
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hand Work and House Cleaning

I finally broke down this weekend and took my sewing machine into the shop to be serviced. It keeps having these random spasmodic fits and the tension just gets completely out of control. Last time it took me almost half an hour to get it smoothed out to where I could start sewing again. Okay, time to do something about this before something gets ruined.
Hand Quilting on Plain Jane
I admit that the servicing of my machine gets put off because the repair shop is over an hour away. A bit problematic to drop off and then arrange a return pick up. Each trip usually requires planning on my part to make it efficient (coincide with kids/husband schedule & needs) plus you know I'm going to have to take advantage of eating out if I'm making that trip! Anyway, I've been hand quilting until my finger is very sore, piddling away on my applique blocks and trying very hard not to start cutting something else out.
A completed applique block for Muddy Creek quilt
 It's a losing battle though. Those bookmarks are not a good sign....
Too many ideas
Today, to avoid the quilting room and temptation, I actually scrubbed my bathroom shower. Yeah. It's called desperation. lol  Almost all of my friends have switched over to natural and/or make-your-own cleaners and I have been dragging my feet. There's just something about the smell of bleach etc. that says 'really clean' to me. Obviously I quilt way too much to have an immaculate house and our major hard water problem has been giving me fits for years. Unless you keep up on it, there is going to be build-up. It's not pretty but I can usually ignore it unless I have company.*wink So today, I took a friends advice and mixed together equal parts Ultra Dawn and white vinegar to spray on the shower walls. Hmm... I think it's going to work. (If I do it more than once a month.) But do I really want to be known for the house that smells like vinegar? This stuff is very potent--definitely food for thought.


  1. I do love the quilt you are currently quilting! I can't stand the smell of vinegar, but dear hubby swears by it in his shower...

  2. Love your hand quilting. Lovely.
    I like vinegar cleaners too. So, the house smells pickled sometimes :-)
    Good luck with your machine, it will be fun to have it back all tuned up!

  3. My sewing machine had to go in the shop last fall ... Kept skipping bobbin stitches. They said that it was a tension issue but I wonder how that could be as I've never touched the tension control. Hmmmm. The shop is about an hour away, so I know what you mean about having to coordinate the trip ... Especially the eating out part! Ha!

    I would rather quilt than clean, too, so I don't clean much unless we are going to have company ... I used to assuage the guilt by at least keeping the house tidied up, but even that was gone by the way in order to have more time to quilt. Ha!

  4. I failed on not cutting out a new project. I just finished prepping some applique blocks.

    I think the Dawn and vinegar might be something I would try.

  5. I love that solution for bathrooms, I find it really works. I also use vinegar in my wash instead of bleach and it really brightens the whites. I was having one of those I hate winter days, not in the mood to do anything. We haven't had any sunny for a couple of weeks, so I sure hope it comes out tomorrow as the weather man promised.

  6. Dropping your sewing machine off for repairs is like dropping a child off at summer camp... you miss 'em the minute you pull away in your car! Hope it's ready for pick up soon!
    Love the hand quilting on Plain Jane...and the Muddy Creek block... yum!

  7. I have heard too of so many that are making their own cleaners now - but I like you do not care for the smell of vinegar! I think I have not been doing much quilting for two reasons, hard to watch the olympics with my head down and my fingers go really sore for the marathon quilting I did in January! Love Plain Jane

  8. Regular house guests are an important part of any housework routine! They won't remember how clean it is (or isn't) but they will remember the quilts on the bed.

  9. hello I tried the vinegar cleaner once and yes my house and my hands smelt like a chip shop!! I like you obviously quilt too much to keep a tidy house, though I do feel somewhat 'green' beacuse I use less house products!

  10. Two of my machines are in for service as well, using my spare machine but it's just not the same. Hope your shop has a quick turn around and you get your machine back soon. I found a new technician and I have high hopes he's as good as he's supposed to be.

  11. Hopefully your machine will be back and purring smoothly in no time.

    Sorry Im still in the bleach camp but then again I dont clean my own shower so maybe I can convince my cleaning person to give it a try....I dont mind the smell of vinegar.

  12. You've reminded me that I should take my machine in for a service. I always put it off. It's interesting to hear about your vinegar cleaniers. I've been wanting to try them, maybe il try adding some lavender oil to the mix, I'll probably end up with a house smelling of lavender vinegar. Happy hand sewing.

  13. I know what you mean about dropping your machine off for servicing. I love your quilting project. I checked out your tutorial for the baptist fan and I think I will try it. You make it sound easy. Is your Muddy Creek a published pattern or a design of your own. I really love it. Hugs

  14. It's so hard when your machine is away! You have my sympathy.

    But I've been there with those bookmarks. My advice? (like you asked...) Get rid of them all. The quilt that sticks in your head without a bookmark is the one to make.

  15. It seems like you always have a new quilt in the hoop! It is so hard handing over the sewing machine. I hope you get it back quickly. I'm glad you've been pressured to try a more natural cleaner*wink though I suspect Dawn isn't so natural. Hard to know what is best. I'm sure that vinegar smell goes away quickly. I agree about the bleach. Sometimes nothing else will do. I tried baking soda and vinegar for a while and it just didn't cut it. We are now faithful about drying off the tile after every shower. Helps a lot.

  16. I like the smell of pine sol! What a fun quilt you are working on. I hope your machien comes back good as new.

  17. I think fan quilting is my favorite to do and my favorite to see. Your quilting and quilt are wonderful. I also like the pattern and colors of your Muddy Creek block. Is it a pattern you created or one you found somewhere?


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