Monday, April 29, 2024

Bramble Blooms I Link Party is Now Open!

You've all seen the results for my Bramble Blooms I quilt, but here it is again. It's time for the link party! Hopefully you have a completed top to share with us, but if not, go ahead and share whatever progress that you have made. There is no shame that some projects just take their own sweet time!

Bramble Blooms I quilt top finish

I have been swallowed up in family things lately and so haven't had much time to bounce around to all of the blogs and check out newly completed BBI quilt tops. Am so looking forward to seeing all the creativity in one place! Believe me when I say that I have been absolutely staggered by the personal, creative responses to following along with my little exercise in using up older quilt fabrics. Hopefully there has been something of value learned along the way. It's really hard to guess exactly what 'everybody knows already'. When and if to just go ahead and pass along a little tip or trick that works for me and the way that I personally approach quilting. Has it been too much? 

With this quilt top finish, we will have an excellent frame of reference for moving forward with the second quilt in the series. If some of you are still up for that? I have started the very beginnings of my own BBII and hope to post more about that in a couple weeks. Need time to organize the pertinent info needed for everyone attempting to make their own version! Crossing my fingers there will be ample opportunity to get through all the details by then. If life continues the way it has the past several months, it might actually be June before BBII makes its appearance. Uggh.  I am so out of patience with lack of quilting time. 

Okay, enough complaining. Let's see what you have to share with us! I know a couple of you actually have a total quilt finish to show off....

This party will be open through May 14, 2024 for all the slower bloomers to have a chance to share too.  And another thing, I set the Linky Party up so that if there happen to be any Bramble Blooms QAL followers out there without a blog or Instagram to post to, they can just add a picture here of their quilt top. We'd love to see your work as well! Please do add a link if you have one though--that would be all of you QAL'ers listed over at the side bar! 



  1. it sounds like you have been entirely overwhelmed with life in recent months - it is always so nice to have our quilting to fall back on to relief the stress in our lifes

  2. I can't seem to link in -- ???
    I find it amazing that you have been able to continue with this with all the issues you are facing these days--glad you've been able to get some quilting done...hugs, Julierose

  3. Oh yes, I have enjoyed this quilt along so very much! I love your blog posts about it and all the details about your process. I understand that it takes a fair bit of effort and especially when life has so much else going on! But I definitely plan to make the next quilts too, and will eagerly look forward to your further posts about them.

  4. This quilt along has been a stretch for me - much needed, so thank you! The pace has been just right, and I'm looking forward to BB2 whenever it comes along. Family (and life) first - always!

  5. YAY--me again, Audrey--I figured out i had to renew my Linky--;)))) hugs, Julierose

  6. I've enjoyed this quilt along, and thank you so much for doing it! I've learned to go a little bit farther and out of my comfort zone, though I may have resisted at first. That's a good thing! :)

  7. So pleased we have a little longer before the next BB - I shall try my very best to figure out what to do with my BB! which has currently only one border! and join the party - if I can remember how to join the party! Might have to eread up again. Glorious photos of some of the BB1 tops, I'll go back after writing and study in modre detail. Hope things are improvine for your husband Audrey.

  8. What a wonderful selection of quilts people have shared!

  9. I finally managed to add my quilt to the linky party but couldn’t figure out how to link it to my Instagram. Oh well …. Lots of amazing quilts you people have done! Louise

  10. Thanks so much for doing this. It has forced me to stretch and try new things outside of my comfort zone. Of course, my project got put on the back burner when the many squares border looked like barf (to me), but I've gotten it back out, determined to not have a UFO and a box of fabrics I want to use up, but instead the intended point of the exercise of at least a quilt top. I'm calling it a drama queen for now because it is demanding a lot of attention to adjust my plans, a lot of seams to rip and more fabric than my brain wants to admit or calculate. Oh well. Some projects just go this way. I think I'll join in on a second quilt, but don't rush for me... I'll just be over here tending to the demands of the first one!

  11. Lila @indigopearsstudio

    I love doing these with you Audrey. They ate definitely worthwhile exercises and the bring joy of connecting with other quilters!
    Ready for BBII whenever it works for you to lead us!
    Thanks for the fun!

  12. I have enjoyed this project Audrey... while I struggled with some things, I've got lots of excellent ideas for future (improv) use. And it's amazing to see all the variety that's resulted from your prompts. Family first always, so no rush with further ideas, just whenever things work for you, x

  13. Yours turned out beautifully,I've taken my border apart & back on one too many times ,short & wide,long& skinny,whatever it wants to be it will be what it will be before the sun goes down today🤣🤣wishing you a beautiful mother's day!

  14. I abandoned this project in favor of another but after seeing all of the beautiful quilts I WILL get it back out. Thank you for the encouragement.


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