
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sometimes You Just Need to Follow Your Muse

I'm was being very, very good, getting my bow-tie blocks all cut out, prepped and ready to go when I suddenly went off the rails.
Prepping my bow-tie blocks
Yep, the baskets finally overpowered me. It was bound to happen, you all know that. And, well... I might have already had a couple of the blocks cut out. Maybe. Not gonna admit to anything incriminating here though. And I figured hey! If I couldn't even focus properly on other stuff, might as well dive in and get these little 'ol baskets out of the way. A girl has to do what a girl has to do.*wink
Baskets Galore BOM
A couple little tips for those that haven't started this Basket BOM yet. Don't sew the curvy piecing on the middle basket upside down. It really doesn't work out well in the end. Just saying! And the basket that is second down on the left? Hmmmm... lets just say that when my husband brought home roses that evening (a very, very rare occurrence in 20+ yrs. of marriage), it couldn't have happened at a better time. Ahem. (Working for 1 solid hour on a single block apparently turns me into a raving lunatic.) The puckering on the Cactus basket proves that in-set seam piecing still does not fall under my area of expertise and I have wonky handles on the triangle basket etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. I'm adhering to Lori's motto and enjoying my 'humble' blocks regardless of any and all error. What's not to like about baskets?


  1. I think your baskets look fabulous Audrey - but I hear your frustration about the lack of perfection. That always winds me up too.

  2. Glad you're perservering, cuz it's looking really, really good!

  3. I like your baskets. They are like my hubby perfect with lots and lots of character. :)

  4. ¡¡¡¡ guapas!!!
    me gustan, las tengo en la lista de tareas

  5. Audrey I did the same thing on my That is the only block I've made so far. There are some really odd measurements to the blocks. Your blocks are beautiful. Hugs

  6. You are fretting too much, Audrey - those baskets are great and the 'humble' ones always serve as a reminder of the origin of the craft. Sit back and enjoy them.

  7. Ah, roses...any special occasion? Interesting combo of baskets you have there!

  8. Didn't you say your bow ties quilt was a long-term project? What's another couple of days!

    Don't beat yourself up over the baskets. Who needs perfect anyway? I think they look great! And better than I would or could do too!

  9. Perfection is overrated. Your baskets are great, love your colors (that yellow!).

  10. Holy cow! You have been busy! Perfection is over-rated, but beauty is not, and your work is beautiful. Go easy on yourself and take care, Byrd

  11. There is nothing that is not to like about baskets! How's that for a double negative? LOL. But, there's nothing negative about a new project, especially when it's been brewing for so long!

    OK, that's enough from me. I can't wait to see where it goes!

  12. Perfection is highly over rated. Great group of projects. Variety is the spice of life, or something like that.

  13. I think you should always follow your muse. It knows where it is going and always takes you in a wonderful direction.

  14. There isn't anything not to like about baskets!!!! Working on a little basket quilt myself right now!! ... that I started..because I, well, Just had to!!! Love your various baskets - great colors.

  15. Well I think they're lovely, Audrey!

  16. I let temptation get me many times and switch projects in mid-stream. Just how I am.

  17. They look lovely! Set in pieces can be tricky. Keep the faith. Wendy


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