Thursday, November 14, 2024

Always Playing Catch Up!

So it's been one thing after another here, like always these days. Our washer broke down and two service calls later, we might as well have bought a new washer. Well, 15 years ago. Now it's half what we paid for the thing 2-3 years ago. But seriously. What are they making anymore? A bucket to rinse our clothes in and if we actually use it, then it breaks down and costs hundreds of dollars?

Almost finished up!
Yeah, yeah. We should have bought the extended warranty but honestly, we just couldn't afford it. So now we're crying cuz actually, yes. That would have been cheaper in the long run. Never gamble with the newer appliances. They are not made to last. Anyway, lots of everyday, but heavy drama going on over here and I'm just trying to keep my head above water and keep posting a couple times a month about quilting. So crazy when I used to post three times a week no problem!

Next up in the hoop
It's still my sanity saver even though it has slowed down so very much this year. {The quilting and the sanity. Don't even hardly know who I am anymore!} Anyway.... Flower Power is sitting in a basket waiting for the final hand stitching on the binding. I had a hard time knowing what quilting motif to put in the dark blue border, but finally went with freestyle X's. I really like the look but one side has more X's than the other which makes me laugh. Oh well.

A closer look at the daisies
Next up in the hoop is Crazy Daisy, which came to a quilt top completion in 2021. Think it was started that year too? Who knows. Sometimes I don't link things like is best for future origin questions. The pics of this quilt are not quite 'right' somehow. Just a little more orange than reality. It will probably go to one of my granddaughters. She's three right now, but next up in line for a 'grown up quilt' from Grandma. I'm thinking this will make her very happy as it's so bright and busy, but also, hopefully grow with her for a few years.

Bramble Blooms II-A
Bramble Blooms II-A has seen quite a bit of applique work lately. Thought the pic only shows two of the border units, I actually have all four stitched down now. Had to go back and add in some little basic leaves here and there as it looked a little too spare. I'm crossing my fingers to have time today to sew the borders onto the main part of the quilt and then there will just be a bit of applique to finish up on the ends of the other two borders. Bit of an overlap {on purpose}, though it doesn't completely wrap around the quilt like the applique in Bramble Blooms II-B will. 

Don't know who else is still working on Bramble Blooms quilts these days? I know many have dropped out or put the quilts off for later in order to concentrate on more inspiring projects. Totally okay. It's pretty difficult to power through three quilts in a series, back to back like we're doing. I myself can get very down on the project at times too. Sometimes it takes quite a lot of effort in order to start seeing the good stuff happen when you're primarily working with old, tired looking fabrics. If you have to take a break, don't get down on yourself. Some of the best stuff just takes time and lots of pondering!

Friend quilt
I hesitated to post about this project, but it's really been taking up the bulk of my time lately. Kind of a favor, kind of a commission, mostly trying to be a friend--this project is an answer to all of that. Blocks are from 2016. The person who organized the project is mentally not up to the task anymore and I was asked to finish up. I haven't made a formal looking sampler quilt in years and years so it's been difficult to be excited about, though the colors are fresh and lovely in their own way. I'm finally nearing completion--just taking a break now and working on some of my own projects for a bit. Will be soo glad to get back to a list of whatever-feels-good-to-work-on-today sort of mentality!

Joy Basket
I had all sorts of ideas for making the Joy Basket quilt larger, but each and every one has fizzled out. Then, a couple days ago, I saw the lovely green floral fabric in the project tote and felt like it needed to be attached next, but perhaps not in a complete surround. It happens to be a little bit clashy with the rest of the quilt, but wowsers, I am just loving the look! Can we call it a completion already? hehe  I stuck the 'joy' letters up on the quilt and it just looks like they belong there as to attitude and spirit. The white and gray of the letters are not quite the thing compared to the yellow creams in the rest of the quilt, so will have to think on this for awhile yet. So far so good with this project. Haven't managed to ruin it yet! You probably won't believe this, but I have been worried about pulling the vibe of the quilt down with generic looking borders. I mean, who does that? 


  1. So sorry to hear about your trials with the washer. It's so frustrating to have things fall apart, it's always when there are so many other things taking up time and attention, and you really don't need the added stress. I'm glad that you are still quilting for your sanity and joy even if at a slower pace. All the quilts in this post demonstrate joy and thoughtfulness, even though they range from wildly exuberant to tonal and structured. Thank you for sharing your quilts and thoughts.

    And as for Bramble blooms, I am thinking about starting a BBII reprise where I actually follow the prompts this time :-).

  2. I know what you mean about washing machines - we had bought a new one about 7 years ago and I couldn't stand it, it just wasn't cleaning and so very little water with little option to add more - I had to get rid of it and get a different one - then awhile back the dishwasher we bought was giving us the same kind of headaches (water saver or some such nonsense) makes me wish I had an old washing machine from the 80's or 90's! Lovely quilts next up on the quilt looks great!

  3. I know just what you mean about the problems with appliances. We've had similar problems. I hope your washer works now and for a years to come.
    Your Joy Basket is delightful. I love it! I'm eager to see what additions you make.
    Yes, I am still working on Bramble Blooms (#1, sadly) but only in my mind. After two knee replacements and now vertigo, I don't know when I'll get to audition the border but soon, I hope. Thanks so much for doing the sew-along/quilt-along.

  4. gosh your greens are certainly prettier than the ones i have...and i love crazy daisy!

  5. Sometimes life is such a roller coaster ride and, thank goodness, quilt making can be a major comfort! Lazy Daisy has a wonderful folk art feel to it and that green fabric in the border of Joy Basket is perfect!

  6. Loved seeing all of your projects and the comments along with them. I feel your pain about appliances. We bought a brand new house 8 years ago and bought new appliances to go in the new house. Right? Within 4 years we had replaced the dishwasher. It turns out that they only have about a 5 year lifespan. We have repaired and then replaced a new freezer. Had to repair the A/C (Really?) Had plumber out twice at a hefty price only to find out that the builder put the cheapest toilets in our home. We finally replaced 4 toilets that would actually send the water down the drain! Also had to repair the microwave. I've learned that the extended warranty programs are worth it. Even have one on my car! LOL Never did that years ago!

  7. I'm making my way through Bramble blooms 1 right now- a little late to the party, but whatever! It just means I get to see everyone else's completed projects for inspo ;) I love your work, and it's helped me get out of a creative slump to work on bramble blooms.

  8. So sorry to hear that life has been treating you badly... but your quilts are all so absolutely beautiful and inspiring! That last tea cup Joy quilt is just the best!! I'm just finishing up the appliqué on my Bramble Blooms 2 quilt. Just haven't had a chance to post about it, and then I'm thinking I should try to quilt and finish my first two Bramble Blooms tops before we start the third one! I know the feeling, as far as a few times I"ve wondered why am I spending time on this fabric that I don't even really like? but it does give me a certain freedom because I'm not worried about getting it wrong and wasting fabric...

  9. Great progress! I love the colors in your projects very inspiring. Crazy Daisy is lovely and I think the orange is just right!

  10. Sorry about your washer. Such a pain. We have a fairly new one that is much fancier than i wanted but makes DH happy. Love all your quilts. My granddaughter would adore Flower Power! I finished BB1 and am slowly working on BB2. Got a bit sidetracked by other stuff but still on the radar. Ann at FretNotYourself

  11. Thanks for posting again, Audrey! I’m not started another quilt, not yet, but your projects here helped me appliqué flower patches over burnt holes on a favorite plaid tablecloth. So nice!
    (May I recommend Speed Queen washers)

  12. Quiltdivajulie here - I totally agree about quilting and making being sanity savers. They have helped me more than I care to admit over the past 20 years (actually, I'm delighted to share with folks just HOW much they've helped me stay sane). The lazy daisies will be perfect for your granddaughter and honestly, I quite like the grayed out JOY lettering (kind of fits my mood right now - joy is out there but a bit faded at the moment). JUST KEEP STITCHING (as Dory would say).

  13. I hear your lament about modern appliances, our three year old LG refrigerator has been a pain since the beginning, and having the extended warranty has done us no good since the issue is apparently "not covered". So glad we moved the 24 year old Amana out to the garage where it's still chugging along cheerfully holding the excess from our twice monthly shopping trips. As for your crazy daisy quilt, so perfect for a granddaughter who's just at the age to appreciate the bright colors and shapes. I'm loving the Joy quilt just as it is now, the new border does seem to complete it - unless of course you want to make it larger with additional applique! I'm moving ahead ever so slowly with the last border prompt for BB 2, have finally just begun stitching down the leaves and a couple flowers, and hoping to at least have a couple border panels finished by mid December.

  14. I love the off-center basket on your joy quilt. I hope you keep it that way. Sometimes perfect balance is so staid; things need to be mixed up once in a while. All of your projects are so inspiring, you have a great eye for color. I try to peek in once a week, thank you for posting regularly.

  15. I'm trying to get back to blog reading and as usual, you send my head whirling with all your gorgeous accomplishments. I especially love the Crazy Daisy!!

  16. Lovely post! I'm so sorry about your issues with appliances. We have found the same thing - we decided to buy new appliances (3 came with the house we bought 3 years & were breaking down). After researching the blogs we decided to go in a different direction. You can't be brand loyal anymore as those brands often flood your house (washers, dishwashers, etc)....need to avoid that at all costs because if you file a water claim your homeowners insurance skyrockets for 5 years due to possible mold claims later (YES, this is true here in California). We decided to go BASIC with all of it. We ended up with a very basic Frigidaire for the dishwasher. The most basic GE (push button start, most basic of functions) for washer/dryer (out in the garage), and an upright freezer. We've always bought Frigidaire for that - our last one is over 35 years old & still runs. Excellent freezers, even now. Our son has repairs ever). Thankful we bought when we did last year as with tariffs coming we wouldn't be able to do it now. We still got the longest warranty on each one possible. Same with the last new car we got, purchased 2 years ago (again, with only the most basic features). A 10 year warranty /100,000 miles. We only drive 3500 miles a year now, so we're good for at least 10 years - but we can't afford NOT to have the warranties. Buying basic means the fancy features aren't breaking down. We set the cycles for all & don't touch a thing other than start/stop - all push buttons, no dials. An added bonus to the GE washer? It actually CLEANS the clothes as you can leave it on override to make sure enough water gets dumped in the drum to not only wet everything but clean it. Most washers nowadays don't actually clean the clothes - they come out with lots of dry patches! Very thankful for reviews - it's amazing how many people make the same complaints....


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