
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Doing the Right Thing the Second Time Around

This is turning out to be one of those quilts. You know the ones--love 'em and hate 'em. The first time I stitched the burst down, it had a suspicious oblong shape. 
The start of my new applique quilt
I was much too busy visiting with my sister to listen to that niggly little voice of doubt. Just kept on stitching away, doing my thing. Until the company left and I REALLY looked at my quilt. Oh shoot. No way am I going to be okay with that hot mess.
More to re-stitch
Then, the second time I attacked this quilt with the seam ripper, it was because I suddenly realized (at about 11:45 one evening) that I had managed to stitch all my flowers WroNG. Well, I had one flower left un-stitched, but it was not a pleasant realization. Instead of the criss-cross presentation they are currently in? I had them weather vane straight up and down and sideways. *groan  I desperately tried to convince myself that it would all be fine, but my brain wouldn't listen. It knows what it knows.
Just two left!
If it wasn't for the fact that I want to be working on this quilt and the colors are still melting my heart {I have a weird heart}, I'd cram it back in the bag and just leave it. Oh wait, it looks like it's already been crammed back in the bag once or twice before. Does somebody have a temper?

Anyway, this is my slow stitching project for today. Trying to do the fix it thing and then maybe I can move on. lol


  1. Thanks for the smile today! I really get how that goes!
    Good for you for sticking with it... hope it behaves for you today :)
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Yup I was doing the same thing today. Felt really good when ripping and re-sewing was done. Tomorrow I sandwich and then decide what pattern to quilt on it.

  3. I was using my seam ripper along with you today! lol But at the end of the day arent' you glad you did what you knew was right? Lovely applique too! Enjoy when you get to stitch again! Kathi

  4. You absolutely had to do this. Talking yourself into it wouldn't have worked. In the end the payoff will be HUGE! Beautiful work as usual! Take care, Pam

  5. sometimes it is hard to stick with a project that we mess up - if you want to keep it well fix it :)

  6. hey, now you're on the right track and it's looking beautiful.


  7. Get the ripping done and you'll be glad you did. Sometimes you just gotta do it.

  8. I guess every quilter has a love-hate project, mine is Phebe (pattern by Di Ford). Good on you for sticking with it.

  9. oh no, we all have done this more then once I have to admit!
    just do it , like Nike says, and it will be a beautiful block

  10. The only thing more painful than ripping out stitches is ripping out hand sewn stitches! Take will be rewarded when you finish your beautiful quilt.

  11. Sometimes we are our own toughest critics, but then again, you're going to be spending a lot of time with this quilt, so it has to feel right. I've been admiring these dogtooth circles on other blogs, but it looks like a few too many inside corners for me! Hopefully just watching your progress will be enough. :D

  12. Sometimes it so hard to rip out our stitching, but you just have. I know the feeling of "I will never be happy if I leave like this!" A great new project!

  13. I think you're being very patient and good tempered. Maybe these are just a few moody quilt bits and now they're over the quilt will behave itself and sew up like a dream :)

  14. Nothing worse than having to unsew! But it'll all be worth it in the end.

  15. It can be hard to get a large ring shape in position for stitching and have it not turn out a little wonky. I would have had to let it cool a few days before going back to the project at hand.

  16. Hang in there, it's going to be so pretty.


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