The last two applique blocks for this project are done, finished, and off of my list! All of these blocks have went together amazingly well considering I was mostly looking at pictures and winging it! At first I didn't like how the vase touched up against the edge of the background fabric in block #6. I had to mull it over for a couple days, then compare it with my other finished blocks until I decided to let it be?!?
Applique block #6 I know, I know, it's a little bit Prim.... |
Block #7 was mostly the result of impulsive decision making, not rational, deliberate thought. Well, I did say previously that the fabric colors were very deliberate, didn't I? What happened was, I had an extra bird cut out from block #1 (I thought the bird needed to point in the other direction in the first block--you know how that goes). I tried and tried to put the leftover one into the other applique blocks, but it never looked right. In fact, it always had a 'forced' look about it, like it was unhappy with it's surroundings and getting ready to pout about it or something. Then, when I was flipping through my book to figure out this particular block design, I impulsively decided to try a circle design with the bird in the center. Why not? I took one of the pictures in the book and basically pared it down, making it a little less busy and therefore putting more focus on the little birdy. I'm so glad I did, because I think it adds much needed whimsy to this quilt and it is looking perfectly at home there! Now if I can just find the time to sew it all together this weekend.*wink Who was it that said 'at least I have a life?'
Applique block #7 This block blends in better than it would seem to. |
Love that bird fabric.