Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Third in the Melon Patch Series and A Tisket A Tasket Finish!

 Lovely to get the applique border on the Melon Patch Blossom quilt! I was ready to talk myself into another border and then pulled myself back from the brink.

Wrapping up the Melon Patch Blossom top
It really does look pretty good 'as is' and it's a large throw size now so why bother adding more onto the quilt and quite possibly ruining the look? Gotta know when to quit!

A lot going on in this quilt
In my planning, there was supposed to be some of those green leafy things inserted on either side of the corner whatchacallits. Just looks sooo much cleaner without them though. Had to leave them off of the quilt which of course meant less hand stitching and so I finished up faster. Yay!

Hard to get the true colors for this top
I've been determined to get this third Melon Patch quilt in the series {plus a couple other things} done and squared away before doing more on the Bramble Blooms QAL. And.... ahem! There are a few more of these leftover melon blossoms that may or may not be the start of a fourth Melon Patch quilt! hehe  I told you, these series quilt can be sort of addictive. But I won't start that just yet, promise!

Love the crumpled vibes
Also put my nose to the grindstone and got the binding completely sewn onto the 'A Tisket A Tasket' quilt. Now I just need to get the label taken care of.

A Tisket A Tasket is a completed quilt!!
This quilt was basically a project dreamed up just for the simple joy of using up some of the oldy gold fabrics. I don't know if you can tell, but the gold fabrics behind the baskets actually have an interesting green cast to them. I sorta love playing with these strange, oddball colors. Always so much fun to see if I can make them shine!

Looking across
I also managed to squeeze in as much of a red plaid shirt that I could. It's one that my dad wore years ago and I just loved the idea of putting it into a cozy, snuggle-up sorta quilt!

Up-cycling an old shirt from my dad
There was a lotta old, stale-dated fabrics used up in this quilt and I'm so very happy to see that it didn't ruin the look and vibe at all. Not one little bit! The few, newer bits of fabrics here and there were a big help in perking up the some of the more boring fabrics! Oh! Did I say that? Some fabrics are much more wonderful looking when carefully grouped together with a great supporting cast. 

Simple baskets

So that's that. I also managed to get six pair of jeans hemmed, all thrifted this summer. I'll be happy if three or four of them find their way into my new favorites stack as I wear jeans all fall and winter long. Last year there was way too many skinny jeans to choose from and that just drove me crazy. Ugghh.  Crossing my fingers these jeans work out better!  

Okay, now I'm gonna try and catch up with some of my blog reading. I have been falling so far behind with everything this year. Feels like all I ever have are good intentions....


  1. pretty finish and was good decision to stop where you did..

  2. Lovely Melon quilt finish, Audrey--it looks great just as is!!
    Fall seems to be a "finishing up" time of year for me here. I need to re-assess just what is in my boxes and bins--way up there on the top shelf!!
    I should have labeled those for sure...;((((
    hugs for a great upcoming weekend...Julierose

  3. Beautiful finishes ! Snuggling up with a quilt that holds fond memories of your dad will make it extra special!

  4. The colors in that melon quilt are beautiful! I am currently trying to work with a muted palette and I keep want to add more brights.

  5. all of that on quilting and you did jeans too! you stay busy for sure

  6. I love the colors you put in your quilts! The basket quilt has the colors of an oriental carpet—it’s beautiful!

  7. I love the border and agree it was a good place to stop. The baskets are pretty and one would never know the fabrics were ugly to start with! I'm behind on blog reading too - maybe the cooler weather will motivate me to catch up?

  8. As always.. I love your work! Absolutely love the Golden Oldie fabric! It’s so cool how some work better with other colors! They don’t even look “ugly”! Love that the shirt gets more years worth of use. Little details like that are so neat! The melon quilt did not at all turn out like I saw it going. I was not expecting the orange! I still love it though! Everything you make is so awesome!! I am a tiny bit biased though! But on a real note, love your artwork!!!

  9. Melon Patch is glorious just as it is, and I agree it does not need another border. I'm marveling at your use of color in this quilt as so many others. Understand your joy at finding jeans that fit just right, something that has plagued me for several years, since they began selling only jeans with dropped waist styles that flatter nobody's belly.

  10. Lovely melon patch quilt with orange and aqua. Orange is a warm color for the end of summer I think.
    And your basket quilt looks great with the sawtooth borders. ugly colors are just neutrals that make saturated colors shine in just the best way!

  11. I love Melon Patch just as it is right now! The colour mix couldn't be bettered. Congratulations on the finishing up of A Tisket A Tasket, another stunning quilt Audrey and the double HST border is plerfect.

  12. Stunning 'melon patch' quilt. Love all the orange!


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