
Monday, March 3, 2014

I'm Pretty Sure I Did Something This Weekend

Today was one of those days that I thought 'Oh I should probably update my blog' and then there was this blankness. Um... Did I actually quilt this weekend? Oh yeah, I managed to squeeze some hand quilting in late, late a couple evenings. You know, that wind down stuff that helps me get through the craziness of our life!
Hand quilting on Plain Jane
You might think my life revolves around quilting (my husband would definitely argue the point) but in reality, I think the center of our world spins pretty rapidly around our children these day. (NOT complaining!)
In the hoop
And they are busy, busy children. Year-around hiking and/or snowshoeing on the weekends with my sister, who is an avid outdoor enthusiast and an incredible photographer. She drags them out of bed in the wee hours every chance she gets and makes sure they get their proper dose of sunshine and exercise.
Youngest son snowshoeing
You know, in case they are lacking any of that. They play several team sports during the school year, are active in band and choir, knowledge bowl etc. and still manage to keep up with their grades. Oh wow, do they ever! My husband and I were blown away when all three of our kids currently in high school/middle school had a 4.0 at the end of the last semester.
Niece and daughter at District Championship game
Which means of course that mom and dad are sometimes roped into helping with homework. Especially the AOW's (article of the week). Do I look like I have time to read political blogs?*wink  And talking (or even thinking) about politics would mess with my quilting for sure. Inconsiderate teachers.... I know that doing the dishes and never-ending laundry messes with my quilting Big Time. Like late last night when my son brought down a hamper overflowing with clothes---in a panic because he didn't have any clean jeans for today. I'm sure that's the reason for my less than smooth hand stitching at times. First I'm interrupted and then I have to calm down in order to get my groove back.

Anyway, our girls basketball team won their Regional game on Saturday night, so now we're following them to Spokane later this week. Pretty exciting stuff! Now we have all the 'get-ready-to-go' preparations to get figured out, a team fundraiser dinner to go to and all the little details that really don't need to be neglected. Like our dog--I don't think he would appreciate that. Hmm... I wonder if I have a portable quilt project to take with me??? lol


  1. Sounds like a busy week ahead! Love the pics! !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I slow stitch to calm down my brain too.. it works soo well! Loving that quilt and your kids are so fun! Thanks for sharing :) Kathi

  4. los niños se ven tan contentos!! gracias por compartir,
    creo que a todas las quilter nos relaja el acolchar un poco cada día
    buena semana

  5. looks like you are extremely busy! always glad to see whatever you post - sometimes with hand work it feels like we are showing the same stuff all the time - but we know it is progress :)

  6. You must definitely get a travel project together - good luck! Take care, Byrd

  7. I love your hand quilting. My kids are all grown so it's kinds quiet here but in warmer weather I keep busy with grandkids. Love the snow shoeing picture. Hugs

  8. Right about now I wish I was hand quilting like you, my machine is giving me fits! Your quilting is wonderful. I love the snow photo, that is awesome! Too bad those girls aren't having any fun with their sport season. LOL

  9. Kids are the most important thing aren’t they. Mine are all grown and now it’s the Grandchildren I am lucky enough to get to spend time with.

  10. It's great that you are able to do such beautiful work and put in the time with the kids as well. It's all a balancing act in the end and some 'me time' is good, especially when you produce such lovely things like that! xCathy (p.s. giveaway at mine if you like).

  11. Your kids sound like fine young people Audrey. I know you wouldnt trade being MOm for sewing anyday!

    You're doing parenting right !

  12. Ditto what Shay said! Parenting is a HUGE commitment of time as well as all the other stuff, and it takes a big part of your time. So glad you can squeeze in some quilting time for you in the midst of your busy life. Your quilt is looking super!
    Just think: When you look at your quilts, you'll remember what was going on in your life while you were working on that quilt!

  13. Best wishes to the girls for their game!

  14. Sweet post, you almost make me miss my kids and then I remember how wonderful our empty nest is :). There is a season for everything. Enjoy.


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