Oh wow! Nancy from Joy For Grace chose me as one of the recipients of the Liebster Award! What does that mean? Apparently it is an award for newbie bloggers like me with small followings who fit the requirement of having less than 200 followers and happen to be doing something the nominator really likes.*wink
Again--wowsers! Now I need to do my little part in paying it forward:
- Answer 11 questions posted by the person who nominated me
- List 11 random and hopefully not too weird facts about myself
- Nominate & tag 11 new bloggers with 200 followers or less (harder than you might think)
- Write 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate
--Havarti or Tillamook cheddar. It's a toss-up.
2. Do you prefer wearing pants or dresses/skirts?
--I assume since it says 'pants' and not jeans, that means dress-up time. I'd much rather wear a skirt.
3. How long have you been involved in the topic(s) you blog about?
--I probably made my first quilt in 1992 or so. It was a very simple, tied baby quilt.:)
4. Do you have a pet and if so, write something about him/her.
--I don't have any pets personally, but my daughter has a chocolate Lab named Tator, and the 'family' has a very old blue-heeler/Australian shepherd mixed dog named Blue.
5. What is your favorite season and why?
--I love the fall. Perfect weather for taking walks and the colors never fails to amaze me!
6. What color are your living room walls?
--Butter yellow and one wall is terracotta. I like.
7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
--Definitely a night owl. Don't call me before 9 a.m.
8. How did you choose your blog title?
--Originally I chose it for the title of my family blog as a distinction. I am the 'Quilty' part of the family.
9. What one thing can you not live without?
--Pepsi. Absolutely. No, it's iced tea. Do I really have to choose?
10. What is your favorite color and color combinations and have they changed over time?
--I use some form of red or brown in almost every quilt I make. 20 years ago I would have used green.
11. What is your favorite movie and how many times have you watched it?
--Princess Bride. Not as many times as my youngest daughter.:)
11 random facts about me
- I am one of 12 children
- Best meal of my life was at 'Benetti's Italian Restaurant in Coos Baby Oregon
- I hate the taste of coffee
- I'm a huge (guilty pleasure confession) fan of 'The Voice'
- I want to be Gwen Marston when I grow up
- I'm really, really awkward around people I admire, but have not met previously
- I'm a worrier
- I don't have a smart phone. Don't even want one.
- I almost cried when I read the book 'The 1776 Quilt' by Pam Holland
- I am terrified of lightening storms
- Since we sold our Suburban, I miss the seat heaters dreadfully
11 wonderful questions for the new award recipients!
- Coffee, tea or soda?
- Name one guilty pleasure
- What is your favorite quilt blog? Please do not name Quilty Folk. I want you to be honest.
- What is the last thing you bought for yourself, not your children, husband or family.
- What is your favorite dessert?
- What make, model etc. is your sewing machine? What would you buy if the sky was the limit?
- Where do want to live when you grow up?
- Describe yourself in 3 words
- Did you get all organized after the first of the year or are things the same as always?
- How often do you buy a new purse or wallet?
- If you had to totally give up buying one color of fabric, what color would that be?
Passing it on to some amazing blogs!
- Butterfly Threads Quilting
- Simple Bird Applique
- Kindred Quilts
- Quilting on the Crescent
- Every Stitch...
- Oh! Oh! Quilts!
- Textile Diva
- Patchwork Jitka
- Orange Crumpled Napkin
- Pomegranate Quilts
Thank you Nancy! This was quite thought provoking and very much an honor.:)
Congratulations on the award!! It's great getting to know you better. I love the Princess Bride too!!
ReplyDeleteOh how fun! It is so nice to get to know you a bit better! I'm looking forward to participating, thanks so much for including me!!'
ReplyDeleteHi Audrey: Thanks so much for nominating me! I can hardly wait to start answering the questions! I loved your post about your Simplify quilt and will be linking one of my post to it! Love your blog! It keeps me inspired!
Congratulations on the award!
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