
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Slow Stitching

I had big intentions to stitch the majority of Plain Jane without any marking at all, but you know how things don't always pan out the way we want them to. I think it was the busy fabrics, but whatever, I had to eat my words and keep marking for several blocks before I finally found my rhythm!
Freehand Baptist Fan stitching on Plain Jane
Now I'm just marking the rare curve, but it goes so much faster now that I can just stitch away without having to stop and mark out ahead of me. I've also got a good start on my applique blocks for the next border on the Muddy Creek quilt. I never worry about getting perfect circles and I'm especially unconcerned when it comes to this particular quilt. I want Muddy Creek to be a bit rustic and primitive looking. We'll see how that works out, but I'm giving it my best effort for now.*wink
Applique for Muddy Creek quilt
Time to link up with Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday again although I won't be browsing through the other links until later. My oldest daughter wants me to show her how to make a triple berry pie and I don't think I have ever turned down a piece of berry pie in my life! Hey, how about those Seahawks? lol


  1. I wish I could quilt without marking, but I have come to rely on that line.

  2. It always a pleasure to see your latest ventures Audrey. The free hand Baptist fan quilting is beautiful, as is the quilt... LOVE the fabrics! And the appliques for Muddy Creek are equally stunning!

  3. Interesting shapes for your Muddy quilt. I look forward to seeing them on your quilt.

  4. Where's your muddy creek quilt? Those pieces look Veeerrryy interesting. ;)

  5. Quilting without marking? I should give that a try!

  6. I love your Plain Jane. I have always wanted to quilt the Baptist Fan patter and always thought it was difficult. Like how you are doing it Hugs

  7. Your Muddy Creek quilt pieces look very nice. Can't wait to see them appliqued and what the quilt will look like.

  8. I have to give credit to the Seahawks, they were the only team there to play yesterday. It felt like the Broncos had all been out on a massive bender the night before. At least SF gave the Seahawks a decent challenge!

    I'm very impressed with your industry on all those Muddy Creek blocks. Two nested circles! And some curved piecing to come, by the looks of it. It's looking good! :D

  9. Love both of your quilts. Can't wait to see more details of Muddy Creek!

  10. Triple berry pie sounds sound delicious!! Happy quilting, your Baptist fans look Fan-tastic!!

  11. If someone is making triple berry pie-I'll be right over. Save me a piece !

  12. I'm with the other gals - wanna see more of the Muddy Creek quilt!

    1. OK - I just figured out where these roundish blocks are going - they're going to be spectacular! You're brave and very talented to do all that curved piecing!

  13. Plain Jane isn't so plain to me - love it! How do you baste for hand quilting? I have something ready to baste and I'm kind of dragging my feet because it is a slow process and I do it on the dining room floor : p
    Congrats to your Seahawks!

  14. I rarely do any marking since I am always so anxious to get quilting. But I've gotten into quilting circles lately which makes marking an unfortunate necessity. After all that tedious work, I think a triple berry pie would be an excellent reward! Take care, Byrd

  15. I really want to try hand quilting some baptist fans... I am looking for the "right" quilt to experiment with. Hope you enjoyed your slow stitching and the pie...thanks for linking up!


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