
Saturday, February 8, 2014

There is Progress Being Made

All of the Wedding Ring/Pickle Dish arcs are finished! No more foundation piecing for me until well.., the next time I get a hair brained idea to do something beyond my normal piecing capabilities. It'll probably be a New York Beauty pattern too. As long as I'm collecting pics of them like a mad woman, then I might as well prepare myself for the inevitable, don't you think? lol
Tracing and trimming
But I'm not thinking about that right now. What I'm focused on for the moment is thoughts that go somewhat like this: Why don't I do the tedious work of trimming and such as I finish up the parts? Ughhh.... It haunts me while I'm getting that cramp in my hand from sawing through fabrics with the rotary cutter. Every single time I find myself trimming for hours and days (a bit of exaggeration perhaps), I have to wonder, Will I Never Learn? (Well, that and duh, it might help to change the blade out!)
More trimming....
I think there are just parts I don't like to do. Period. So I put it off for as long as possible and then suddenly find myself at a serious impasse with two basic choices: trimming or neglect? Einie mienie miney moe and eventually I square my shoulders and start working through the tough bits until everything falls into place. Usually. In a perfect world.*wink
Wedding Ring/Pickle Dish progress
Don't get me wrong. Things are definitely shaping up with this quilt. No doubt about that. It's only taken a year or so, but most of these fabrics will still be speaking to me a year or ten from now so I'm not worried about anything being too dated to love. What I AM beginning to worry about (just a wee little bit) is how these fabrics will all look together in the final equation. Like when they're all laying side by side in the very same quilt.

You see, I always lay my fabric out prior to cutting in fanned out stacks, checking, checking checking, squinting, pondering, maybe pull it in and out of a bag and do some re-evaluation. I make sure it all fits and works together. That's me. Rarely in a rush to commit myself. But then, I usually have my background fabric from the very start too. This time I bought it later. Much later. And it's scaring me. If you know me at all, I like to have plenty of tension in my quilts from fabrics/colors semi-clashing with each other. But what if I pushed it too far this time? I'm sweating it. In fact, I'm not even showing you until I decide what I'm going to do for sure. This is the wrong time to be looking at this pickle dish quilt and wondering why I always have to go and do my own thing. Hopefully this is just part of my very normal process--the roller-coaster ride of me loving and then hating my quilts.


  1. I can really see it coming together. I often have a love hate thing happening with my projects.......but nearly always love them at the end. You'll be fine,

  2. Congratulations for getting to the end of your paper piecing. Your arcs look great with the red corners. I just know you'll pick the right background fabric, you have a great sense of colour.

  3. You must be happy to finish the paper piecing. Love those red corners. Will be interesting how you progress with this quilt.

  4. Trust yourself, Audrey! I think all of your quilts are fabulous! I know the feeling you're having - I usually hate my quilt at some point in the process of making it and seriously doubt myself, but it always comes out just fine - and yours will too!

    Yeah, a new blade really helps that trimming process a lot! I don't blame you for waiting on the trimming - it's a whole different mindset from paper piecing, and you'll interrupt your "flow" if you stop and trim each arc. At least, that's what I tell myself. *grin*

  5. Yep...I agree with you - I hate trimming and always have a dull blade (which came first...the hatred of the trimming, or the dull blade...). Now my curiosity is up and I really want to see all of your blocks laid out!

  6. it will all go together in the end - really and truly! good job

  7. I have learned to that changing that blade does make life better. I am working on a pickle dish too for RSC2014. I like just making 3 blocks a month, otherwise piecing and I don't really get along. Can't wait to see your quilt come together!

  8. Echoing what others have said - trust yourself. Frankly, I love the fact you are doing this in traditional fabrics and can't wait to see the rest of your choices.

  9. I think there are good reasons either way for trimming the piece now or later. I always trim it right away because then I get the instant gratification of the "finished" piece. But it can also be wise to wait to trim until you are ready to piece it in, so the edges don't fray. There's no right way, only what's right for you! I always sit down and use scissors to trim curved edges, it is much less stressful for me than worrying about what a slip of the rotary cutter might do!

  10. You are so funny! Sounds like you are having a conversation with yourself. I'm sure it will be timeless and fantastic!!

  11. I wouldn't worry about all the blocks working together one little bit. From what I see it will be just gorgeous.

  12. Really scrumptious looking Audrey! You are too hard on yourself! I'm thinking that whatever background fabric you use, it will be the red corner in those blocks that will tie everything together, and most wonderfully!

  13. Your beautiful fans are making me want to make another fan quilt!

  14. Stop stressing- I promise it'll all come together and look gorgeous. Your finished parts look amazing!

    Guilty as charged - I don't change my rotary blade as often as I should and then when I do I think" Why didn't I do that sooner, this is so much easier "

  15. They are beautiful. You are doing such a great job. Hugs

  16. Well done for finishing your piecing. I am sure they will look wonderful together - and look forward to seeing it!

  17. You're keeping me in suspense. I want to come over when you spread all those pieces out and decide if it's going to work as you planned. What did you pick out for the background?

  18. C'mon - show us the background!! I'm sure, knowing you just a little bit, that it will be fine!! More please!


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