First things first, right? This past week has been for working on the Crazy Daisy blocks. Finally got the petals totally sewn down.*Whew! Thought that might never happen! Then it was time to cut out the flower centers. The bright citrussy greens just hit all the right notes so here they are, sewn onto the flowers by machine. No reason not to sew them raw edge style as the darker brown arches will be hand sewn down directly over the tops.
Crazy Daisy Blocks almost finished up! |
Those arches are already cut out and ready to go. Gotta get the prep work done and out of the way to ever make further progress! This was one of those easy peasy phases that got taken care of while I was waiting in the car for my husband one day. We have to drive either 45 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes for most of our business concerns. Easiest to tag along with him occasionally and combine our shopping needs. Honestly, I think he makes me wait on him a whole lot more than vice versa, but as long as I have the applique bag along, it's hard to complain.
Getting the pears ready to stitch to the background... |
Just as soon as the petals were finished up on the Crazy Daisy blocks, I jumped right into the pear blocks. I'm not sure where this 'half pear with applique' look came from, but if you get onto Pinterest, there are many examples.
This one is probably my fave though it was too much trouble for this particular quilt.
This fabric felt very retro and kinda sweet. Probably helped clarify the look that I wanted. Do you follow
Campbell Soup Diary Blog? She just posted about a shiny new pear project on her
Instagram. Simply gorgeous! Mine are a bit more pedestrian but probably suits this project better, plus I already had mine prepped and waiting for the needle work. The background fabrics are currently cut out and when the larger pears are finished, I'll be ready to start hand stitching into place. Will need to get the stems and leaves cut out soon too I suppose!
A little bit of hand quilting soothes the soul |
Always a bit of hand quilting going on around here most evenings. This quilt seems to be quietly absorbing the #8 and #12 Perle Cotton that I love to use. I've absolutely fell into a comfortable rhythm minus the occasional marking that has to happen.
As most of you know, this quilt is NOT my original made-up-out-of-my-head pattern. It's called 'Patchwork Garden' by Jan Patek, an older, stand alone pattern that I've had for eons. A quick search on the Internet showed that it's still available here and there for about $12. As usual, I had to change up a few things to make it feel more
me and of course, interpret the whole in an interesting color palette. My days of doing the duller primitive vibe are falling further and further behind. Very sweet quilt to spend time with though if you love baskets and flowers.
Which I do. So glad the motivation happened in regards to this pattern, it's a winner!
Patina is a true blue finish! |
Ah yes. The completed quilt. I am not churning out the finishes quite like normal {this is is only #9 for the year}. In my defense, it's been a busy, distracting year. I finally snuck in the time to finish up the hand work on the binding for 'Patina', its been ready for awhile now. Binding is not at all difficult to do by hand, I just never want to stop once it gets started! This is the second in an intended series of Quarter Log Cabin quilts. Somehow I've never made it past this second effort, but there are
plans in the works! Ideas. Dreams. Intended interpretations. There
will be more Log Cabin quilts in my future. Just can't resist.
Looking across the quilt |
There's something about an improv. style quarter log cabin block that makes quilting seem like the most fun in the whole wide world. From the cutting out and sewing, to the hand quilting, it's such a relaxing way to enjoy our older fabrics. Who cares about the waste? No worries if it doesn't turn out. It's just a free flow of implementation and almost a 'reset' to our creativity. Though the look is a bit utilitarian on its face, it's almost always a cozy quilt look in the end. Love it! In this one, I even managed to include an off-color shirting fabric. Score!
This one looks/feels extra snuggly |
I'm ever so glad to see more of these older, tired-green fabric find a lovely home in this quilt. You probably can't even imagine the satisfaction this quilt brings me! Why I even bother is probably a question for many. There was a few years where I was diligently trying to build up the stash. I didn't pay too much attention at first to which colors were bound to end up with a 'stale date'. It didn't even occur to me that it COULD someday be an issue! lol And apparently there was going to be a
lot of green quilts in my future.*sigh Okay. What's done is done. I'm evidently enjoying the challenge to make something good and sweet with these oldy moldies now. And rest assured, when it's not fun anymore, it will all come crashing to a halt and you won't be bothered by these weird color palettes anymore. ha!
Improv. cut log cabin blocks |
Quick follow-up to the stale date fabrics, I'm quite a bit more cautious in my fabric buying these days. Much, much more frugal overall. I buy fabric I LOVE, find useful or am super intrigued by. Most fabric is bought without a single project in mind because I still believe in making projects
from the stash. The shopping is spread out waaay farther between than it used to be, and yeah. I spend less and less every year
because I can, now that I have a solid base to work with. And... lets not forget that there is an awful lot of stash fabric around here that has been
gifted to me through the years.
The challenge in using it up {or using it at all}, has absolutely changed the way that I approach many ongoing projects. Personally, I think it's a good thing! With the help of
Kaja's influence, I'm not even above adding in cut up shirting fabrics. So interesting once you give it a try! Given the opportunity to go back and do it differently, would I? Well of course! Who wouldn't? I'm pretty sure there will always be fabrics that I just wait around too long to use though. That's just the nature of quilting. Too many ideas, not nearly enough time!
Loving this look! |
It's a fact that this beautiful 'Patina' quilt would never even have come into being, if not for that annoying, lid-won't-hardly-shut, overflowing green stash tote. Can't/won't regret that for a minute.
I love your pears and crazy daisies, lots of fun! I'm looking forward to seeing them progress into their final quilt home.
ReplyDeleteAnd amazing Quarter Log Cabin blocks finish, exciting and graphic.
Your 1/4 log cabins is a wonderful quilt. I love how you have combined the two different colour combos for a very dramatic result. And, am I right in thinking the crazy daisies & pears are for the same quilt!
ReplyDeleteYour daisies are pure awesomeness! And why do I feel this insane need to now go and look at pears on pinterest?!?!? Thank you for all of the inspiration.
ReplyDeletepears and daisies are both so neat I really love them. That last quilt that you show I like too - has just the right amount of quilting in it!
ReplyDeleteI love utilitarian quilts and old fabrics, so that Quarter Square Log Cabin quilt is beautiful in my eyes! I am all about cutting up clothes and have been known to tell people “when you don’t want that shirt anymore…..” Thank you for sharing your quilts.
ReplyDeleteI really love the Crazy Daisies--those citrus greens are just perfect with them. Log cabins are a fave of mine, too..such fun sewing going on in your home....hugs Julierose
ReplyDeleteI think your ability to use colour shows magnificently in the log cabin quilt, and is one of the things I enjoy most about your quilts. Along with their design, and hand stitched finish. Insert big appreciative sigh here.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing the pears develop into something magical, am loving the colour contrast between the pears and the centres and pips already.
Thanks for your wonderful blog.
I love your Patina!
ReplyDeleteThanks also for telling us about the Campbell Soup Diary Blog. Allison makes me want to do more appliqué.
Your applique is so delightful. I think there's a pear quilt in my future. The greens look great to me, I must not have a stale date monitor - ha!
ReplyDeletePatina looks great and is making me want to make some of these blocks!! Also love your pears and crazy daisies and look forward to seeing what you do with them! I'm trying to use more of my current stash rather than buy more, but it seems to be a losing battle!!
ReplyDeleteThe colors you're using in the pears and crazy daisies are so bright and cheerful. I've moved away from the darker prim fabrics as well, but there they are still lingering in the stash. Like you I seem to be purchasing fabric for a specific reason to go with something I'm working on, but then again, a smallish bundle might make it's way on to my shelves just because. I need to remember that fabrics have a stale date and the challenge comes in making them shine once again.
ReplyDeleteI was so happy to read this wonderful post this morning, Audrey. You do a fabulous job of explaining how you come to your decisions. I always enjoy that part of your posts so much. And of course, it is great to see your projects too. Happy Stitching!
ReplyDeleteLove your thoughts on fabric buying - I have gone shopping online multiple times in the past few weeks only to empty those carts and walk away. I have a wonderful stash and am happiest when I use it. No need to add any more weight right now.
ReplyDeleteI have little contact with real LQS lately, but in a desire to finish a couple of quilts I have ordered online... but was still frustrated with the purchases. This month I went into one I was fortunate to be near one that had THE RIGHT STUFF. The only "problem" with my current purchases is the quantity is now larger than it uses to be... per yard. If I don't have it, I want more, to replenish what I have used in my stash.
ReplyDeleteLove the log cabin quilt, it looks so cosy. And I like the pears very much, like to see how that quilt will develop.
ReplyDeleteLike you I have been given fabric and I like to try and use it in a quilt. And some fabric is old and I do not like it so much anymore or I have used it in a few quilts and am tired of it but I try to use it somewhere. Warm greetings
I love all your [projects, of course. The Daisies are a delight. And the Pears are so cool. I want to someday make that Jan P quilt too---w blue and white background and my zinnias' colors for flowers. Yours reminds me to move it up on my someday list.
I'm curious. Are you going to cut away behind your Crazy Daisies or have extra layers? I once machine appliqued three layers and found it murder to quilt later.
ReplyDeleteYour daisies are wonderful colors. It will be fun to watch this develop.
I haven't seen these pears before. Yours look great and a good place to use up some of your greens.
I made that quarter log cabin for one of the grandchildren. Somehow the blocks seemed to be different sizes although they weren't. I'm admiring yours here. And more to come!
It took me three years to use up most of my old fabrics. There are still some hanging around but I finally feel okay with some limited shopping. It's way more fun to make a quilt from our own stash rather than trying to find specific ideas in a shop.
Love your Crazy Daisy and Pear ideas! Woot! Woot! You may be behind compared to other years but you are still creating and getting quilts done. Great job, Audrey!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely finish and all the beautiful applique. I have a lot of green too in my stash, after your post I don't wonder why anymore. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at your talent for using up so much from your stash & making your colour combos work so well! - I have been adding to my stash for years & years, (Hubby, once said "so that's where our future Superannuation funds are going to!) but when I look thru my stash, I don't think anything will work together. Maybe I need to try harder and rethink my ideas, about how to use up that stash before I get too old to sew!