This Pieceable Souls mystery project has been mostly relegated to the back burner of late. The half square triangles were easy peasy of course, although directions have been quite rough at times as only one person set up our mystery project this time around. Next time we'll definitely be making sure they have help. Mystery projects are entirely too complicated to be the sole responsibility of only one person!
Getting started with my pinwheels |
While trying to figure out the perfect layout for the first few pinwheel blocks, I discovered something very provoking to me. The half square triangles needed to be trimmed by about 1/2 an inch. You know how it is when you're in the mood to tackle something head on and then oops! You have to take a step back to do something you neglected to do? grumble, grumble....
This is only about a 1/4 of what I trimmed off.... |
I diligently trimmed over 150 half square triangles thinking the whole time that I was wasting what was obviously (to me) oodles of precious fabric. Then, because I was still somewhat miffed, I completely forgot about the importance of trimming my half square triangles so that the diagonal sewing line would be exactly squared up.*groan.... It frustrated me so much that I decided not to trim my triple rail fence blocks immediately.
Thank goodness! For some reason I had the wrong cutting directions for those and would have lost a ton of work plus
all that fabric!!!--basically making this entire project a total bust. Okay. Now things are getting completely out of hand. In self defense, I decided to give myself a much needed time-out. From half square triangles and triple rail fence blocks. Can I possibly sink any lower?
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