
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sometimes the Applique Just Sort of Gets Out of Control Around Here

 I finished up all the Flower Power blocks so you know what that means.  'Next up' in the applique queue! I don't know if it was technically next, but I've been hankering to work on this add-on to the 2nd improv. strip quilt made during the quilt meetings last winter.

Added a quiet little bird on impulse
It wasn't strictly necessary to add applique to this 'Blue #2' and some people definitely urged me to leave it as-is. Which would have been fine, really, in the scheme of things as I don't have a major attachment to this particular project. The problem is when it comes time to do the quilting. If the quilt top doesn't speak somewhat fondly to me, then it keeps being pushed to the very back of the line. 

Gotta get the underside stitched down first
Why are we pushing ourselves to keep taking part in this quilting adventure if the end result doesn't tug on our heart strings? So yeah, it's ridiculously easy to talk myself into doing just a little bit of applique here and there. 'Cuz like it or not {the work entailed}, that's what usually does it for me. It doesn't take that long I tell myself. It's easy to drift off into all the unexplored what ifs? that might possibly make a quilt top shine just a little brighter. Or, maybe I'd like to experiment with this, or that, or the other motif... And on and on it goes till everyone is totally shocked {except me} when there's a finished quilt with zero applique included. It's not like I set out thinking that's the way it always and forever has to be.

I'm really happy with how quickly this particular applique is coming along. Always so helpful to have the prep work done and out of the way so when you're ready to do the stitching, it's right there waiting. Preaching to the choir I know, but all the stitching with the flower, leaves, the birds and even half of the scallops were done in one day. If I would have been having to do the prep work still? I'd have probably moved on to another project. 

Which brings us to one of my 'surprise' applique additions. Well, more like a border addition with applique touches. To be clear, I was NOT looking to purposely add more applique to this quilt at all. Uh uh. In fact, I honestly thought it was one of those magical, marvelous quilt tops that are actually completed. Truly, it has been cheerfully resting in the quilt top drawers for close to a year. No problems whatsoever with haunting or nagging at me for more! 
Loving this already
It was nearing the top of the quilting list so, as happens commonly around here, I found myself casually admiring it laying on the guest bed upstairs one day. Just for a few moments while I pondered potentials for quilting design. Hmm... And the more that I looked at it, the more that I realized that the quilt actually felt a little cheated. It was gonna need one more border to feel well and truly finished and that was that. 

So the short story is that I found this dark, midnight blue fabric in the stash totes. It works perfectly well to do what this quilt needs a border needs to do. The long story is that I wasted a couple hours online looking for a more perfect fabric because the first glance through the stash totes had me instantly discounting this fabric completely. I mean seriously, it was obviously intended to be a superior binding fabric choice some day! {Does anyone else have a mind that works this way or it is just me?}

Then there was the partially sleepless night thinking about how dumb a solid blue fabric was going to look framing this spunky looking quilt and was I really going to go for it? How about these other choices in the stash totes? and Oh NO's they are all the wrong color and/or much too little amounts to be of any use. How dull and traditional this was going to look with that almost solid look, blah, blah, blah. 

It all abruptly clicked into place the very next day when the little basket-handle-applique popped into my brain. Of course, problem solved! But you see how my brain works sometimes doing the applique end run on me! When looking at the quilt top right after pulling it out of the drawer, it didn't instantly scream out to me that it needed or even wanted applique. No sirreee, it was much, much sneakier than that, simply insisting that a dark blue border would be very nice thank you. Ah! Not so quick! Are you really not going to give us more attention to detail than that? Come on, just think of all the possibilities? Whereupon, we have currently arrived HERE. Right in this spot where I precipitously cannot even imagine this specific quilt without the immediate application of a pink, lacy-like applique border. It practically boggles the mind how quickly it went from thinking about the possible stitching texture clear to a brand new border with hours of hand work needed. 

Looking a little more perky
But wait. The drama continues. Somehow this churned up thoughts about yet another quilt top that was bugging me. Because I just can't leave well enough alone, here is the Roman Stripe quilt for your viewing pleasure. If you remember, there was two of these tops, with the smaller one being completed in July of last year. Though satisfying on a certain level, these quilt tops just haven't really resonated with me like I prefer that they do. Call me a snob, but they don't seem to have any extra redeeming qualities that would make them special. Initially I thought to give them away as comfort quilts, but now I'm rethinking that plan for the case of the 2nd quilt.

In this latest little burst of unexpected creativity, the larger Roman Stripe quilt found itself being experimented on too.*sigh  Do you recall the Ode to Joy quilt top? There's just something incredibly endearing about these heart shaped flower {or leaf or whatever they are} elements, and I want/wanted to make more of them some day. They've been calling me. Seducing me. Enticing me. Yep. A couple hours of mad, crazy drawing, cutting out and then the subsequent auditioning, now there's a strange yellow flower with larger-than-life pink leaves on top of this quilt top. And it feels so very right. It's quite bold and a little sassy. A bit of folk with that sunny, happy vibe that says, 'Don't take me seriously'. Now I can only think that his quilt was not meant to be merely comforting, but something a little bit more perhaps? Not to mention, it definitely needs a new name now. I'm thinking 'Chrysalis' in honor of the new look and feel!

Ready for the next step
The machine stitching for the brown binding on Seedpod Flower quilt is all done now. I'm thinking this could be a good project for when the kids are here later this week and next week. Hard to make a mistake from distraction if all you're doing is hand stitching a binding down. If I even find time to quilt, sometimes I don't ever bother!

Glory Be next up in the hoop
Next up for the hand quilting hoop is Glory Be. This top was completed two years ago and I've been crossing my fingers it could be in the hoop in time for this years 4th. Nope. Just too much taking up time and energy around here and the hand quilting has been sloooower than usual. Oh well. That's what happens when your husband tells one of his customers that, 'Oh, did you know that my wife sews?' And next thing you know he's bringing home pants for me to hem. Groan....  

Looking across the quilt
Anyway. I am already enjoying this quilt tremendously. Still in love with the asymmetrical layout and all the different fabric print play. Spent one evening marking the sashing with a white fabric pencil for a basic grid and yeah... It's already disappearing into the ether. So frustrating, but I should have known. Much better to mark each frame as I go!  

In the hoop
There's just enough residue left on the blue sashing that I can see little wispy bits of it here and there so I've decided to 'wing it'. Which will make the grid a little funky and off the precisely marked measurements. And you know me, that is making me smile and enjoy the quilt even more. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? 

Trying new needles
When ordering new applique needles off-line the other day, I impulsively added some Size 9 Straw Needles by Jeana Kimball's Foxglove Cottage. I've seen them recommended by Jen Kingwell I believe, and thought to give them a go. After about 3 or 4 stitches, I promptly decided that I do NOT like them and put the needle back in the container. I don't know why I even bothered, straw needles are not and have never been something that feels 'right' to me. Anyone wanting a free container of these? Will mail them to the very first person who requests them IF and only IF I can access your email so as to learn your mailing address. Otherwise, they will have to go to the second person etc. I'm sure they are wonderful, just not my style and you know how that is! 

Okay, that's it. Will probably be missing in action for a couple weeks here. Gonna enjoy our kids and grandkids and then when they leave, will have to rest, recoup and relax. Oh. And clean. Never can get out of that part for some reason!


  1. I would love the needles as they are my favorite! What kind do you use? Mary at

  2. I hate straw needles and I don't like that brand of needles any size - I don't know why I just do not like them and I went and ordered a variety package last year and tried one of each size and now they sit in a drawer -- love all your quilts

  3. I bought a tube of those needles several years ago and wasn't able to use them. Ended up just using one of my quilting betweens needles for applique. Love the quilting design in the tulips on Glory Be, elegant without being fussy, perfect.

  4. I also don't like straw needles for applique. Love your quilts, happy stitching!

  5. Good morning! Love love love your quirky folkish quilts! Always a smile and surprise! I recently tried the #9 straw needle that you show and used it to tack down binding on a quilt. It was fabulous for that purpose. I recently did my first "big stitch" quilting on a lap sized baby quilt using I think a #4 embroidery needle from Richard Hemming. It took a good while to get used to the length. I think I would have to play around with needles if I did the big stitch quilting again. What is your favorite needle? And yes, recovery is necessary after your kids come with their kids!

  6. Never can overdo applique! C'mon now

  7. It's wonderful to have plenty of appliqué to balance out household chores and cleaning, lol. Enjoy your kids and grands!

  8. I really like the applique additions to your quilts; they are so "you". ;)))
    With me it's string piecing...I always return to that; funny how certain types of quilt piecing calls to you...enjoy your quilting hugs, Julierose

  9. The applique adds the perfect finishing touch to each of the quilts!! Love them!!

  10. I like John James Applique needles in size 10 or 12 Finer and longer than betweens of any size. Straw needles make me feel like I am dueling with my applique ;-) Best, Sharon Stroud

  11. Can you believe there are folks out there who do not like the "A" word. Your whimsy "A" additions are a delightful added element.

  12. So many wonderful quilts getting some attention :)
    I hate it when a quilt does what I call a "sneak attack" and makes me add another work intensive border... or worse, makes me take off a border I've really liked! Sometimes they are just really bossy! LOL

  13. Oh, my, I do love Glory Be Every time I see a pix on your blog, I know it is you by your work..That is a compliment for sure...your work is special xoxo

  14. How exciting, 'Out of control applique'! I had to stop in to see and you're projects are beautiful, as usual.
    Have a wonderful time with your kids! And then the cleaning.. That's part of life isn't it?
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Sus trabajos son espectaculares ¡me encantan!


  16. I love the Foxglove straw needles #10 for applique but that's me. Ok, you tried them and didn't like them and that's fine too. However, you didn't tell us what needles you DO like to applique with. Just curious ... As always, love all your quilting adventures. Glory Be is stunning and I can't wait to see the quilting on it.

  17. Love the little basket handles around your quilt. They almost look like a type of tatted lace, nice contrast. I've got a quilt I've been trying to finish since February and it keeps wanting more. Right now I'm appliqueing a strip of words for the left side of the quilt. Hopefully I'll love it and the quilt will too - ha! Your flower on the Roman Stripe quilt is so whimsical. It brings the formality of that quilt back to a good nestling place. Nice work.

  18. Gorgeous as usual. I have been off busy with life and so good to catch up with you. Thanks, I like these needles alot too.


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