
Friday, August 1, 2014

Electricity but no Internet

It wasn't supposed to be night, it was around 7:00pm and pitch black.

Hi this is Rhiannon (I'm the oldest daughter!),
Just a quick note from My Mom. We are so happy and thankful to still have a home. We finally got back into our house on Friday!! The Electric came back on Saturday - Yay! Still no Internet at home though. We're waiting for the Internet guy to tell us where to replace the burnt pole. We seem to be in a bigger hurry then he is, but there's a million things to do at home anyway.  Lots of clean-up inside and out. Also we're trying to make room for my grandparents and my aunt to live at our place for awhile. Camp trailers in the yard for sleeping and privacy, inside for intense bonding over Grandma's fried tacos. No worries about mom and her quilting though. When we were evacuating she grabbed more quilts than anything else. I can't say much though because I grabbed all of my quilts and stuffed them in my car too. Also during all this mayhem and craziness, mom has still been working on a basket quilt project. Thanks so much for all the kind and supportive comments. As soon as we get the Internet at home again , Mom will check back in and start returning some emails.

This is our house and that hill goes right up to the back of  the house. This is just a couple minutes before we left.

The Hill behind our house on fire

This is what is left of my Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's House.

My Grandma Easter's trailer was in this trailer park.
Our highway sign is gone, but the town is still recognizable, it's the town with all the burnt houses.


  1. Thanks for the update of your family and theirs. I'm sure there is lots of pain in the loss of the homes, but great memories of the times spent there.

    I hope your life gets back to a more normal status soon.

    All is not lost, you have your families and loved ones to share memories withl

  2. Thank you Rhiannon for the update! The photos of your grandparent's homes burnt to the ground is so heartbreaking! I am glad everyone is alright. It is so wonderful that your home was spared and that your grandparents have a place to stay.

  3. I check in here once every day or so to see if there's been any updates ( told myself Audrey's probably quilting by candlelight : ) Thanks for letting us know :)

  4. So glad for a positive update.

  5. Thanks Rhiannon for the news. Fires are awful, we experience those catastrophes often here in Greece. Wish you all the best for the future!

  6. thank you so much for updating your mom's blog - all of her internet friends have been concerned. so glad that quilts were grabbed - not surprised there and the basket quilt too! I have been watching the progress of that one :) everyone will be glad to get back to normal I'm sure and have new homes built or found to live in. Glad you have room for some extra family and bonding will be great I'm sure and looked back on with a lot of memories!

  7. So good to hear this update! I can't imagine what it is like to go thru something like this, but this is when families pull together and make some great memories. Hopefully your lives will become more normal soon and your city will be able to rebuild quickly.

  8. Gracias por la información de como van sus vidas
    Nuestros deseos desde España
    es que sus vidas puedan volver pronto a la normalidad
    que podáis estar juntos con los abuelos sera una etapa nunca olvidareis
    abrazos a la familia

  9. This has to be the scariest times for all of you. I can hardly imagine what it must be like. So happy that your family is all together and safe.

  10. I'm still saying a thank you to God for your safety. Thanks for the check-in.

  11. Thank you for letting us know your family is safe and sound. It's so sad to see those photos of destruction, but good to know Audrey is sewing. Grandma's fried tacos sound great. Take care, and my heart goes out to you all.

  12. Thanks for the update Rhiannon. Such a terrible experience for your community. I'm glad your family is safe (and the quilts too). Thinking of you all as you come to grips with the devastation. X

  13. That must have been so scary!! So glad you are all ok. I pray that rebuilding will proceed with speed. Thanks for the update!

  14. What a scary experience that must have been . Thank goodness you all are ok and safe.

  15. to see the photos and destruction is heart breaking but i am so glad that your home was not lost. i cannot imagine the panic and difficulty of making the sorts of decisions one must make in this situation . . .
    my wonderful husband has had a career of fighting fires throughout the summers so i've given it thought before but just don't know what i would do.
    so glad that you are safe and that your home is there for you and the family members who need sheltering.


  16. Thank you for the update, I have been wondering. It all looks very scary and heartbreaking to lose a home and all your memories. Wonderful that you are all safe and that it is possible for all to remain together.

  17. Your photos are a reminder how quickly situations can change. It is heart breaking to see your grandparents homes, but the strength of your family stands out. Keep moving forward.

  18. Thanks for the update, and so glad that everyone is safe. But your poor grand parents! What a heartache to lose their entire home & what must seem like a lifetime of memories.

  19. So glad to hear everyone is safe and you all are able to begin working on returning home. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  20. Thank you so much for the update, Rhiannon! What terrifying photos! Audrey was so lucky that her house was spared, when I see how close the fire was and how bad the damage elsewhere. I know Audrey's mom is a quilter too, and I hope she has not lost too much, although I fear she must have. Anyway, glad you are all well in body, and hopefully all well in spirit too! All the best. :)

  21. OMGosh!! The important thing is that everyone is safe!! My heart goes out to all of devastating!

  22. So sorry, Audrey, to hear of the devastation that the fire caused, for both your family and your community. So good to hear that you & your family are safe. Wishing you all the best for the days ahead.

  23. OH my goodness.. those photos are so terrible. What a scary time for everyone!
    Thanks for taking the time to post an update.

  24. It is so good to hear from you! The loss of your grandparents' house must be devastating, but I am so glad you have each other. Sending excellent vibes your way! Pam

  25. Just wanted to let you know I'm keeping you all in my thoughts.. Glad to hear you are all safe, though I can't even begin to appreciate how devastating the loss of homes and businesses must be for your family and community. I hope the days and months ahead are healing and that the rebuilding goes smoothly.

  26. Thanks for the update. Praying for all who lost their homes.

  27. Thank goodness everyone is safe. I saw that on the news and the other wildfires starting up across the west. I immediately thought of all the families, who might have lost their houses from the fires. Anyway, it's good that all the quilts are saved. I hope your internet connection can be re-established ASAP. My thoughts are with everyone affected.

    Jannette Britt @ T-Link

  28. Thank you for the update. We've been thinking about your family.
    Take care during this challenging time of rebuilding.

  29. thanks for the update I have thought of you a lot lately and your family.
    Sending good thoughts that your relatives homes will be replaced and the town comes back even stronger…

  30. Thanks for the update. What a challenge it will be to rebuild though I expect it will make you all stronger. Sending well wishes to all of you, especially your Grandma.


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