Thursday, May 9, 2024

Grandma's Fans is Complete!

 The brand new quilt finish is 'Grandma's Fans'!  This was started in 2021 sometime after my daughters wedding. Just felt like getting a couple of the fabric stacks moving and grooving.

Grandma's Fans Quilt is finishedd!
Didn't get the top together until September of 2022, but that's not really an extra long time for projects around here. You're probably thinking 'Wow! There's no applique in it.' but actually there is. All the wedges and quarter circle are machine sewn together, but then, well... I simply had to hand sew them to the background squares.

Doesn't really look like a quilt my grandma would have made
Just something that I prefer to do most of the time. Gotta have a couple hand applique projects in the works at all times. Might break out in hives otherwise! Plus, precision and circles are not my strong suit at all. 

Loving this hand quilting texture!
I've always really loved the fan quilts, such a lovely, classic design. Just never thought I'd make one in these lighter, brighter colors! The final inspiration {after soaking up many ideas for 'fan' quilts through the years, was this quilt. It's not very often that I make a quilt that so closely mirrors the inspiration but for some reason I fell in love with this particular quilt. 

Still happy about the change-up in fans presentation
I did change up the colors slightly and also, turned some of the fans, changing the look incrementally. My quilt just wasn't happy with all the fans pointing in the same direction! 

Love the text fabric backgrounds in mine sooo much. There's something about text fabrics that always make me smile and this design helped show them off a bit. Obviously, I didn't go off of a pattern, but made it up on my own. Always have to do things my way, don't I? It's going to be extremely hard to get rid of this quilt when the time comes. It's already earmarked for one of the nephew weddings someday! Probably. Maybe. Unless I change my mind....

Definitely a cuddly sort of quilt!
Mostly I'm just thrilled to have another quilt finish. Things are moving so slowly around here lately {in regards to quilting} that I wonder if I'm even a quilter? Ha. Nope. Not wondering at all. It's still my thing!

The background isn't stark white 'cuz of the text
Must be. Since I dream of quilts and see quilt patterns and ideas practically everywhere I go. And yes, I still have a notebook by my bed where I can doodle a quick quilt idea just before nodding off at night.*sigh

A happy looking circle of fans!
The hand quilting has picked up a little of late. 'A Tisket, A Tasket' quilt is the newest one in the hoop. It's got a very easygoing, cottage country sort of charm. I stitched in-the-ditch between all the blocks and now I'm coming back and doing some hand quilting with Perle Cotton thread. Always seems to makes the whole quilt perk up! The colors are very different from the prior quilt in the hoop, which isn't always a bad thing. Helps keep things interesting!

In the hoop
And the little baskets below are the current hand applique project finally finding its way to needle and thread. Got about half of them done now with the slightly larger {taller} baskets left to stitch. It's so lovely to sit and do hand applique. I know many of you detest the neede-turn application, but if everything is prepped and ready to go, I just love it. So satisfying! It's rather like painting a picture in fabric to my mind.

Baskets for 'Peace Always' quilt

That's it for now. Every now and then I pull out a stack of marinating fabric and fiddle around with it, trying to conjure up some good quilting mojo. Sometimes I go upstairs to my quilt room and try to soak it all in before I have to scurry and get back to whatever needs my attention more. It's been great seeing all the BBI quilt tops together--how very, very different they are! Have you seen how many there are now? Loving the creative response to the QAL prompts and how original everyone has been. Hopefully it hasn't been a waste of anyone's time. We only have so many quilts we can make in our lifetime, right?


  1. The texture of your hand quilting on your Grandmother's Fan piece is just glorious!! Love your little baskets with that dull bronze-y gold fabric...just the cutest baskets...enjoy your hand work...hugs, Julierose

  2. I love it I think it is my favorite of yours right now. I quite often hand stitch circles and curves in place I get them neater that way

  3. What a cheerful quilt! I am ready to begin hand quilting again. And almost finished with my BB1 top which is also asking to be hand quilter.

  4. Another very beautiful quilt, Audrey. What quilting! Love these others as well. I guess it goes without saying now how much I love whatever you make. BB has been a delightful side trip for me. I've enjoyed every bit of it and like you, amazed at the different versions.

  5. I just LOVE your fan quilt. It's so easy, breezy looking. Was happy to hear you've got that quilting mojo flowing again. Keep those juices going! Happy Mother's Day to you this weekend!

  6. Audrey the Grandma's Fan quilt is fantastic! Is there a pattern or a block sketch we can work from if we want to make one ourselves?

  7. Oops that was me above asking about a pattern or block sketch!

  8. Congratulations on your finish! I love your hand quilting, superb.
    Your baskets for Peace Always Quilt are happy!

  9. Congratulations - a beautiful finish with great hand quilting texture! Also, love the colors of your basket appliqué blocks.

  10. Grandma's Fans is simply gorgeous with all that texture from the circular quilting. The loft makes me wonder if you used a wool batting. The bit of the back looks pretty interesting too. The new basket appliques look like spring to me.

  11. A beautiful quilt, just love the traditional modern vibe to this one.

  12. Oh, this quilt is gorgeous! Another treasure for you!

  13. I am in love with your Grandmother's Fan quilt! Love everything about it! Is the block paper pieced? Is there a pattern somewhere? Thank you for your inspiration and help.

  14. Oh Grandma's Fans is a delight to see! It definitely looks so warm and cuddly. Congratulations on having 'A Tisket, A Tasket' in the quilting hoop, and happy you seem to be having more time to come back and quilt.
    I'm a long time purple fan or purple -pink, especially with yellow so goes without saying that I love 'Peace Always"

  15. Love your fan quilt! The colors are so happy and the quilting texture is awesome as always. This will be an amazing gift!

  16. Lovely - what fun to have this as your "super pwer"! Thanks! I also take pictures with the intent of turning them into quitls! I found floors in Italy are wonderful!!!!!


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