
Friday, May 8, 2020

Gonna Take Another Brand New Project Just To Get Through...

Some days I can focus and some days it is pretty much impossible. Definitely dealing with some depression over all this, though I know you don't want to hear that. I am not a happy person all of the time, not do I suspect, are you. It appears that we are on the slow-boat to open-up plan here in Washington State. Had to laugh at something Lori posted today about her state. Oh my. Sounds too familiar! On impulse the other day I started a new project. Yep. This could get dangerous as a feel-good activity....
Strippy Triangles , the new project
Just cut a whole bunch of 5" squares in a 'light' grouping of fabrics and also a 'dark' grouping of fabrics. It's got interesting vibe going on that I hope bodes well for the entire look of the quilt. Strippy Triangles is what I'm calling it and the plan is to mix these long triangle rows up between long strips of sashing fabric. Very scrappy antique. So far I have 8 out of 14 sets of the strippy triangles pieced together into stacks of 4-triangle units. Once the longest measurement of the quilt is determined, then I will go ahead and sew those units into long rows. It might all depend on the length of whatever suitable fabric that I find for the alternate sashing strips!
Starting to sew the lengths together
Then I saw a post over on Clare's Instagram. She's doing a QAL for her lovely 'Big Kiss' quilt starting this week. Most QAL's haven't tempted me in the least lately, but this one grabbed my attention.
Big Kiss quilt fabric contemplation
I pulled some likely fabrics from two different, simmering stacks of fabric {made a lovely mess}, and am seriously contemplating making an attempt. The problem is, most of my fabrics are not nearly long enough {she indicated 38" long for the longer pieces} and that might make me change my mind. Maybe. This is a very sweet quilt and one that I have long admired! Just noticed that she has the tutorial posted on her blog now. Hmm... This could be my happy place for this coming weekend. And don't worry. There is a top limit for open-ended projects around here....
I Am a Maker in the hoop...
And, as usual, I am still hand quilting late in the evenings. Not been picking it up quite as early as usual and some nights I am only managing a good solid hour with the hoop. Love how much it is picking up the stitching texture though and am so, so glad that I chose this one for this particular 'time out'.

One of the things that is driving me insane is that we have so very little time to ourselves these days. Love my kids and all, but wowsers. Sure miss those days when we had the occasional evening alone, just me and my better half! Cannot even imagine if we all didn't get along as well as we did! After dinner my husband disappears out to the garage {it's so tidy now!} and the rest of us head to the corners of our home or in the case of one of my kids, out to the garden. Oh well. We definitely can't complain about being lonely, which is apparently something many other people are having to contend with. But no matter which way any one of us are experiencing this, nearly everyone seems to be on the same page with the difficulty of having our existence suddenly narrowed down and tightly controlled. I'll admit, there is starting to be some rebellion, visiting extended family members and running to the store just for ice cream...


  1. I had to laugh at the tidy garage - my husband has been out in the workshop organizing - something that should have been done years ago - you can actually open the door now and walk in without tripping over things - the work table can actually be used :)
    I'm with you on some times being a bit depressed with life as is - it hits me too

  2. Yes, it's a good time to start a new "quarantine quilt"! I'm resisting, so far. Trying to finish up some older projects that will hopefully scratch that itch. Love your triangles so far!

    Your hand quilting looks lovely, as well as being a soothing activity.

    I hear you about the whole family being home. It's just 3 of us here, and we get along pretty good most of the time. Some days the house gets a little small, but the weather is getting better, so we can get out of house which helps. Pulling weeds can be therapeutic! Yes, things can be depressing and gloomy, and I really had a hard time the first month of this. I'm better now. But like they say, one day at a time. Thank goodness for quilting! It's helped women get through hard times for a long time.

  3. I say go ahead and start a quilt if it makes you feel good! What's one more UFO (-:
    I am feeling the same way. No one can stay locked in for long without starting to go a little crazy!

  4. Keeping ourselves motivated is a creative activity in itself. I'm with Kelly. What's one more UFO. I have about 10 ideas floating around, but I'm always slow to start. I admire your ability to jump right in. 😊

  5. very nice projects...with the internet there is always something to pique one's interest...sorry about your situation...but the opposite is mine...i live alone and occasionally feel as tho i'm the only one on the planet...

  6. Thank you for the link to Big Kiss quilt tutorial! If you have fabric you love, but not long enough, why not piece it to make it long enough? Depending on design, you *might* not have to match pattern? Or do you mean you don't have enough length to make all 4 blocks??

  7. Oh, goodness! Go to my blog and look at MY dining room table! Great minds think alike! I was/am trying to make a dent in scraps but after this project I'm directing you to, I've had it for awhile. I plan on prepping something I can applique (I work by hand, thus my comments on hating the machine.)
    It's just hubby and me and we desperately miss the grandkids. We each have says when we just let out long sighs.

  8. I can see how you are tempted by the quilt-a-long. You will find a way to improvise - that's your specialty! Yes these days are so trying. We are either experiencing too much togetherness or none at all. Not ideal!

  9. I began a new quilt this week--I need another project like a hole in the head--but it just called out to my stash of jelly rolls...they've been sitting and patiently waiting for eons for a really great pattern....
    Some things are just meant to be, right?
    I love "I Am A Maker"'s colors...enjoy quilting it...
    waving in the cold wind Julierose

  10. What's one or two more new projects in the grand scheme of life? You have to strike while the inspiration is there! I was happily attempting to get some old UFO's finished before beginning anything new. Not working!

  11. You may be a bit down but your enthusiasm for the new project shines through. The fabric pull for that possible "kiss" project is fabulous. Moving forward, regardless of the task, is always positive.

  12. I'm liking the strippy triangles Audrey, be exciting to see how this develops.Thanks for the link to Clare on Instagram, what a fantastic way to use up those older fabrics, of which I ave a huge stack, so very tempted even with three or four projects on the go at the moment, I shall think seriously about this one.

  13. I feel like we are on a slow boat to nowhere. A new project is just the thing to perk you up a bit.

  14. New Starts are a good thing. Anything that helps us in the is incredible time is good.
    I totally get you on having so many at home. We all get along too, but having 6 adults in one house for so many weeks isn't easy. Take care and hang in there.

  15. Thank you for keepin' it real! Safe at home doesn't mean life is easy and chipper all day every day.

    Enjoy those new starts :-)

  16. I've got some rebellion going on too!
    I like seeing what you are working on.

  17. Oh, yummy. I've been mulling over medallion quilts lately and love these variations. The strippy triangles would be a good way to use both small scraps and long strings. It reminds me of your HST medallion and the princess one you made your niece... with variations. And the Kiss fabric draws me in. I see you included that wonderful green stripe that I have, too, with all those lovely pinks and reds.
    I wish we could get good ice cream now. Yum. But we are lucky to be quarantined with someone we get along with so well.


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