
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

20 Great Quilting Blogs I know You'll Want to Check Out Too

Don't you just love finding quilt blogs that speak our special language or have projects that look like they could belong in our very own quilting rooms? What about the blogs that aren't particularly showing off quilts we want to make but still, they manage to make us smile or better yet, think? And my special faves, the bloggers who make the kind of quilts we can only dream about making some day when we finally grow up....
A block that may or my not be part of my next project
Ahem. Some of you are no doubt already there and enjoying mastery over this great craft! However, the rest of us tend to rely heavily on the visuals doled out by such great quilters to sustain us through our rather fun but sometimes bumbling efforts! For several years now, I have searched high and lo for quilt blogs that make the gears spin in my mind and act as great inspiration to my crazy, offbeat, quilting fixation.

Which leads me to this: Once a year, (after getting squirmy from wondering how anyone could possibly be left off this list), I like to pick a random number and say, 'Hey, lets go check out these {insert random number} wonderful blogs!'.  Between Google Follower and Bloglovin', I now stalk waay too many quilt blogs which makes it incredibly hard to winnow a list down to a meager few. You do not want to see all the hair I've pulled out trying to get determine where to even start stop.*wink

In no particular order:

2. pomegranate and chintz
3. Humble Quilts
4. Log Cabin Quilter
5. nifty quilts
6. she can quilt
8. selfsewn
9. Blue Mountain Daisy
10. Kathy's Quilts
12. Jump Cut Arts
14. Molly Flanders Makerie
15. Every Stitch...
16. Quilts... etc.
17. surely not another project!
20. mrs sew and sow

And now I'd better get back to what I'm really supposed to be doing right now on the computer....


  1. A few new ones for me there, thanks for the list!

  2. Im very humbled by being included on this list ...Thank you Audrey. Off to check out all those other cool links!

  3. Thanks for this list - I love to look at quilt blogs and there were some that I hadn't discovered yet!

  4. Thanks for the nod! Blog stalking is my undoing!

  5. Thanks for putting me on your list - so nice of you. And thanks for the other links to check out - one or two I haven't already followed!

  6. Many of the blogs on your list are very familiar to me, but some I've never heard of before - off to explore!

  7. Wow!! It's such an honour to be on your list!! It's a great mix, some I know well and some are new to me. I really love that block you've shown, I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes you.

  8. Thanks for sharing this Audrey. I visited a few, followed a couple, and saw some I read regularly already. We have the same taste girl!

  9. Thank you so much for including me in your list. I was shocked to see my blog there and feel very special right now! I too will check out some that are new to me.
    I love your basket, it is so cute.

  10. thank you for putting me on your list - you are on mine :) some of these are new to me and I will be checking them out!

  11. Oh my goodness...thanks for these links, I am only part way through the list and have found several new ones (to me) that I need to follow!

  12. Audrey, thank you for listing me among your 20! I'm honored... I'm going to spend some time visiting the other blogs on the list... some I already follow, and some are new to me. Nothing is as exciting as discovering new quilting blogs!

  13. Thank you! I'm quite honored to be part of your list. You've included many of my favorites, plus a few that I'm going to check out right now! But first, I want to tell you how much I like your basket/flower block.

  14. A few new blogs to check out. There's so much inspiration out there to investigate. Thanks for the great list.

  15. Well whaddya know! Thank you, Audrey, for giving me a whole new bunch of blogs to check out and thanks for including me on the list - what a compliment! I love your take on the whole quilt process and I look forward to reading your posts. Nice to meet everybody! Take care, Pam

  16. Ah, that is so sweet Audrey that I made your list. Now, that little blocks is so adorable!! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  17. Love your little basket block! Charming. I can't wait to see what adventure you'll go on with this.

    Thanks for the fun links. Some are new to me (about half), so I'll have some fun investigating them. New blogs to read are always exciting!

  18. I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for new quilting blogs to read ... although I should steer clear ... I waste enough time online as it is! ha! Seriously, thanks for this wonderful list.

  19. Oh Audrey! Thank you so much for putting my blog on your list. I feel very humbled to be mentioned amongst these quilters. There's a few new names to me, so I'm off to check them out! Thanks again. X

  20. Well that was a lovely half hour of exploration! Thanks Audrey, lots of new blogs now on my bloglovin !!

  21. It's an honour and a privilege to be on your list!
    Now I'm off to visit some of the new-to-me blogs!

  22. Love your block! Nice mix of colors and prints with a dash of folky thrown in.
    I'm sure your list includes some gems I haven't stumbled upon yet. I'll have to go 'clean out my Bloglines closet' before I explore your choices and inevitably add a few onto my own list. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Thank you for including my little blog on your list, so nice of you :-) Some of the blogs are new to me, always fun to discover new blogs and new quilts.

  24. Thank you for including me on your list! I am off to check out some of the others.


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