
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Little Bit of Catch Up

More baskets finished up for the Baskets Galore BOM over at Legend and Lace! I was only four baskets behind, that's all.... I've been contemplating starting Molly Flanders flowering snowball QAL and it just didn't feel right if I wasn't current with the baskets BOM. I don't know why I can't ever seem to keep up properly.
Blocks 8, 9, 10 & 11
I really did try to balance out the colors a little bit better with these four blocks. Things were looking a tad too pink, but now I think the yellow is winning! So far, every single block I make is a bit wonky too. Templates are one of those scary, dive off a cliff sort of thing for me. Sometimes I get it just right and other times I land seriously all wrong. I refuse to worry about it with this project though. If somebody else had made these blocks, I'd say they looked charming. And I'd mean it! So hello? Meet the eleven perfectly charming blocks on my wall.*wink  Hopefully I can add an every-other-block to my quilt top to distract from the slightly less than perfect stitching I have going on with this project.
Waiting for the next basket!
I also got the top done for my wildlife challenge block quilt. It's a beauty. If you love critters and Christmasy/Lodge colors.
A completed quilt top!
Which I don't. But I know that it has enough sentimental value in the blocks to more than compensate for the perceived failings that I see. Nice to have it all ready to machine quilt too. I think I have a good two or three months to get this one properly finished up and moved on down the road!


  1. I think you are keeping up just fine! But I know how you feel when things start to pile up. It makes me nervous too. LOL These basket blocks are super cute. It's going to be fun to see what happens with them. As far as the other crack me up! Too funny!

  2. I think you;re going to have to give me basket lessons Audrey. I never had the urge to make any until I kept seeing how beautiful yours are.

  3. I think your baskets are charming as well! I love a little bit of wonkyness in antique quilts but can be very hard on myself should it turn up in my sewing room. I need to learn to step back and smile and not be so hard on myself. My results with templates are very mixed as well. I look forward to seeing what you do with your baskets :0)

  4. Your baskets all look wonderful to me!! It's a great variety of blocks and I love the colours you are using! I was all poised to start MF Snowball QAL but had second thoughts upon realising how many UFOS and WIPS I have.

  5. Charming blocks are my friends! ;-)

  6. I love your baskets! they are very charming indeed. I have never been pulled to make them but I always all the others that I see on blogs.

  7. I can't see any wonkiness from the photos. The baskets look great to me! Very charming especially with your fabric choices! Congratulations on the other top being done, you did an excellent job on that one!

  8. Looks wonderful to me, love all those colors in the baskets, very charming indeed.

  9. They DO look charming and the colors really pop.

  10. I don't see any wonkiness ... but even if I did, I'd be the last to say anything other than they look charming (which they do, by the way!!) because even on simple blocks, my piecing isn't always as accurate as I'd like. No one will ever think my quilts are anything other than hand made. ha!

  11. Yes, charming is not at all ironic, and perfectly correct! I love the happy colours as well.

    Congratulations on the finished flimsy, too. I know it will be appreciated once it's done and at it's new home.

  12. Love those basket blocks. I'd love to see your fabric stash - you always use fab fabrics!

  13. Your baskets are wonderful! Mine are seriously wonky, but it is a fun project.

  14. Wonky baskets -- wonky blocks -- they're all good. The main thing is that they're done. You have great variety with your fabrics. Yes, a lot of yellow and pink, but those are energetic, fun colors. Well done!
    I keep writing that I'm going to play catch up, but not yet. One of these days I will.


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