
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Muddy Creek Applique Blocks

My 4 1/2" applique blocks are all finished up for the next border of my Muddy Creek quilt! I stuck them up on the wall around the centerpiece and just started smiling. Oh yeah. I can totally see this happening.
Muddy Creek Applique blocks
Course I have to give them a little bit more space to breathe. Don't you think? It just looks to me like a bit of light colored fabric would do the trick. I'm fiddling around with a possible coping border and maybe some thin little strips of spacer fabric?
Checking out a layout plan...
Got a lot going on right now though, so I'm not sure when I'll find the proper time to proceed. So much book work sitting on my desk that I've finally succumbed to guilt and angst and well, something that smells a bit like depression. Hopefully I can burn through the necessary demands and get back to what I love best very quickly. If not, I'm sure I'll find ways to sneak in some quilting anyway.*wink  There is still 24 hours in each day?


  1. That is looking lovely Audrey ! Beautiful fabrics and colours...

  2. Looks great...hope you manage to squeeze in some sewing time!

  3. I really like these color choices that you have made in this one - with these blocks wrapped around the center applique the applique really comes to life and kind of pops out at you - love it

  4. I really, really like this quilt especially the colors. Keep as cheerful as you can and try to do just a little bit of what you love each day.

  5. Fabulous border!! I've never seen this block before. Very striking!!

  6. I like the layout. Hope your paperwork goes quickly and smoothly.

  7. I am smitten with this project. Hope you find some time to play. Those moments have been hard for me to find too.

  8. The blocks look great! Pink and brown is one of my favorite combos. And to put a positive spin on the low mood, I heard about a study that showed a mild depression may actually be good for you and help you live longer! Hope it's true. I have my bouts of low mood on occasion also!

  9. precioso es lo que puedo decir !!
    me gusta
    buen fin de semana

  10. Those little pink and brown blocks are strutting their stuff because they look so good!

  11. This is looking great! I think that you have appliqued the brown parts onto the pink parts? And looking at it I probably would have appliqued the quarter circles onto the brown background - interesting how we think differently, huh? Can't wait to see what's next! Hope you find enough time to work on it and keep yourself sane......

  12. The applique border blocks are amazing! Love the whole kit 'n kaboodle!

  13. So beautiful. Get cracking on that other stuff you have to do so you can get back to this and amaze us with the next wonderful bit!

  14. Love everything about this quilt!! SEW different!

  15. Your blocks around the outside make me smile, too, Audrey. I love how they connect and make arches around the next inside border. Very fun!

  16. Audrey I am in love with this project. It sings to me. Hugs

  17. Those blocks make such an effective border!!

  18. As always, I am in love with your colours Audrey. Your border is just perfect for the quilt.

  19. Such interesting blocks, beautiful colours. Paperwork the bane of my life!

  20. Excellent choice of a block design for your quilt. They remind me of a quilt pattern I was looking at a couple days ago. By Kim Diehl.


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