
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hand Piecing the Last Bow-tie Blocks

Wow! What a weekend. State basketball games three days in a row and our girls came home with a 3rd place trophy! Yay! Lot's of emotional ups and downs, but overall a very happy ending. Always a relief when things end on a good note.
Perle Cotton
I had fun during the down times doing a (very little) bit of shopping. Came home with a stack of Perle Cotton thread and then after I was home admiring it, I realized that most of it is #5 thread instead of #8! Such a let down. Not sure if the #5 will work for hand quilting as it is definitely thicker than the other but I will try anyway. Not like I have a lot of options as the store is 3 hours away from our home. lol
The last 5 hand pieced bow-tie blocks
The only hand work I brought was the bow-tie blocks. I know my restless hands when there is idle time in a motel room! It doesn't matter how much I am dreading and/or avoiding a project, if it's the only one available, I'll pick it up and get right to work!
The 15th row ready to sew together....
Once again, I realized how much I truly enjoy simple hand piecing. Quite a relief as I was starting to wonder after my previous frustration with sewing the rows together. Now there is a stack of blocks ready to sew the entire 15th row together and then this quilt top will be done. I can't imagine putting a border on this quilt unless it would be a narrow border of the solid 'mermaid' green? Time will tell. I'm linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching and then hopefully catching up on my blog reading!


  1. felicidades a tus niñas!!!
    estas cosas de comprar algo que no pensábamos nos ocurre aveces
    pero los hilos siempre tendrán una salida sino es para acolchar sera para bordar
    en alguna costura los utilizaras
    buena semana

  2. Beautifully stitched blocks. I'm impressed.

  3. Love those bow ties! I need to hand piece a quilt one of these days (not counting the two that I'm EPPing). Working with a needle and thread in my hand is always so therapeutic and enjoyable for me.

  4. can you use the thread for embroidery instead? It sure is pretty - I am using #12 for my baby quilt - I take it the lower the number the thicker the thread?

  5. Congrats to the girls on their 3rd placing! I think the perle 5 will be fine for hand better be as I've just bought a whole heap too!! We shall have to compare notes - when it cools down enough for me to start quilting that is!

  6. Too bad about the pearle cotton......if you phoned the shop and explained your problem, maybe they would agree to you posting your purchases back and they could post you the ones you want? It would be worth a try....better than the ones you have bought sitting in a cupboard because you may not find them easy to quilt with.

  7. Frustrating to have picked up the wrong size!

  8. Im sure the No 5 will work nicely in a variety of projects. Being a perle thread newbie , how much difference is there in thickness?

    Hand sewing is always a relaxing way to spend at least some of the day and you really are on the home stretch with your bow tie quilt now.

  9. I wonder if you mail the threads back and get the size 8 instead. If not the perle 5 will give you nice big showy stitches. They'll look great on your bow tie blocks.

  10. So exciting to see the bowties coming together! Can't wait to see!
    Look forward to hearing how the #5 compares to the #8.
    Thanks for linking up!


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