
Monday, July 21, 2014

Fire's in Pateros

Hi I'm Liz, Audrey's sister I don't know if you realize she lives in Pateros, WA.

The Carlton complex fire swept through town Thursday night.  Audrey and her family are all safe.  They did not lose their home but it was close.  Many neighbors and our parents lost their homes.  Everyone is OK.  We are so thankful everyone is alive.  

We do not know when power and internet will be restored.


  1. Thank you for letting us know about the fire and that Audrey and family are safe.

  2. It's great to hear Audrey and her family are safe. Thank you for letting us know. Please give them our thoughts. And prayers go out to those who have lost their homes.

  3. thanks for letting us know…let her know I am thinking of her and so sorry to hear about your parents. So sad.

  4. I am so sorry to hear many neighbours and especially your parents lost their homes, but very relieved Audrey and her family are safe. My family and I lost our home in bushfires here in Aust in 1983 so I understand how frightening a fire is, and how devastating it can be. Thinking of you all xx

  5. Living in Greece, I know about fires and us as well almot lost our house three times! Everything burnt around, no trees left... a real shock! So sorry for your parents! I wish the best to your sister and her family. Thank you for keeping us informed.

  6. Thanks for letting us know everyone is safe!

  7. Liz - thank you for letting us know. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your parents's home and happy to know that Audrey and the rest of the family is safe. Sending good vibes from Connecticut. Take care, Pam

  8. Thank you for letting us know Audrey and her family are sorry to hear of your parents home...hugs and prayers...Kelley

  9. How awful! Good to know Audrey and family are safe and all the other people as well, but so sorry for those who lost their homes. Thank you for letting us know.

  10. So glad to hear that Audrey and her family are safe. It is so sad that everyone has lost so much including your parents losing their home.

  11. so glad you were able to post for Audrey - I just sent her an email yesterday as we had not heard from her on her blog - I thought she lived in the general area but wasn't sure how close to the area that was burning - tell her I'm thinking of her and so sorry that your parents lost their house - how sad but glad everyone is ok.

  12. Thanks for the update and glad they are safe. Sorry about your parents, I can only imagine how devastating this is for your family.

  13. Thanks for letting us know. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  14. Thanks for letting us know ... so thankful that Audrey and her family are safe, but praying for those who lost their homes.

  15. I'm so thankful that Audrey and her family are safe. My thoughts and prayers go out to your parents and those who's homes were lost.

  16. Thank you for this. I have been wondering about her. You are in my prayers

  17. Thank you for the update, Liz! I am so sorry about your parents' home, but I am glad that Audrey and her family made it through. You will all still have a lot to deal with. My prayers and best wishes are with you!

  18. Muchas gracias, por mandarnos noticias de Audrey y de su familia
    siento muchísimo la casa de tus padres y vecinos
    ellos están bien de salud eso me tranquiliza
    desde Gijon España todo mi afecto y cariño

  19. Liz ~ Thanks for updating all of us, Audrey's 'virtual' friends. I have watched news coverage of the fire, it must have been a terrifying experience to be anywhere near it. So sorry to hear of your parents' loss of their home, but relieved to hear that Audrey and all of the family made it through. Please give her my best.

  20. Oh no, thanks for updating. Prayers and thoughts will all of you...stay safe!

  21. Oh I am glad to see an update. I'd mailed her because I knew that she lived in the Spokane area ( a few hours from Spokane ) and yet not which town or anything and I was worried / kept checking the blog and my email. Oh I am so glad that they are safe and their home is intact!

  22. Liz maybe we could start a collection to help your parents. It wouldn't replace their home but every little bit could help at least with immediate needs / if you think that is a good idea you could post an address for us to send $$ to. :) Prayers with you all.

  23. Liz, thank you for this post letting us know the news. I am so sorry to hear about your parents home! Such a devastating loss! I am so thankful though that everyone is okay! I will keep you all in my prayers!

  24. To all of Audreys Quilty friends....your care & concern is amazing!
    -Deb@FrugalLittle Bungalow....they are not asking for help but if you feel like want to help here is the folks address
    Lionel & Joyce Wilson
    PO Box 352
    Pateros Wa, 98846
    Once again Thanks for all your comments, care & concern. Audrey dose not have a smart phone & is out of power & electricity.

  25. Thank you for the address / have a friend who wants to contribute as well so I'll send this address to her too! :)

  26. Thank you for letting us know that everyone is OK - Im so sorry to hear about your parents home though.

  27. That s so frightening! I am glad to know Audrey and her family and home are safe. We were dead center here for Hurricane Sandy, so I know how scary natural events like this can be. Heartbreaking.
    Sending prayers for her and all who lost homes and businesses.

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  28. Oh wow! I had no idea! I'm glad they're safe and didn't lose their home. I will pray for those who have not been so fortunate.

  29. thanks for posting the address Liz - pass on our concerns to Audrey

  30. So glad Audrey is safe. So sorry about your parents home. Life can sure throw some punches. It makes us stronger but the struggle can be overwhelming.

  31. Thank you so much for letting us know. My prayers are with your parents and your family.

  32. Thanks for letting us know Liz. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  33. So sad to hear your parents lost their home. How devestating for them. So relieved to hear Audrey and her family are safe. My prayers are with you all.

  34. I am thankful your family members are all OK though not without loss. What an ordeal for you all. My prayers go out for your family as your folks rebuild their lives.

  35. Just an update to you all that I checked on the local news today ( via Google ) to see if you had power or anything yet / UGH / you are all going through SO MUCH / no power / no water / nothing / in my thoughts and prayers, Audrey!

  36. Glad everyone is alive and safe. Prayers to everyone & hope you get power back soon. We are thinking of you~~~~

  37. Oh my.. I had no idea you were in the vicinity of the fires. Terrible news about your parents home, I'm so sorry. Glad to hear yours survived, and everyone in your family is safe. What a horrible thing to go through.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you Audrey, Liz and family....


  38. Thinking of you and your family. Please keep us updated as you can.
    Thank you for the address.

  39. Praying for you, your family and your town!

  40. I had no idea. Thank you so much for letting us know. So thankful that Audrey and her family are safe, but praying for those who lost their homes.

  41. Thank you for letting us know.... what a terrible time :(

  42. Glad everyone is safe and well. Thinking of you all...

  43. Happy for you that you did not lose your home and happy for your family members who will be cared for by you after suffering the losses of their homes! A truly devastating experience!


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