
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Halfway Through With the Flowering Snowballs

Here's the first eleven Flowering Snowball blocks finished and up on the wall. I started out piecing/stitching real slow and careful, trying to get everything 'just right'. I unpicked when needed and generally just took my very sweet time.
The first 11 Flowering Snowballs
Then I decided it was time to quit dinking around and do some chain piecing for efficiencies sake.  I'm on a schedule don't you know! lol Anyway, I somehow I ended up having to take care of the unit below twice before I got it right. Seriously, the first time I took the right white piece off and sewed it on WRONG. Then I took the wrong white piece off and resewed it on WRONG. Okay, now I'm confused. But if you look at the picture below very carefully, you can see the bottom white piece was once sewed on correctly and then some idiot decided to unpick it and sew it on the WRONG way. I'm still not sure what happened here. You'd think there would be a brilliant excuse to explain things like that away, but sadly, there's not.
How not to sew this unit...
I did finally get my brain corralled and headed in the proper direction, thank goodness.There's really no point to chain piecing if you I can't even get the pieces sewn together properly.
Trying out some chain piecing
After a good nights sleep I felt much more confident about trying to put together sets of blocks instead of one measly block at at time. This time around I attempted sewing sets of four! blocks and surprisingly, it worked out very well.
The next 12 blocks

These blocks look better than they appear in the picture. Really, I was in a hurry, jumping up and down off my sewing chair--slapping the blocks on the wall and getting back to my sewing. When this kind of sewing is going well, it's not the time to be worrying about the photo op.


  1. Your Flowering Snowball blocks are looking wonderful!!! I know it's a small detail but the green you're using for the little squares look great!!

  2. I think it's looking fantastic. Hope your brain stays on track for the rest of the blocks.

  3. Love this post... just as much as I love your Flowering Snowballs. As a fellow exponent of sewing the wrong one on the right way and vice versa I feel your frustration :o) Brains are such fickle things.. here one day, gone the next! You started my day with a giggle... and I thank

  4. Bravo, you are progressing quickly, and it's more and more beautiful!!

  5. I love these colors !

    So...are you saying that you are not SUPPOSED to sew things wrong the first time? Sheesh if I had known that I'd probably be faster ....

  6. looks great, I love how this is looking…its going to be a great quilt

  7. It looks wonderful! And very complicated, I think it is great you got these together like this, I would not be able to manage it I am sure.

  8. I love your quilt but my oh my it looks hard to make....

  9. so nice to no others sew things wrong also! I can even do a 16 patch wrong! The other day I had to switch out some light/darks - love the stacks of pieces there!

  10. This quilt is looking AMAZING and is SEW worth the extra effort!! Keep are going to have an heirloom quilt when finished!!

  11. This is such a graphic design, I'm guessing that it's a real motivation to get more and more blocks done so that you can enjoy that "wow" when you put them up on the wall together. I can't see the difference in the white pieces so I would probably be sewing them all on wrong!
    The green centers were a great choice.

  12. Keep sewing, you've got the rhythm going now. I like the small green square too.

  13. Terrific! This is going to be fabulous. It has such visual impact. Been there, done that with the funky piecing. A good night's sleep is just what you needed! Take care, Pam

  14. Oh I resemble that so much. I once sewed a piece wrong 3 times, gave up for a couple days then retried and got it wrong two more times. I finally gave up and have not gone back to it in a year. I think that quilt is cursed. LOL

  15. This looks so great! I've been chain-piecing a little--only two blocks at a time. Sounds like you've got a speedier system. I may have to try that. I sewed them wrong, the same way you did, a couple of times too.

  16. I have been interested in the flowering snowball sew along, but it wasn't until I saw your blocks up together on the wall that I actually wanted to make one for myself! I LOVE the colors you chose, and they have such a wonderful visual impact. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I chain piece straight seams, but I don't think I would try it with curved ones. Anyway, they're looking good! How many will you make? 22? 24?

  18. Awesome quilt! I stopped sewing some pickle dish blocks because every time I go to assemble them I do it in the wrong order. So today, I simply stopped wrote myself a note about it and will assemble them after I read the note and first thing in the morning when my mind is clear. LOL

  19. Chain sewing is fantastic for getting things done and making progress quickly isnt it- I've been doing a bit of that myself lately.

    Your design wall picture looks great!

  20. Boy, I hate when I do chain boo-boos! But, once you get it sorted and get in a rhythm, it can just zip along and be golden. Glad you hit your sweet zone! Love your blocks - they really are awesome. And that little bit of green square is just perfect! Really sets the whole block off.

  21. This made me smile :). The blocks are looking fabulous!!

  22. Looking good! Just think of it as Brain Training. Don't they say that working on puzzles and new ways of doing things, is good for the brain?

  23. Es muy bonito!!!
    veo un gran edredón
    los colores muy acertados

  24. You are making such gorgeous progress!!

  25. I love your blocks and the fabrics you have chosen! (I may have said that before. lol) When that happens to me I know it is time to take a break and come back to it later!

  26. LOVING this - don't think I'd be up to tackling it myself though - kudos to you!

  27. Hahaha, I also sewed several white "petals" in the wrong direction and had to unpick. I think our hands can't keep up with how fast our minds are going. Hoping to finish my last 4 blocks this weekend, without the seam ripper.

  28. I am sent here by Debra at Frugal Little Bungalow. What a beautiful site you have, as promised! Your quilts are lovely and your color choices subtle and classy.
    I am a quilter too, but I would never take on a project like this one. Scared to death of curved lines and no courage to even try them! You did well!
    I have just read about the fire and am so sorry about the trauma it has caused your family. I hope it goes away and never comes back. My friend, a retired Forest Service employee from near Seattle is out there now fighting it. God bless all of you.

  29. I'm visiting from Deb's, too! I love this design....what a challenge! And very beautiful! I'm sorry about the terrible fires, too. It sure has been a hard situation. Sweet hugs, Diane


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