Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June Quilty 365 Linkup

Yes I'm here. Just a quick post for the Quilty 365 journey! And to say 'hi'. I'm back for a post, but not for regular posting just yet. I do lurk on a rare occasion, but no time for anything else. My circles are starting to take a slightly different road, but May's circles are all here and accounted for. Woohoo! I haven't given up yet.
May Circles
For a little while I'm planning on doing a series of green {and possibly blue} circles on black backgrounds. Mostly for a background change and a little more consistently happy colors. I feel like this is needful right now. I like black, but I don't like choosing black for my mood color when quilting is supposed to be my happy place. And yes, you'll tell me it's okay to choose black, it's honest and real, yada, yada. but it just depresses me. And I'm not depressed, just stressed plus very limited with free time. It all goes together.

So I'll get black in the background color, love it as a change-up and call it good. After I get a good stack of those,  I plan to return to the normal color choice per day. I've pre-made a stack of scrappy green circles already just so I have one to choose from every day or as usually happens, every third or fourth day. I always catch up with my stitching eventually and this way the circles do continue. I'm sort of chanting that in my head these day. They. Are. Going. To. Continue! I feel very determined to not let them slide.

I do, however, feel quite {hopelessly} lost in the world of non-regular posting and quilting. It won't be forever though. Why would it be? I'm still quilting, just in much more random slots of times than normal. The other day I even came up with a plan to use exactly 366 circle blocks in this quilt. Which I'm pretty excited about. It's probably not going to be amazing, but however it ends up will by my year. All reflected in circles, for a total of one quilt. I like that. Please feel free to link up with a picture of your current circles too. I'll no doubt be very late checking back in and yes, commenting, but I'd love the links just for the record and wonderful camaraderie!

    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Glad to see you're hanging in there! I like the new circles a lot (totally get the black issue and think this is lovely way to solve it). Isn't it interesting how the circles have become a focus for all sorts of different things for different people?

  2. I hope life smooths out a bit more for you soon and you have that much needed peace and restful time doing what you love. I know how difficult that can be during some points in our lives; I can remember those times of not touching needle or machine for more than a year. Even now there are days when only a few stitches in one circle get accomplished, but those few minutes are often the best of the day.

  3. welcome back for a day - I finished my 365 top a couple weeks ago and linked to that post where I showed the final - well be quilted it this fall

  4. I'm jumping in and joining! Going to create myself a summer series of circles! Be kinda of fun to have a seasonal, memory quilt!! THANKS for the linky and idea! (I'll add you button to my blog) :)

  5. Is that some Nicey Jane I see in the bottom left circle? I have bought a big hunk of that too this spring.

    Woo hoo! I'm glad you're still sewing away in the background. :D

  6. You choose such interesting fabrics for your circles.

  7. Well, I'm glad you explained the reason for the black as I would otherwise have been worried! Your circles are fabulous. I forgot to photograph mine this morning before work so I will try to do it tonight. No need to respond!! Enjoy what little free time you have stitching. Carry on!

  8. Love the black idea. I finished another panel and kept up but didn't do a post about it this NOT caught up now, lol...have to do about 5 of them / lost the plot over the holiday weekend. Enjoy all that's going on with your family right now! :)

  9. Love the black idea. I finished another panel and kept up but didn't do a post about it this NOT caught up now, lol...have to do about 5 of them / lost the plot over the holiday weekend. Enjoy all that's going on with your family right now! :)

  10. Hi Audrey,
    Beautiful circles. The black makes them all pop. I've started putting mine together. I've almost got January done. Hope you get more Quilt time soon. Have a great day!

  11. No need to respond - I use black these days only as small accents (whereas I used black backgrounds for everything when I first started quilting during treatment for depression).

  12. Just have to say it me smile to see you had posted today. Not a pressure thing as I understanding taking a break. I do enjoy seeing your work and your wonderful combination of piecing and applique. Enjoy! And Peace! no need to respond.

  13. Hang in there Audrey, things will get better again eventually. You've created such a fun project for so many of us!

  14. Circles here, circles there...
    Sacrificing blog time, and a bit of quilting time each week seems worth it in the end - I hope we see a lot of Quilty365 finishes!

  15. I am enjoying Quilty 365. I just started on May 1 so have a long way to go. I try to find an appropriate fabric to represent my day but can't do that every day as I just don't have enough variety in my fabric. I don't have a blog so can't link up but I am really enjoying this journey and enjoy seeing everyone else's progress.

  16. It's a great plan! Really love the idea of you pre-doing those green ones to give yourself some time and space :) Very smart. And woohoo to you for coming up with a quilt design! So pleased you are excited, and any plan to usefully use 366 circle blocks is amazing, stands to reason ;) Besides, those antiques scrap quilts that a women made a century ago probably didn't think their quilts amazing but we do now, it's all in the perspective :)

  17. I just love all these circle quilts - I'm in a circle mood myself. I'm going to start this project soon. I'm thinking to go with squircles - hand cut circle/square/blobs. I'm thinking to cut the fabrics ahead of time and then my 'daily' task will be to select the 2 fabrics and cut the random shape to be appliqued. That's what I'm thinking today anyway. I'm still trying to determine what size I want to make.

  18. I like the dark backgrounds, it adds drama. I hope taking time off from regular blogging gives you some ease in the stress levels and time to enjoy life more. I totally get it. All the best to you!

  19. Can't wait to see your plan for setting your circles!

  20. Many times I have wondered why I didn`t choose dark background fabrics. They looks so much better! I hope to you nice and relaxing summer! I was so busy that I get my May circels already too late to join your link party but maybe I can link up them in June.

  21. Dear Audrey, I was thrilled to see that you were able to link up June Quilty364 Circles for us all to join you. Please don't try answering all our links just enjoy seeing what joy you have given us setting up this fun group back in Dec . I just love playing with these small blocks, For me it is the small block size I'm enjoying, big enough to show a beautiful piece of fabric and small enough to make up quickly and to sit back and admire it. It is so much fun to visit other links and see how they are been made and I see Karen has all ready finished hers and has made them in to a quilt, love love her circles it was Karen who introduced me to your lovely blog. Please take time for your self. Cheers Glenda

  22. Once again, I was too late and I don`t use twitter : ( Maybe next month.


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