
Friday, May 15, 2020

The Applique Queue is Growing

If it takes two months for new habits to form, I might be in trouble. Lots of new starts, especially with applique, but little to no interest in follow-through. Out of curiosity, I decided to post an applique update, or current status? on the ongoing. Lots of hand work taking place at the start of our Stay At Home order, but lately it's been much more fun to chain piece or just sort and stack fabric. So moody.
4-block Tulip Medallion quilt blocks
The Four Block Tulip Medallion quilt has gained a teeny tiny bit of traction {all the triangles are now sewn on the baskets}, but these initial blocks might be the boring part of this quilt. You know, the one I'm envisioning in my head. Someone commented that it seems more 'traditional' compared to my latest quilting efforts. We'll see. It's true that these fabrics have been gathered for over three years! Can't really move on till I have a better idea of how the middle goes together though. Also, I've determined that these need to be done before I'll let myself move forward with any of the rest of the applique in the queue. My carrot and stick approach and I'm sticking to it!
Chunky Tulip blocks
Chunky Tulips has went absolutely nowhere. So sad as I was initially very enthralled. 13 blocks total, I really need these blocks stitched down before determining how exactly to proceed with the AHIQ hourglass prompt. It's not like I've fallen out of love with them. No, it's more like there is other, more interesting things to do, or on the flip side, I just can't make a firm decision to start. Big plus is that they should stitch up in no time flat once I have them in my sights again. On a side note, I've have also been pondering if maybe it would be better to just start an altogether different hourglass quilt. Why not? That way I could take my time with this quilt and still get the AHIQ challenge on board for a June quilt top finish... So many ideas and so little so very much time with which to do them....!
Melon Patch blocks
The 20 Melon Patch blocks have been a source of some irritation. Somehow the applique ended up too narrow for what I was expecting. They've been pulled out of the little tote and dissected every which way until I think {crossing my fingers}, I've finally figured out how to proceed with them. If the middle medallion flower wasn't already stitched to the background blocks there would be many more options, but I'm not tossing all that previous work. No way. Am just having to change my expectations a little. No big!
Coronacrazy is definitely not the only quilt that I've impulsively started during this strange period of time, but it's the only one that I am pinning this particular label on. All the 'hills' have been basted and now two of the rows have been stitched on the underside of the hills. {There might be 14 in all?} Will probably work on stitching the undersides until the entire quilt top is complete, then come back and work on the plan for additional applique before attempting to stitch the top of those hills. If I decide to add flowers with stems for instance, then those stems might look better buried into the applique on the hills. Just trying to think ahead here. Hate, hate, hate having to re-do!
Love Apples quilt start
Love Apples is the quilt that I've come up with as a result of having several long rows of pieced pink fabrics abandoned from a previous quilt attempt. There's been more time spent on this than I probably want to admit to, but the planning is ever so much fun at times! What if? How about? The current idea in motion is there will be 21 applique blocks using the mixed gray for backgrounds. All the background fabric has been cut out in the appropriate size which means that I am seriously committed. This is definitely a 'go'!

However, I have not allowed myself to cut and prep the applique pieces as that would be tempting fate a little too much. Still trying to get a few things moving along before I dive wholeheartedly into this impromptu project! One thing you probably ought to understand though, is that I've only been wanting to make another Love Apple quilt for hmm... 5 years or so? This one will look totally different of course, but I find it ironic that many of the colors used will be similar!
Orphan blocks and bits and pieces
And then I somehow fell down the rabbit hole with yet another brilliant idea. Hand quilting on the latest has only served to remind me how much I love and admire orphan block, scrappy make-do quilts. Hhmmm... don't I have more orphan blocks and parts and pieces just waiting for their time to play? 
Beginning of Spring Flower blocks
And that's how the 'Spring Flowers' project has made its debut on the current applique to-do list. In less than an hour, somehow these cut-off circles {from behind other, older applique units} decided they could very easily be turned into sweet flowers. No time at all! See, it was meant to be! Not sure what all of those parts and pieces {see previous pic} will be included in this particular quilt, but I sure am excited to see how these green, blue and cream flowers will present! In fact, it's these specific pieces that are proving to be the 'carrot' in my carrot and stick approach. Who would have thunk it? Out of all the mixed bag of applique that I have going on, these are proving almost irresistible! Why is that?

On another note, thank you once again for all the comments that post on this blog, but am unable to reply to personally as there is not direct link back. Diane Koch, that was a lovely recent comment that you made. I appreciate the sentiment and thank you for it! To you and to others, Quilt Granma?, Juliana? I will always respond directly to your comment if you could just leave an email within your comment. I do not respond directly here on the blog unless it's something that would be of interest to everyone. Regardless, it's wonderful to receive feedback am I'm always amazed at the persons who comment again and again without ever hearing back! Believe me, it's nothing personal!

They tell you when you first begin blogging to try and imagine exactly 'WHO' you are writing to. What might be of interest to THEM, whomever these people are. For me, it's always been more interesting to write about the things that engage me, and then try to convey all of that passsion in a sort of conversational way. Like we were having a chat about this most fascinating but sometimes baffling craft. I can't always get a firm picture in my mind about who my followers are, but I'm sure we'd have lots to talk about if we ever were to meet up in person!


  1. I love it when you think out loud!
    Looking forward to seeing where these lovelies lead!

  2. Lots of new diversions which will eventually pique your interest again. Seems like we've been in this awful holding pattern for way too long. I'm beginning to discern that tulips are your favorite flower? If you ever find yourself in the southern tier of New York you'd best stop by for a quilty chat!

  3. you are the opposite of me - when all this started I couldn't concentrate and then I moved on to the "you can't stop" mode and quilting every evening and piecing daytime to distract myself. - so many wonderful applique projects - well they all be separate quilts or could any be combined? Love the tulips

  4. I love that your applique queue is growing... lots more for us all to follow along with! Some lovely works in progress! And am waiting now, once the applique bug has settled, to see how your 'big kiss' quilt is progressing too, no pressure!

  5. Wow!! Lots going on here. So interesting to see where your creativity leads you.

  6. You have SO MANY beautiful projects just rolling about in that mind of yours. WOW! The new Love Apple project has me intrigued, probably because gray is one of my favorite colors and I'm thinking it truly will make the best backgrounds!

  7. You have so many lovely idea-quilts in the sewing-line;)) They all sound fascinating...~ ~ ~ waving from afar julierose

  8. Your applique always makes me smile. I have been in a "blog fog" lately. Haven't posted or read my favorites as regularly as I should. Gonna try to change that. Keep up the good work, I so enjoy reading your blog!!

  9. You are pulling me down that rabbit hole with you! I love the Love Apples, now you have me wanting to make one.....
    I have been the same way, flitting from one thing to another with no real ambition or direction. I wonder how it will be when we are set free? (-:

  10. It's so easy to start something new and your Love Apples will be wonderful to start. Am I encouraging you? Te he ...

  11. I know this probably isn't what you want to hear and you've probably already thought about this anyway, but, why not add another wider border around your melon pieces to make them the size you were hoping for? You could trim down the outer border you have now so it isn't scalloped and cut the next outer border with the scallops. I know it would be more work but then you might be more satisfied.
    I'm still thinking about my little quilt for the floral challenge we had - it looks finished but I wanted it bigger - I'm thinking about putting swags around another border. There again, lots more work.
    I love that little orphan block! The colors are so satisfying. Look forward to seeing what you do next.

    1. Oh, and I still love the tulips. I might have to copy the shape someday. It's perfect.

  12. I am a bit like you right now, just can't get motivated to finish anything, like as I have lost a bit of my brain recently (or a long time ago, who knows.....) I keep thinking - there is a plenty of time for that, we are going to be stuck at home for quite some time yet!
    I love your chunky tulips though!

  13. I also enjoy hearing you think out loud. Youve got a lot of things going on, but each one exciting and enough different to keep your mind spinning with ideas and "what ifs".

  14. I agree with your assessment of "so moody" - that's how I find myself as well. Not unmotivated, just more moody than usual. I've tried hard to keep working on projects that were already in the gestation phase (although several have been re-imagined, some in major ways). Stirring, re-folding, pondering, contemplating, and dithering are also high on the recent to-do lists. I suspect that's pretty normal though.

  15. You have a lot of great applique going including your new spring flowers start. You just have a unique and special, folky and pretty style. I think so many of us are in a foggy state...

  16. My name is Jean, and I have not sewn in a couple of months. I cannot blame this virus, I have hip pain, on one side due to decreasing cartilage… and now the other hip has some kind of pain that makes it very uncomfortable to sit very long at times. Non essential surgery is what I believe they would call hip surgery, and they wanted me to lose 20 pounds … at least half way there now. Doldrums would perhaps describe where I am. Glad to see that YOU are DOING right now! I've come up with lots of new ideas but have no inclination to stand and cut the fabrics for them, nor sit and sew.

  17. Oh yes, a quilty chat would be so much fun! I love your conversational, real life style of writing, and so enjoy your blog.

  18. What a treat to see all your applique projects together. It almost makes me want to start some. I love all your fabrics. Not quite reproduction, not modern, just right. The colors are soft {no neons here!} and will comfort a home forever.

  19. I love seeing all your quilty projects and "listening" to you muse about them. I'm having the same problem of being so distracted. The first month of the "stay home, stay safe" order I was upset and depressed, obsessively reading the news. Now I've gotten past that and am trying to buckle down and get some sewing done. But all of my projects are calling to me! Good luck with yours! I love your quilts and your style!

  20. Definitely a treat to visit with you, Audrey. I enjoy reading each and every word and following your links to check back to see what you have in your archives. Always nuggets worth looking at.

  21. I often read but rarely comment. I love looking at your blog, your style of quilt looks like it is quite different to my own - I almost never applique - but the way you work, with multiple projects, letting things marinate and gell, and sudden inspiration, is similar to my own. I find I am leaning further and further towards improv, and I am starting to think about adding applique. The red bird on the quarter log cabins is absolute magic! Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for visiting! I love getting comments and always try to respond via email. Please leave an email in the comment to ensure a return reply! {Many of you are popping up as Anonymous for some reason, so I have no idea who it is.} Regardless, I appreciate all the comments and read every single one.