
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Getting Ready to Take Two Quilt Tops Off the UFQ List!

Okay, this is good stuff. I just kicked two UFQ's off of my list in one day! Actually moved them onto another list, but hey, progress is progress. First up was Muddy Creek. I spent about a half an hour with it spread out on the floor wondering how to add another border. Nope. Not happening. My last border blocked everything in well and good and now it wants to be done. So... onto Happy Flowers.
Happy Flowers
I had wondered if it might be done here or maybe even here. But both times I didn't quite have that feeling. You know the one where everything just clicks into place and you can tell it's time to move on? After adding on this last light red and cream ticking fabric, it happened though. Always a big sigh of relief and satisfaction when it comes together so well. Who would have ever thought it could end up so simple and lighthearted? Not me that's for sure!
The corner of Happy Flowers
It has been mind boggling to me at this how insistent this quilt has been about going in the direction of light, bright and FUN. So not me--not naturally anyway, but I love it all the same. I was really concerned about getting too busy with the borders and crushing the simplicity of the flowers. On the other hand, one fabric (un-pieced) borders can have a tendency to look lazy and rushed if not done with thoughtfulness. And wow!  Doesn't that sound egotistical.....
Loving this view....
Okay, moving on..... This is the quilt that I will probably debut my pattern making skills with. Ha. Que up the panic attack mode. First of all, I have zero places to take a picture of a {large} quilt face on. Sure, I could go to the park and let the citizens of our small town be nosy, but honestly, I'm kind of shy. I'm seriously considering just using one of these pictures. Afterall, I don't think I'm in this for the money--more the opportunity to share my sweet quilt with others that might be interested.
My applique always looks a little bit prim.
And I can already tell I'm waaaay too wordy with the pattern writing. Must. Learn. Discretion.
More Happy Flowers
Another thing I'm sweating over is this: I am primarily a hand quilter. If I wait until this little beauty is hand quilted, the time to draw up a pattern will have passed. But I don't want to rush any part of my quilting process. Can I just use a picture of the quilt top for the pattern cover? Is that cheating? Do I care?
Looks like something to snuggle up with....
Ahhh... So many questions. This is just the tip of the iceberg and all I really want to do is quilt, fondle fabric and do a little stitching with the quilt in my hoop. Bah humbug on all the petty details that I know are probably only agonizing the first time around! How do people do this without a manual?

On a more upbeat note,  look what came through our door just last night! These lovely cherries are in season right now and one of our workers dropped them off for our enjoyment.
Everybody's happy with these around!
Gotta love cherry season. Then everybody gets happy in a hurry!


  1. I so love the Happy Flowers quilt...can't wait for the pattern...the border is perfect...and I'm sure no one will mind an unquilted photo...

    as for pattern like Cheri Payne...or Jan Patek...little or no directions...

  2. Beautiful... love, love, love these Happy Flowers. Shhhhh...I have secretly starting making these blocks... Thanks for the inspiration!!!
    I have seen plenty of patterns out there with pieced quilts on them, not quilted. Go for it!

  3. Those cherries look delicious! I personally can't wait for the pattern, I would LOVE to make that quilt! Thanks for taking the plunge!!

  4. Great finish. It's always a challenge to venture into a new arena. It seems before you write your pattern you need to decide if your audience are beginners who know little or experienced quilters. That would determine the amount of words. Just a thought.

  5. you did good. Love it - I too at times have thought to write up a pattern of one of my quilts but can never really talk myself into it - how do you explain how to make a vine wander around a border :) some people have to have to be told exactly how to do it - good luck if you go for it - I would think just having a photo of the finished top would be ok

  6. I love your Happy Flowers!! I think you are an amazing quilter and very brave to step out into the pattern writing realm! I don't see why the quilt would need to be quilted in the pattern photo, you could replace the photo with one of it quilted later on. I would buy this pattern!

  7. Precioso!!!!
    tendré que hacer flores felices, me gustan muchísimo
    tiempo de cerezas muuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    buen fin de semana

  8. Great quilt…writing patterns good luck. Maybe you could make a small quilt and quilt that one to go along with this quilt if your concerned about it. I think if the picture is clear and the quilt top looks great don't worry about it being hand quilted.

  9. Another lovely quilt! I think taking the step into pattern writing is scary but you do have great designs. Maybe if you follow the 'KISS' method and use lots of pictures/diagrams?

  10. It's beautiful...I wonder if cherries will be arriving in our grocery stores them.

    I think that you should go for it. Don't wait until it is quilted; just do it ! :)

  11. There are those amazing flowers again!! I truly love them...what wonderful colors and fabrics you have is PERFECT!!!!

  12. Two tips I've read on other blogs:
    1. Sue Garman takes the "beauty shot" of a quilt for a pattern before it is quilted. I expect is is easier to see the details then.
    2. I always remember Paulette from Sweet P blog saying "treat me like an idiot" when it comes to pattern instructions! So I would say everything you want to say.

    Otherwise, congratulations on the two finishes! They both look great, and I think the Happy Flowers pattern will do well!

  13. Hey, I was just going to say "Treat me like an idiot' haha Such a wise woman that Sweet P!! Love the quilt and regardless how you write the pattern it's going to be a winner!
    Take care!

  14. Happy Flowers looks amazing. I think a pattern can never be too wordy . Some people need more detail and those that dont will skim over the bits they dont need.

    Ah cherries- they appear here in December so at the moment they are but a distant memory!

  15. The quilt is perfect! And those cherries are amazing!

  16. A beauty of a quilt top and fresh cherries to boot? You must be living right! Really love your quilt.

  17. You are so right about borders and simple ones can look as though they're rushed but yours is just right, perfect for the quilt!! Like the others I think it's fine to just have a picture of the quilt top. Cherries are just so cheery!!

  18. Your choices on this top are spot on! Folky yet fresh. I think a photo pre-quilting would be fine for a pattern pic. In fact, sometimes the quilting distracts from the featured design on such photos, I think.
    Additionally, your quilting choices could give the prospective buyer second thoughts if she doesn't care for that aspect of the design and feels compelled to follow your quilting suggestions as well. (Maybe that's a bias on my part but I tend to think that a lot of people who buy patterns don't choose to veer off the path or feel comfortable making it 'their own'.)

  19. Audry,
    First of all, congratulations on writing the pattern. It was the hardest thing I did when I wrote my first pattern. I love this quilt. Your choice of fabrics for applique as well as borders are perfect. Your dilemma on hand quilting is quite understandable. I don't think it will matter if it is a picture of just a top on the cover. Get that pattern out the door rather than your buyers keep waiting..
    Those cherries... I am drooling!

  20. Audrey, I love this quilt and Muddy Creek - I have been meaning to ask you, is Muddy Creek your own design? I love it. I also love your Happy Flowers and the colours you have used. Maybe if you used a photo such as the third one down, it would not matter if it was quilted or not? And by the way, nothing you write ever sounds egotistical, I love reading what you share in your posts. If only you could share those cherries too... yum!


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