Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sporadic Quilting These Days

Just gonna catch up for a minute and then disappear for a couple more weeks. I can't seem to keep up with everything going on lately, so if it seems like I've been checked out for awhile, that's probably why. I'm not at total overwhelm, but close.*Ugghh  What has happened to my life? Plentiful quilting time seems like such a luxury these days!

Another border for Peace Always
I did get all the little baskets appliqued and sewn onto the 'Peace Always' medallion quilt. Started way back when and moving forward very slowly! It's such a bright, happy quilt so far and the yellow backgrounds to the baskets just make everything pop. Love it so much already! Crossing my fingers the next border surround won't dampen this quilts enthusiasm.

ready for some handwork
'A Tisket, A Tasket' is ready for hand sewing the binding on. I've already mentally prepared to give this as a wedding present and now we know the wedding will be this fall. Lots of time to get the binding taken care....

Baby quilt on the design 'floor'
I am sooo behind on everything these days. Finally, finally got started on my grandsons baby quilt. Was wanting to keep it very simple, but as always, I try to work in the mommas preferred colors. My DIL is probably the only person in the world that I will make an effort to do that. It's so much harder for me to start somewhere besides a stack of fabric that is calling my name. I still have to sew the rows together and then add on the last two borders, but much progress has been made by this past weekend. I'm thinking it will end up with some machine quilting and then a bit of hand quilting to cozy it up.

playing with fussy cut applique ideas
On a whim, I cut up a piece of fabric my mother gave me this past winter. Lots of lovely flowers that were making me wonder what they might look like fussy cut and appliqued onto a pieced background. Hmm... what about 'Old Fashioned'? Such a simple quilt, I'm sure it would appreciate a little extra time and attention. Still haven't settled on exactly how I'll approach the layout, but it will definitely need some interesting leaves and lots of stems cut out and sewn down!

Next up in the hoop!
Next up in the hoop is Coronacrazy. It's been at the top of the hand quilting list for well over a year and I've just been finding one excuse after another to avoid doing it. Finally got it sandwiched and pinned, all snugged into the hoop. Hope it turns out well! I'm thinking about putting it into the NCW Quilt show this summer. Haven't went since 2019, so it might be time. We'll see. I love putting my quilts into shows where I can see them hang, but always feel a little bad that I'm not part of the guild. Oh well. It's too far away and their meeting times would never work for me and my commitments. Just easier to pay the fee per quilt and hope they don't turn me away!

Am trying to work on the next prompt for Bramble Blooms too. Will hopefully have something up and present by the end of June or perhaps the first week or so in July! So far, I'm not finding it difficult to work with those older fabrics. It just feels like I need a lot more time with the pondering....



  1. Love the baskets and and the yellow in the first quilt and the applique border in the last!

  2. All these quilts look exciting, Audrey! I love their individual personalities.

  3. Audrey, as usual, I love your post!
    Definitely enter that beautiful quilt in a show! Happy hand-quilting!
    Lila (@indigopearsstudio)

  4. I'm finding it hard to get any quilting done around here too. Partly because of various things that need to be done and partly because I can't seem to settle down and commit myself to a lengthy project. I am getting hand quilting done - it's soothing. I love the fussy cutting flower idea. Looking forward to seeing that progress. Love the cheerfulness of the yellow border.

  5. I love those sunshine baskets! Also how you snuck in there the news of a new grandson - how wonderful! I think this is the year of sporadic quilting for many of us. Lots of life interruptions and very little quality time for actual quiltmaking. Good luck with finishing up the quilts you want to enter in the show.

  6. I love the border with the red baskets on the yellow! I always ask people about colors for quilts, I think maybe I should stop doing that, seems to cause me more headaches. Just make what I want for them. I like your Broderie Perse project! I haven't put a quilt in at our fair in years, maybe I should. I think I have my next border for my Bramble Blooms 1.

  7. Peace Always is amazing with all the applique, as is Coronacrazy, love the pinks and greens of this one.

  8. I'm glad to see you are managing to keep your multiple projects ticking over, even if it feels like time for sewing and blogging is scarce. Life happens!


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