Friday, January 24, 2025

January Applique Prep

Lots of applique projects in the works around here. Oh we are sooo surprised! I've spent quite a bit of time here lately trying to get some of the prep work done. Always a good plan to have the hand work ready for the quieter times.

More words and tulips on quilts!
Above are the outer borders for Peace Always. Not really what I had in mind when starting the project, but I'm sure this will work fine. It's another one of those bright quilts that I'm just not always sure how to react to. Each of the three flower borders actually has three yellow tulips on it, the middle tulip being a smidge smaller. I will probably have to audition it one more time before doing any stitching because something is still nagging at me. 

I often work upstairs in the evening and the lighting is terrible in the area where I have access to the floor. Plus, the carpet is an ugly blue-gray. It sometimes becomes necessary to do one last audition downstairs on a different surface {and during daylight hours}, before I'm satisfied everything looks the way it should. 

Below is the Joy Basket quilt. Just need the letters stitched down. They've been waiting for quite awhile now! One good thing about this quilt taking it's sweet time is now I'm much more fixed on what kind of surround needs to be next. Have been dithering back and forth between piecing or applique or both and eventually I've managed to settle on some sort of improv. piecing. Yay! Love making it up as I go along.

Three letters won't take long to stitch
Another project in the works is the Folksy Tree and Baskets quilt. This is where I left it last August. Sometime between then and December, I added the primitive looking pink tree. I based it off of a tree in our backyard that has been cut down, but the stump continues to send out new scrawny branches every year until it blocks my kitchen window. Been looking forward to the fun part, but hadn't been able to find enough time with the design floor

Had to change out the green leaves
This past week I finally found time all kinds of time and thankfully it went fairly well. Thought I had it all the way I wanted {picture above} and then hit a major road block. I played late, late into the evening and ultimately decided it was the olive colored leaves that were not quite right. Ughh! Really didn't know what to do because the blue leaves by themselves just came off as boring. Played and rearranged with several different greens for the leaves, and then actually went to my old fashioned color wheel for help. Uh huh. Totally feeling desperate

Anyway, that's when I decided that a very dark emerald green could be an interesting option. I searched and luckily, found a fabric that, kid you not, has been in my stash for at least 25 years! Wowsers! So thrilling to finally find a use for it! Anyway, by using that specific fabric, I was able to salvage the olive green/blue print fabric at least. Very quickly after, the quilt decisively let me know that it had the right vibe and please, oh please, just leave me alone!

The final applique selection and placement
for Folksy Tree & Baskets quilt
Also went ahead and prepped several of these 'dove' blocks. Going to put them with this largish sun applique if I ever get it finished up. You would not believe the number of bird motifs that I have drawn trying to find the perfect one. Love the antique quilts for inspiration, but some of those birds just look like flying dinosaurs! So I've been pushing this to the back of the list. Always interesting when my motivation gets balky and stubborn. Maybe now that I have the birds figured out, I'll finally be ready to do the stitching on the sun?

Bird blocks for Doves in Flight quilt
Also went ahead and jumped into the border prep for Old Fashioned Wildflowers. I thought to do piecing in the border, but then kept thinking about a sort of scalloped look instead. Drew up this simple swag type border {with separate pieces} and thought, Yes! This is exactly what I want! 

Will probably add in the small terracotta colored circles where the scallops join up. Am absolutely delighted with finding a use for the dark, drab olive green background fabrics! They have been in the stash totes for years and years, never finding a good home no matter how hard I have tried. And believe me, I. HAVE. TRIED. 

Whatever possessed me to buy so many fatquarters of these drab greens? But this will be a very sweet use for some of them {Still have more to use up!}. There's just something so very pleasing about these greens and blues together. Sort of feel like I've inadvertently stumbled onto something very precious for this quilt....

Border prep for Old Fashioned Wildflowers
My husband finally got the quilt hanger up in the quilt room. My daughter bought an oversized one for my birthday last fall, knowing that I wanted to hang larger quilts in the guest bedroom. I keep thinking we need to repaint this very pink and orange sherbet room {thanks to my oldest daughter}, but who has time to paint? 

This is one of three quilts I hope to hang here, rotating them out throughout the year. It's also the room set up for me to do my yoga, so I'm looking forward to enjoying these quilts from day to day. Who knows, I might make a quilt especially for the wall of this bedroom some day! In the meantime, it will be much easier to say no to giving these particular quilts away. I have very persuasive children.*wink

Quilt decor
And here's Ellie with her brand new 'big girl' quilt from grandma! She was super happy with it and wanted to carry it herself even though it's pretty big for such a little gal. Love that the grandkids enjoy getting quilts from me. Takes me back to good times when my siblings and I were fighting over my grandmas quilts whenever we went to visit! 

Brand new quilt for the granddaughter!
So yeah. Lots of work to do with all of that applique in the lineup. I'm wanting to finish at least one more of the quilt tops, maybe two before starting in on the next Bramble Blooms quilt. 'Cuz of course it will have applique too! Three of these projects will be complete quilt tops when the applique gets done so that's exciting too. Excellent motivation to get stitching, right? 


  1. J'adore votre façon de créer et votre inventivité ! l'arbre près des paniers est une vraie trouvaille ! Bravo, bravo

  2. wow so much eye candy...i love that quilt that's hanging up and oh your applique is sooo nice...all lovely designs...

  3. Precious photo of your granddaughter with her new quilt! And I love the scalloped swags on the olive greens (I had a lot of those too at one point). Love watching your process work - going to be some more amazing quilts happening!!

  4. Always fun to see what you have been imagining. Love the deep red backgrounds on the yellow tulips. The fabric you used for your pink tree looks lovely and everything comes together so well. I know there is a lot more work that goes on before things come together like they do. You are so fun to follow.

  5. I love the applique tree in the quilt and on the wall I think the elephant looks great against the wall in those colors

  6. Great progress! I'm encouraged. I notice how you take little steps here and there and it adds up over time, instead of thinking you have to finish in a day. I think that's the hang up for a lot of us, we're not okay with a little steps, no patience.

  7. Lots happening, love seeing your progress photos. Your 'elephant' quilt looks super hanging up, made me smile:)

  8. You've been super busy and the projects all are fantastic. The orangey wall is perfect with the elephant quilt - it looks like you did it on purpose. I have ideas for BB3, but maybe I should try to finish BB1?

  9. The photo of your precious little granddaughter with her big-girl quilt is pure sweetness. Loving the pink tree on that quilt top! I also love the bright wall color as a backdrop for your Ormes quilt, it lends a warmth that seems to enhance the quilt in a special way. Reminds me of the sheer orange drapes my mother hung in my childhood bedroom after I'd left home, seemed strange but when the morning sun shone through those curtains the entire room glowed.

  10. Audrey, love that bird block! Can’t wait to see the sun quilt development.

  11. I enjoy seeing your work in progress and your design thoughts about what you do! Tho I liked the bright green leaves on the Baskets quilt as is [was].

    Wonderful that your gifted quilts are so loved and wanted, lucky you.


  12. I checked your older post about the Sun quilt, and your lament of not enough pins... Have you basted the applique down with thread after deciding on the placement of the shapes? That would free up your pins.


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