
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hand Pieced Bow-ties Quilt Top is FINISHED

Wow! Blogger is moving slow today. I finally loaded my pictures from Picasa which seemed to speed things up considerably. My hand pieced bow-ties quilt top is completed now, although it was a bit of a struggle clear till the end. Always something to make me appreciate my quilt even more than before! If you click on the picture below you can see where I circled a block--that's the one that I ended up making extra.
The arrow points to the new block
Uh huh. One more block. For some reason, I had a black block there--no picture because my camera battery was dead at the time. Check me for a fever, but yes, I got out my seam ripper out and carefully removed that particular eyesore. Two dark-ish blocks practically side by side act as a magnetic mine field to the eye, no matter how you I try to justify the scrappy look going on in this quilt.
Hand pieced bow-ties quilt
I didn't dare leave the quilting room until my new hand pieced block was cut out, sewn together and pieced back into the quilt. Maybe a little afraid that I might rebel and stuff this quilt away forever unfinished? After it was all together and laid out on the living room floor for inspection, I heaved a big sigh of relief. Yes--now it looks properly balanced, color-wise and size too.
How I was working before....
Great lesson to learn though. The whole thing happened because I only had that much room in the quilting room (see previous photo) to audition the final row of blocks next to the rest of the quilt. You know, because I was being lazy about tromping up and down the stairs. Not. Gonna. Happen. Again.....


  1. Well, now that it is all together it looks just great. I love the aqua .

  2. que guapa !!!
    me gusta ¿por que tenemos tantas dudas?
    si al final nos quedan unas colchas preciosas

  3. Congratulations on a great finish.

  4. It was worth it even if you are the only one it would have bothered. I like this so much that I recently bought several yards of Kona (pomegranate) to have on hand in case this quilt decides to happen. Always good to be prepared...
    I have loved following along on this quilt and really like the result. Can't wait to see how you hand quilt it.

  5. Gorgeous quilt ... I love how the aqua makes the gorgeous scrappy bows just pop!

  6. I don't know how often it has been that two close to the same colors or the same have ended up just about next to each other in my quilts - love the quilt!

  7. Congratulations ! - a great finish

  8. Love the aqua. Can't wait to see the finished quilt

  9. Oh my, I guess it's easier to tromp up and down stairs- LOL. Your finish sure looks great !

  10. It looks brilliant!! And so good that you're happy with it, and don't need to make more blocks. Will you get straight onto quilting it or does it have to wait in the quilting queue?

  11. It's beautiful! Good on you for sticking with it to the bitter end! It will be worth it, esp. after the pain of making it wears off. :) I love that turquoise blue!

  12. It's a feast for the eyes Audrey. You did the absolute right thing making extra blocks and then shuffling those two darks. Way to go on this beautiful flimsy finish-you knocked it out of the park.

  13. Stunning! You're a person of my own heart ~ much better to make an extra block than to cringe every time you look at it. I've done the same. (Though the irony doesn't escape me that often it is those quirky redundancies that make vintage quilts so appealing.)

  14. Congratulations, Audrey, well done! You have to be happy with it, so, do whatever it takes!

  15. It looks fantastic! I would have to change it out too :)
    Congrats on a wonderful quilt!

  16. This quilt top is so colorful---love your aqua for the setting fabric. It also will hold so many memories of all the places you worked on it!! Congrats to your daughter on their great finish in State Basketball. She will have those memories forever!!

  17. The aqua looks fab with these fabrics!

  18. Yay! How beautiful is this? There's a lot to be said about the satisfaction you get from hand-piecing. Thanks for sharing your work! Take care, Byrd

  19. Congratulations on a lovely finish. Great color and I love the layout.

  20. Congratulations! Lovely quilt top, that turquoise is wonderful!

  21. I'm with you on the two dark patches together! It takes me forever to place blocks but still manage some that dont sit right!

  22. Looks the photos it looks like the aqua blocks are floating on top..sort of 3D.

  23. Lookin' really good girl. How are you going to quilt it?


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