So, the hand quilting is all done on 'Be Thankful'. I am kind of sad to move on because this has been such a pleasure to work on. I do have a piece of fabric to use for the binding, but I'm not yet positive that it's the right color. Will have to think on this more. This quilt has such a luminescent quality about it that I'm afraid the wrong binding will partially kill the 'glow'. I'm sure it's the combination of warm butter yellows and soft, peachy pinks that make this quilt so cozy. And to think that at one point I was sure this quilt was
ruined because I'm so unimaginative about my color combinations!
Ready for proper binding. |
My sister is the one that taught me to try butter yellows for some backgrounds instead of the tan and cream that I regularly picked up. Her quilts always had a warm, cozy, come-cuddle-up-with-me look that mine fell far short of. I'm still trying to learn what she knew instinctively, which is so wrong. She's moved on to photography and doesn't even quilt anymore!
I just love the texture it has from the hand quilting now. |
It always amazes me how much the quilt takes on even more life as the quilting stitches are added bit by bit. Some quilts look pretty darn good even before any stitching, which makes it even more fascinating how they can possibly look better. Not that I'm trying to say that my quilt is a masterpiece!*wink It's just that I am unashamedly in love with my quilt and am SO THANKFUL (hehe) that Pat Sloan published this wonderful pattern.:)
I'm so glad you're in love with your quilt, it's the best feeling. It looks fabulous and I adore the soft yellows too. Did your sister pass her fabric stash onto you after she gave up quilting?