
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Geese Tracks Border and Other Things

Another border on my Geese Tracks quilt! The baskets might look a little like vases to you, but I know what they are. I'm liking this so much that I'm almost afraid to add another border on but... you know me. I have plans for this quilt and that involves making it bit bigger!
Geese Tracks quilt
In case any of you were wondering if I had depleted my scraps after the String Play quilt? Ummmm... not exactly. I think they must have multiplied while I was sleeping. String Play was my 5th scrap quilt made directly out of the scrap bin in the past 2+ years and look at this! All those totes are filled with scraps too. Is this shameful or playful? Hmmm... I've yet to make up my mind about this.
Scraps gone crazy.....
I noticed that Wendy over at Legend and Lace has another basket pattern ready to print off. It's been really, really hard for me not to start this Baskets Galore BOM. So very difficult. I love baskets. Seriously (ridiculously) adore them when it comes to quilting.
A few fabrics for the basket BOM
I have been printing the patterns off and hoarding them all the while gathering my fabric for when the big day arrives that I can start this guilt free. So many projects in the way, I was hoping to maybe whittle a few things off the list first? Honestly, I'm not sure I have the will power to finish even one more top before I cave and start in on these!
More gathered fabric
This is how I often keep stacks of fabric that have a definite pattern/idea/plan--in these clear zip bags. (If I have pieces cut and ready to sew, then I usually use a smallish tote.) The first bag with red etc. fabrics is for my Muddy Creek quilt and the second bag is more fabric for the basket BOM. My quilting area is pretty small and so I have tried different things to help keep me on track and make sure that I don't 'lose' important fabrics. So far this is working out as well as anything else. My husband has promised to expand my quilting room some day in the future, but for now I just try to stay as organized as possible. Ha! Not sure any method can work super well when I have so much going on!


  1. we all have a lot of scraps don't we. we just keep making quilts and the scraps multiple!

  2. Scraps! Yum, yum, yum!! I'm jealous :) I was looking at the basket BOM too - so many great patterns (sigh) just not enough time.

  3. This quilt has gotten more fun with each round!! I like your baskets, and understand the love of them. Multiplying scraps are not a bad thing---they are just a new project waiting to make a start. Think how much they would cost you in the quilt store today---$10.99 to $12.99 a yard-----yikes. I love revisiting older fabrics from other projects in my scrap pile. Now I am off to look up the new project you are waiting to make!! Happy Sewing!!

  4. Love how Geese Tracks is coming along. I think all your scraps are wonderful and will provide you with hours of play.

  5. Can you ever really truly have too many scraps?

    Geese Tracks is looking fabulous Audrey! Cant wait to see the next border.

  6. I have that same problem with guilt! But, I really love my scrappy stash busters I have made the last two years. I have a bit of fear about running out of scraps. But I do want to know what it feels like to used all those scraps up. I wonder is it really possible?

  7. That photo of scraps is really a photo of many possibilities and lots of fun quilts to be made. I love the border of vase baskets!!

  8. I am pretty sure that scraps multiply by themselves, and that it is impossible to ever reduce the pile. Brave you to post a photo! Mine is much too embarrassing. ;)

  9. First of all, your scraps are gorgeous and I am totally coveting them right now! Second of all, when you move to a bigger space, your "stuff" expands accordingly. I know this because last year I moved from an 8 x 10 foot room into one twice the size...and I have filled it completely and then some. So either my stuff expanded or multiplied, but mysteriously, I am still piling things on top of each other. Yikes. Now I'm off the check out the BOM. If you like, I am sure I will too! Have a great day!

  10. Your basket quilt has been so fun to watch as you create. Your stacks and bags are so motivating. I am just itching to get to my sewing room. But, it will have to wait - sigh~ I think it would be great to have a bigger sewing room but I'd just fill it up too so my small sewing room motivates me to keep my stash and scraps from overflowing. My daughter and family just moved into our unoccupied house (we are in out -of- state for 18 mos.) and had to clean out the closet and dresser in the spare bedroom. She stacked all my quilt tops,extra fabric and batting in my sewing room. Organizing that room will be one of the first things I do when I get back.

  11. I would love to dig and play in your scraps. What a delightful afternoon that would be.

  12. We all love your scraps. There are lots of quilts just waiting for you to discover. Out basket quilt is truly delightful!

  13. You are making great progress on your adorable quilt! Can't wait to see what's next!
    I just printed Blueberry basket today.... :)

  14. Oh, those scraps of yours! I love them! Seems like I have the same system as you do when it comes to keeping fabrics for 'some day' projects, only I use seethrough Ikea boxes. Great progress on your quilt, can't wait to see what comes next.

  15. Your Geese Tracks quilt is just outstanding. You have such lovely scraps.

  16. Fun quilt! I love the dancing vases.

  17. I LOVE your Geese Tracks quilt. It is so beautiful. Hugs

  18. What a fun post. Looks like you will be having lots of fun playing.

  19. Oh Audrey, I do love your Geese Tracks Quilt! Is it one of your own designs? If so, pattern? (I realise you're adding more, but......pattern??!!) I too am hoarding Wendy's basket patterns; love me a basket!!

  20. your geese tracks top is stunning~!

    isn't it amazing how those scraps can get out of control? it seems like the more scraps one uses, the more scraps one produces. every once in a while i think i've begun to see a real 'dent' in mine and then poof . . . it's gone.


  21. I love your basket border! the shape, arrangement and color are wonderful!
    wow - that is a lot of scraps!

  22. Holy cow, I would take some of those scraps off your hands. If you want to mash a medium priority box full I'd pay shipping and how much $ would you want for the fabric?
    I have to cut yardage to make "scraps". Top of my bucket list is to make a spiderweb string quilt. The scraps in your wooden crate would get me a good start. Seriously !


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