
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Sweet Cozy Finish

It was a strange Memorial Day weekend. Usually we're up camping in the woods with a bunch of friends, young adults and teenagers, roasting hotdogs and trying to keep dry. This year we had a houseful of family and a little tiny campfire on the edge of our property. So nice to avoid the big push to get everything ready to go, but also a little bittersweet not being able to share that time with so many of our friends.
Makes me want to go to the beach!
Our son unexpectedly brought his family home for the entire week prior to the holiday. It was a last minute decision due to his work 'slow down', but very welcomed on our end.They're trying to get their house fixed up to put on the market later in the summer. It was chaotic of course, as the grand daughters are quite young, but such a delight to have around! We have missed them so very much....
Quarter Log Cabin is done!
Quilting-wise, I stitched the binding onto this Improv. Quarter Log Cabin quilt and also finished up the hand quilting on I am a Maker. Both were easy projects to pick up or put down at a moments notice. It felt kinda wonderful to finish up another quilt as most days it feels more like 'drifting' than real, tangible forward progress.
Simple stitching....
For the binding, I ended using the back side of a very bright blue fabric. Didn't want to order anything on-line and have to wait and the local quilt stores are still closed due to the state lockdown. On the website, it says that they are open for a couple hours a week for mask/hospital gown drop-offs and to replenish supplies, but somehow I don't think that translates to the browsing I had in mind! Regardless, I think the quilt turned out very nice. Overall, it seems to have a very cozy, snuggable vibe, and as you all know, that is top priority around here!
A cozy vibe
The next quilt moving into the hoop is 'Antique Crows'. I pinned it to easily stitch-in-the-ditch between all the blocks, something that {thankfully} happened before our company arrived. I had hoped to have made in-roads on the hand quilting this past week, but somehow it never got touched.
Antique Crows is ready for the hoop!
Not that I'm the least bit regretful. We don't get to see our granddaughters nearly enough these days and the quilting will definitely keep!
Love the look of this one
Last night was the first night that I was back in the quilting room for any decent amount of time. Felt so good to just sit and chain piece on a scrappy project! Really expected to pick this Antique Crows quilt up later in the evening, but once again, I ended up choosing something else to work on.
Should all look even better with some good texture!
It's not that I'm avoiding it, just isn't the time for it quite yet! For right now, I'm eyeballing it over in the corner of my bedroom, kind of anticipating the moment when it starts hanging out in my lap and giving me all the feel-good endorphins.....


  1. It does look comfy and cozy... love the hand quilting texture.
    We are having a heat wave here so I am unmotivated to do anything at the moment!

  2. I love the quilts and it must have been so nice to see the family and have a campfire - yes it is not camping - but at least you have the convince of home instead - no awful campground bathrooms that are never as clean as you want and can run inside if it rains!

  3. Great finish on your Quarter Log Cabin quilt!
    And a family visit, wonderful. Grandchildren are precious, busy yes, but very precious.

  4. Having family visit is the best present and a few days with your beloved granddaughters would be a real treat. I think I remember your son and family is/was planning to move to another state for better prospects. Or was that your youngest?
    I love the Crow quilt - the cogs, the colors, and the crows. You will have fun looking at it while to get ready to start quilting. Clever you to make it part of your bedroom decor.
    And clever to use the back side of the fabric for binding. Congratulations on another lovely finish.

  5. The cross quilt looks interesting, love the bright colours.

  6. Sweet, cozy and beautiful! My but you are a fast quilter! Antique Crows is one of my favorites so I am looking forward to seeing that one in the hoop too. I know what you mean about family and quilting. Last weekend was the first time I hadn't had a needle in my hand for nearly 3 days and although it felt good to get back to it, I wouldn't trade family time for anything.

  7. Another perfectly soft and cuddly finish, I love how you always find place for a bit of applique in every quilt. Had forgotten about antique crows so have just spent my latte break skimming your previous posts about its creation. My husband loves crows and we even have a crow/bird theme going on in the kitchen and laundry/back entry room, but no crow quilt? May have to add a crow mini to the list. It'll be fun to see the final texture yours achieves when you find the time to quilt it. Enjoy those granddaughters every minute you can! Precious moments.

  8. I love the double-line quilting on your quarter log cabin quilt. It adds so much interest. Nice job! Glad your family was able to visit. My family is what has made this crazy time endurable.

  9. Your antique crows made me smile, perfect across the top of your quilt. So glad you had some special time with your little ones.

  10. Your improv piecing and simple stitches just go hand in hand. I don't think I remember your Antique Crows quilt. I love the colors and the fabulous blocks. Glad you had time with your family. It seems the most precious thing 💗 during this time of isolation.

  11. The word drifting nicely sums up how I feel on some days, I quite enjoy it as I don’t feel any pressure, so I just drift through the day doing a bit of this or that. I love your Quarter Log Cabin, I’ve been thinking about making one for ages, maybe once I’ve done cutting scraps.

  12. Antique Crows is adorable! I love the colors, the crows and the design reminds me of Dresden Plates which is a favorite of mine. Was this quilt your own design?

  13. Looks great and I want to cuddle up with it! such a nice soft texture and the stitching is wonderful.

  14. You always amaze me with your beautiful designs Audrey!! So good to see the Quarter Log Cabin all quilted up and I just love the Antique Crows!!

  15. Cozy quilt, what a nice finish, really nice idea to use the back side of a fabric. I think you've mentioned doing that before, and I just always forget that's an option! Glad you could have a house full of family!

  16. Somehow I missed seeing Antique Crows when you were assembling it. Love it! Have fun adding that all important texture with your hand quilting!

  17. Nice you were able to visit with your family.
    It still seems so hard to concentrate on one thing!!


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