
Friday, February 28, 2014

Taking it Step by Step is Sometimes the Only Way Forward

You've seen it once, you've seen it a hundred times! I get that, but still this is one of those projects that I can't seem to attack in one mad weekend.
All the melons sewn together
for the Pickle Dish/Wedding Ring
Mostly I just take little bites out of it and then move on until I can come back with fresh enthusiasm (or maybe I lose a little bit of my scaredy-pants intimidation each time?). Now, finally, all the squares are sewn onto the arcs and I have 48 melons assembled. Whew! That part was surprisingly easy. You probably thought I already had that done, but no..., only half of them. In case you hadn't noticed, I've been procrastinating on this quilt every single chance I get.
Pickle Dish/Wedding Ring layout details
I pulled out my proposed background and played with the parts and pieces (several times) until I convinced myself there wouldn't be too much clash going on with all the weird blues and aquas. I took polls from my family (esp. the daughter in advanced art class) and tried to ignore the fact that they don't actually know that much about quilting other that what they like or don't like. I'm sure they were thinking 'get it off of the living room floor already!', but I wanted to be absolutely sure.

Honestly, after all the agonizing, I've decided I'm totally on board with it now. In fact, I'm falling in love again. Yep. My hope is that it will come off more as a primitive look rather than a 'that quilter didn't have a clue what she was doing' look. Fingers crossed on that one! The best Wedding Ring quilt I have ever seen was a clunky, off-kilter, scrappy bit of a mess and I know I don't quite achieve that particular look. Maybe someday in the future? lol
Gotta applique the eyes
The eyes for the center are all cut out and ready to go now too. I pinned this one to the melon to see if it would 'do' and although I cheated and found a melon it blended perfectly with, I'm definitely sold on the combo. There's a little bit of applique (for other projects) that I've promised myself needs to get finished up first, but I can tell this part won't take very long at all. Onward Ho! The next step after this one is the part I've been absolutely dreading, practically breaking out in a cold sweat over just the thought of doing. I freely admit--I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to something that seems complicated or out of my 'box'. What about you?


  1. Love how it is coming. Completely understand your fear. Felt the same way about my DWR but, you will be surprised how well it all comes together once you get going.

  2. preciosos tus anillos!!!
    yo también me asuste, pero al final fue muy fácil
    y me gusta el resultado
    buen fin de semana

  3. I like that you did the strips with two fabrics. The ones I have done have been many fabrics. Your version gives a stripe look.

  4. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a phobia about some of the quilting construction. It's so silly because I love the whole quilting process but give me some little piece to applique and I'm all a flutter.

  5. Very fun to collaborate with a creative daughter :-)
    I think it's good to dig right in on a step that might be a "stretch" or first time - way to go,

  6. It's good to have a project that challenges you, and working through it bit by bit is the only way to go. I have a feeling that you'll really like this quilt in the end, not just because of how it looks but because of what you learned along the way.

  7. Sometimes a quilt has to come together little by little. Im with Susan - I think this quilt will be one of your absolute favourites at the end. Its a very challenging pattern and you are doing a wonderful job! I dont have the guts to tackle something like this so you are one up on me !

  8. wow - your melon pieces look great. I can't wait to see this quilt, it really is one of my favorites!

  9. I really love it and it does have a "primitive" feel about it - just has that look right now

  10. Hmmm... I'm digging this one!!! Don't keep us waiting too long between updates, okay? (Which means, get going on it... more! more!) Stepping out of our comfort zones can be exciting!

  11. Are you kidding me? Any quilt made in less than a year is speedy in my book! Or maybe I missed the beginning of this one. At any rate, I'm also totally in love with it, so you have my permission to GO FORWARD!! And if you fall out of love with it, I'm sure someone around here could find it a home !

  12. I am so excited for you, these are looking fabulous .

  13. Sometimes it takes time, but from reading your blog you seem to be getting a lot done. My quilts do take a lot longer....
    Love this project!

  14. Wow, those are beautiful!

  15. Audrey, I just LOVE this one - your colours and fabrics are so wonderful.

  16. You can do it! It is going to be absolutely primitive and stunning at the same time!!

  17. I love that plaid background! I think it balances out the stripes perfectly. Yes, I have to be in the right frame of mind to start something that is intimidating me. But, I am finding that if I set a really small goal, it gets me started.

  18. I absolutely love what you're doing here. That subtle pale teal plaid background is genius!

  19. It's looking very good......go on - you can do it!!!!!

  20. That background fabric is a brilliant choice!!


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