
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

String Play a Completed Quilt Top Now

String Play somehow slipped right into the middle of all the open-ended projects I am currently working on. It just happens. I don't even know why or how, but sometimes it feels really good to go with the flow and just see where you end up.
String Play
So funny that this is the type of quilt I personally will soak in for awhile during a quilt show. You know, just  because I'm trying to see all the interesting fabrics people will DARE to put together in the same quilt? I am most definitely a 'Look ma! Can you BELIEVE they stuck these two fabrics side by side?' {giggle, giggle} kind of quilter. And then I'll think about it all day long and dream of the day I get to be so brave and fearless myself.*wink
String Play a little closer
For the record, all of the fabric in this quilt are out of my scrap bins except for two smallish pieces of my grandma's fabrics and several strips cut from two of my deceased brothers shirts. Then, just to be completely honest and forthright here, I think I added in a few strips from three different purple fabrics in the stash. I'm not sure what happened there, but for some reason I was determined it needed a smidge more purple. Always gotta go with your gut instincts!
How about in gray scale?
Anyway.... It was quite the free and easy quilt to make especially after I decided to quit over-thinking things. At one point I thought I was done with the quilt top and then, well, it didn't look quite right at approx. 74" x 77". Too square and blockish looking and not properly balanced. Big sighs and much dragging of feet until finally, someone faced up to the fact that there was no choice but to make enough blocks for two more rows. Yep. Definitely one of those decisions that you know exactly what the right thing to do is, but OOOOHH the time it will take! It's so hard to think pleasant thoughts after that initial I am done! thought starts banging around in your head. I'm sure you get the picture. Or not. Maybe it's just me? lol


  1. I truly love your is just right up my alley!! gorgeous and perfect!

  2. This is simply wonderful and I will make a similar one soon!

  3. Love it!

    My DH finished his string quilt today. It measures 68 x 90. Nice and big for his twin bed. I'm NOT looking forward to quilting it (my least favorite step in quilting!!). He wants to try quilting it himself, so, since this is his first quilt, I'll "supervise"...haha. He did a great job on it :)

  4. you got quite a large quilt out of that didn't you! I have so many strings to play with - this is a year to make scrap quilts for me!

  5. Totally understand what you're saying about the two extra rows...but the etxra effort was so worth it.

    I absolutely love this flimsy!

  6. It's fantastic, Audrey! So much life and movement in it. I admit I was not fully on board when you started, but I obviously lacked vision on this one! Or maybe experience?

    Anyway, what is your quilting plan?

  7. Yay!! What a fabulous finish!! This is such a wonderful top. It's so scrappy you'll see different things in it every time you look. I know what you mean about those extra borders , so hard to get motivated after reaching the finish line but it's great you listened to your intuition and went ahead with them.

  8. Scrap beauty at its best! Now, what's the plan for quilting???

  9. A delight for the eyes...what a great way to use up scraps...

  10. This is wonderful! It is definitely the kind of quilt I would spend lots of time looking at at a show. I think it is very balanced and one could never get bored looking at it! Looks like you've found a great way to hang your tops/quilts for photographing.

  11. It was worth the effort you put into those last two rows. It's wonderful, and now I really want to make one too. I'll just add it to the list! hahaha
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. One of my favorite string tops I've ever seen!

  13. Audrey, I was making the border yesterday for my Blue Cheddar quilt, and sewing 2" squares together into 4-patches. I was thinking exactly the same thing! This Goes with That, and NOT with That, but who Cares, they are all in it hodge podge style. The fabrics in that quilt don't bear close inspection (*giggle)

  14. It is a great quilt and looks like a lot of fun to make!

  15. How wonderful, you have been very busy. I still have two bags of strings, they just don't seem to sew themselves together.

  16. Are you sure? It looks huge to me :).

  17. Your scrap bin must be empty now. What a marvelous time capsale of fabric designs and colors. Glad you kept going.

  18. Oh WOW! This must be my favorite of your quilts so far, together with the string quilt you made last year! You have the most wonderful scraps and you really know what to do with them, I can just keep on looking at this.

  19. That is such a great quilt! What more can I say? I love it!!

  20. great scrappy quilt~!!
    and good for you for adding those last two rows when you already had 'finished' it once.



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