
Thursday, October 27, 2022

In The Works

 Okay, things are extra hectic here lately so this post needs to be short and sweet.

Primrose Path--the alien looking flowers
After the hand quilting series, I've found myself betwixt and between projects. Nothing really looked amazing to work on. What I'd like to do is to start five new projects, and well... hand stitching wins it all. In the picture above you can see approximately half of my Primrose Patch blocks are mostly finished. Still need to figure out the color for the inside wobbly center. Obviously I'm thinking black.

Who says I can't make a guy quilt?
I've also bitten the bullet and put in some hand stitching time on Tag's Quilt. It's been hard to get in the mood, 'cuz I'm not really a lodge, outdoors, deep-in-the-woods sort of gal. I'll probably put a tree or two or three on this centerpiece and then call it good. Next up will probably be some cheesy machine pieced words around the centerpiece. Ughh. So not looking forward to that! Love the look, but don't always enjoy the process.
Starting a new project
It feels really weird to only have two applique projects in the works. So of course I had to start another. This is the fabric for the #AHIQColorPalette prompt. Apparently I'm taking my inspiration and tossing everything up in the air for a completely different look. Got the background pieces cut out {pieced together} and next up will be the applique prep work. The new name for this quilt will be 'Revised'.

The vintage block pillow project
Off on a tangent with the pillow making too. The blocks that started this particular project were vintage, hand-made blocks picked up at a second hand store somewhere. I needed something personal to add to an end-of-the-year gift exchange thing I take part in. Didn't want to make a quilt, but home-made sometimes feels a bit more special. They might be brighter than this persons decorating can handle, but I'm sure her rowdy kids will maul them half to death and shorten the pillow life expectancy! 

Country Stars
I also got another quilt in the hoop. Another one of those 'don't wanna' projects that need to be wrapped up before the years end. Went ahead and did the stitch-in-the-ditch around the compass blocks and now I'm hand quilting everywhere else. Finally made the decision to do a loose cross-hatching all around the outside of the quilt. It would probably look marginally better with echo quilting on or around the applique vine, leaves, berries etc, but I just want it done! I made so many quilts in these colors back in the day and now I don't find a lot of joy in working in this particular palette. Am surprisingly pleased with how much better it looks with the addition of hand quilting, but then.... don't I always say that? lol


  1. Audrey me encantan esas flores!! las almohadas se ven muy bien.Saludos

  2. I just love the Country Stars quilt that is my fave of yours right now

  3. Like the fabrics you have selected for the Revised project. And it is so true, quilting makes the quilt look better and more beautiful even an older or not so favorite one ;)

  4. Hi Audrey. Once again I am so very pleased that you did the tutorials and I have a couple of projects 'in the hoop' once I get it, to use your excellent tutorials on. I'm so glad that you also find that you have some projects that you just want to get finished because you are so over them. I have two at the moment: one I have to find the same fabric for background from more than 4 years ago and which is proving elusive, so will have to rethink that; the other is my very first quilt that just needs quilting. I love it, but have to start. On another note, I have decided that three quarters of the way through a very big quilt, I am over the piecing. I've decided to just call it quits and finish it now. I love your blog. I'm a regular reader. So much joy to be found here!

  5. Your Country Stars quilt is looking gorgeous! Love those stars! I chuckled over your alien flowers .... gosh they do look alien! LOL

  6. You’re always working on some interesting projects. Your blog posts never fail to inspire.

  7. You are off and running in many exciting directions. 😀

  8. Country Stars is a delightful utility looking quilt. I think cross hatching is perfect for this one, adding interest but not detracting from those stars.

  9. I like the design with the mountains, yes, a guy quilt! And I always like to know your ideas on your hand quilting choices, thanks for sharing!

  10. I have to get in the mood to piece words, too. But it seems I like the process better than you. (Your attitude reflects my own towards hand quilting. Ha.) But I know what you mean about different styles. The lodge style is something my sister excels at; I don't think that way too much. You have a good set of fabrics there and that is half the battle.
    Whenever I see compass blocks, I get the urge to start some more. So glad you're moving this quilt along. And think how great it will look in the stack of finished quilts. You'll be like one of the home decorators - all your quilts will be color coordinated. (I still have visions of a stack of quilts folded in an armoire that looked delightful. They all blended colorwise although many different blocks and settings. Not sure I'm explaining this well.)

  11. I left a long comment but not sure it went through.


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