
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Another Day of Progress

I've been working on my Flowering Snowball blocks a little here and there. They are just challenging enough to put a smile on my face while I'm sewing them together, but not so easy I get to relax. So exciting that I can actually sew a complicated block together like this without extreme difficulties!
Flowering Snowball blocks
Of course, working on quilts like my Learning Curves is the main reason I can sew Flowering Snowballs together and stay sane. Well, kinda sane. I have to say, all the pin, pin, pinning and fussy sewing in the centers does get tedious after a bit. Nice to have all the pieces finally cut out and ready to go too. I was trying to pace myself with the cutting out so I didn't strain my hand like the last time I was cutting out template pieces. So hard when you want to have it all done!
All the pieces ready to put together
And then in the evenings I try to spend some time with my Worry Baskets quilt in my lap. It's really hot in our part of the state right now, but my husband keeps the air conditioning up high enough that I can usually feel glad to have a quilt hanging around.
Another day with the hoop
I feel like I'm in that wonderful phase where I'm getting nowhere very fast with the hand quilting on this particular quilt. I have to keep telling myself that another frame done is another day of hand quilting I won't have to be spending on this quilt later on. Love the look so very much so I just keep picking the frame up every evening. Eventually I'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Linking up with Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday where I'll be chugging along with the other slow stitchers!


  1. The flowering snowball is very intriguing. Can't wait to see more of it.

  2. Both are very beautiful! Your snowballs are amazing, they look perfect! I also love those baskets. I have the basket quilt in progress, I really need to get back to working on it. I think I have somewhere around 100 of the baskets finished....I think. LOL!

  3. The Flowering Snowball blocks look oh so good. Everything comes together where it should. They are similar to a type block I tried and just couldn't get two in a row sewn right.

  4. The baskets are darling. Slow and steady finishes the race!

  5. Love your projects, especially the baskets! It does seem like we are chugging along, until there comes a point when we realize how far we've come :)

  6. Your snowballs are looking good! I was pinning like crazy too, until someone in the flickr group posted a tutorial about gluing seams before sewing. It felt like cheating, but what a difference a dab of glue makes! No more pins!
    The basket quilt is gorgeous.

  7. I can't wait to see a finishsed Flowering Snowball block. That quilt will be so stunning when you are through. I love that you are using a variety of fabrics in it too because that is up my ally.

  8. I have never seen that Flowering Snowball block before, it looks great. And don't you just love handquilting?

  9. Love your Flowering Snowball, I've never seen it either. Good work on the quilting, that's how I approach a big quilt, you just have to keep worth it in the end.

  10. It's wonderful to see your flowering snowball quilt has begun! You're committed now that you've cut all the pieces. You're making progress on your baskets! I sometimes think those square hoops need a name like squoop.

  11. Your making progress! some projects just take time but so worth it in the end. love the baskets…the flowering snowballs are amazing. I have been tempted to make that quilt too

  12. I really like the Flowering Snowball blocks. I can't recall ever seeing that pattern before. I always thought it was supposed to be the woman that wanted a cold house, but I swear I'm forever putting a lightweight sweater on in the evenings in the house as he wants to keep it so cold!

  13. Flowering Snowball is definitely worth the time and trouble it takes. Yours will be fabulous!!!

  14. Nice! I'm looking for some hand-piecing ideas for a road trip this summer. Flowering Snowball would make a great choice. I think curved piecing and all of the necessary pinning offers a huge pay-off in the end - so worth it! Take care, Byrd

  15. Those flowering snowball blocks are so unusual and pretty! :)

  16. I sure like the fabrics in your Flowering Snowball blocks! Getting all the pieces cut out is a big accomplishment! Your Worry Basket quilt will certainly be worth the time and effort!

  17. The Flowering Snowball block is a pattern I did'nt know and I think the final effect will be stunning!

  18. Wow! Those flowering snowball blocks are really interesting! Love where you’re taking them colour wise too. Sweet.

    Worry Baskets is looking fabulous. Your idea of one part at a time is the only way to finish. Dont think about the big picture or you’ll feel completely overwhelmed!

  19. Such pretty projects. Those snowballs look so difficult. I love the basket quilt... that may be my hand work project next year.

  20. I always say when I'm hand quilting, "Just a hoop a day". And, as you said, it's one spot quilted and done. Enjoy our journey.

  21. Love those flowering snowball blocks! That's going to be a gorgeous project. And the baskets are coming along well too. "Moving the chains," is what I always tell myself, which, as you are in a football loving household, you will understand!

  22. Can't wait to see more of the Flowering Snowballs. Happy Sewing :0)

  23. That's the right attitude to have when quilting on a large quilt. Sometimes it's hard to see the progress, but each move of the frame is a little less to do!


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