
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Slow Stitching Sunday

Here I am, finally working on the border for Plain Jane. Very exciting to reach this particular step, but I have to continually remind myself that I'm not as close to the finish as it feels like!
Plain Jane border stitching
Ahhh... but a girl can dream. I'm already trying to pick out the next quilt top that I'll be sticking in the hoop. It's good to have time to decide though because I have soooo many to choose from. I really, really need to pin a quilt for machine quilting too, but that's not nearly as fun (or relaxing) for me as hand quilting.

I'm glad to say that I chained myself to the desk last Friday and finally made a little inroads into my paperwork too. Hopefully I can pace myself and stay motivated enough to finish up by the end of the week or at the very least, early the next week. Every little bit helps and as someone pointed out to me recently, it always helps to just get started. And of course, it always feel good to walk away from that stuff and curl up on the couch with my hoop all ready to go. Sanity, thy name is quilting! lol

Once again I'm linking up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, one of the few linky parties I actually feel a connection to. Usually I feel a bit out of step, but Kathy has a way of making slow stitching feel like a valuable part of our week--something I totally agree with these days! Now I'd better go referee the 'who-ate-the-last-of-the-icecream' wars and make sure nobody gets hurt around here.


  1. I have a fortune on my desk that says 'the first step is the hardest' and I need to be reminded of that every time I face a mountain of paperwork. I really like Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching - but I always forget to do a post that I can link to it. Slow stitching is definitely an important part of my week too! Take care, Byrd

  2. So glad you feel connected and appreciated :)
    Hope no one was injured in the ice cream wars LOL! I totally know how that goes!
    Love your line "Sanity, thy name is quilting"
    Thanks for linking up!

  3. Oh Audrey, I couldn't agree more about the quilting for sanity sake. Sadly, I did not put a stitch in anything this weekend and I think most folks could tell just by looking at me! LOL Funny you mention ice cream wars...I had to hide one serving for my daughter because she always complains that her brothers eat EVERYTHING...and they do. They don't mean too, they are just teenage boys, they can't help it. Poor girl was very pleased with her secret treat tonight.
    Oh, and your hand quilting is wonderful, add a few stitches for me! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hope there was a little ice cream left for you ;-)
    Lovely stitching, as always!

  5. Your hand quilting is wonderful, i admire the work !

  6. I can tell you love hand quilting Audrey, because yours is so creative and beautiful. I totally agree and love it too. I'm back at it again myself - but talk about slow stitching! I must dole it out sparingly because of my hands. Now I'm in the mood for ice cream!

  7. Border left, closing up to a finish I would say. Hope you got some ice cream too.

  8. What flavour icecream were you referee-ing over? Thats the important question!

    Good on you for starting the dreaded job of paperwork. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. You'll be done before you know it.

    I like hand certainly has a different pace to using the machine but it makes me feel closer to my projects somehow.

  9. I agree about Slow Stitching Sundays. It is good to set aside some time to enjoy our craft and get our thoughts together. Your quilt is looking wonderful! I need to get another one in the frame too!

  10. Maybe a couple of quilts in hoops for a choice of colours or stages of stitching like we have different projects could be good. Good luck with getting all your paper work done.

  11. Audrey, you should never feel out of step. You do wonderful things with making quilts.

  12. Wonderful stitching. Everyone know's when I have not had sewing or hand stitching time at my house - and hubby usually shoos me in there so I am in a much better mood. Quilting = Sanity is the rule at my house. Hope no one was hurt in the ice cream wars. I know how it is to be the referee - I've got a 6 and almost 5 year old at home!

  13. Your daily stories are always so interesting to read. Keep going...both with the paper work, and the quilting.


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