all of the hand stitching, but it's going to be tough to even finish it in two weeks and three is more like it. Really wanted to plow through this before getting to the hand work on my Bramble Blooms quilts.

Still enjoying the background blocks for the base
Which have actually seen a bit of work too. There is now an extra 2 1/2" on each of the outside border rows of the BBII-A quilt. It's a very subtle cream and lt. tan, every other square addition but I think it works well for basically expanding the area for the vine detail. 

An easy way to make it larger and not detract
It's one of those things that I didn't want to do, but now I'm thinking it adds something special to the quilt. Will definitely lift the overall look of the quilt. Bonus!

Now for the applique!!
Lots of quilting stuff on the list and mustn't forget, a quilt project for my SIL too, which has a Christmas deadline. Why oh why do I do these things to myself?