
Monday, March 21, 2022

Just Trying For Some Forward Momentum

Just trying to finish up the quilt top for the improv. quilt meetings. My colors are a little more blendy than most of the others in the class, but you know me, always trying to play with color. Sometimes it turns out wonderfully and others, not so much. This feels like a bit of both. Still on the fence about adding an applique centerpiece though. Some days I fiercely want to. Other days I just want to move on.

Starting to sew the rows together!
I left the project stacked up in the single strips for awhile. Just seemed like more effort than I wanted to expend when it came to cutting them all the same length. Then, once I made the time, it wasn't that big a deal. Isn't that usually the case? Thankfully I had a huge chunk of quiet time when it came to laying them out on the floor and figuring out where all the cuts needed to go. So much easier to do that part without distractions!
Too pretty to sew or maybe that's a good excuse...
As I will need the first {demo} quilt top ready to go for the next meeting, it was time to address the border situation. I had used every bit of the cut strips possible and in doing so, ended up with a quilt that was 1" wider than it was tall. Very weird proportions that were not to my taste at all. Yes, it could have been easily turned to the vertical presentation, but that's not what I wanted!

Always better with applique
So borders it will be. I cut and sewed narrow borders onto the sides and then decided to applique words onto the much wider bottom border. I have four or five applique projects prepped and ready to go and what do I do? Throw something right in the middle of it all and try for a rushed finish! In this pic, nothing is sewn down there yet, but I'm working on it. Word by word, letter by letter. The applique fabric used was that interesting light lavender mauve fabric that started the entire color palette. Looking pretty washed out in this picture but I can assure you that it looks way better than it might seem.
Starting to come together
Remember the new project? After playing around with the practice strips the other day, I came up with this idea for layout. Because the blocks only finish out at 9", 16 blocks make it way too small for an entire quilt. I took the remaining strips and cut all the really wide ones in half. Then I added another two fat quarters and a couple remnants of others. Still have to cut more cream strips, but the plan is to make a whole border surround with a longish strippy coin look. 

The not-very-exciting-looking strips
It's not the most 'wowza' quilt ever, but I'm actually really enjoying the work. More so than the improv. quilt meeting project at this point! I mean, who likes sewing the rows together? I think it's the open ended results, the already cut strips, the Gee-Bend vibe and now {moving forward}, maybe the medallion layout problem solving. It's been fun to see if I can make anything interesting out of these very 'blah' fabrics. The good thing is, I've been bemoaning for awhile the absolute lack of manly looking quilt tops in the drawers. Once in awhile I want to gift a quilt to a guy and it just seems so silly to give them a girly look quilt! So yeah. Win, win. Making lemonade out of lemons and all that.  


  1. Love the "no wasted pieces"!

  2. Very fun here and one thing leads to another, you're on a roll it seems, watch out!
    I too like 'no wasted pieces.'

  3. "Strip, strip, strip to my Lou"! Love these and I am quite sure there will be applique added to one or both before the end!

  4. are you enjoying sharing your process at the meetings - actually giving a class? I never did enjoy the clubs for some reason not really sure why. I like the way applique ends up on almost all of your quilts - it always adds just a little bit to the end look

  5. I love the colors for your improv quilt - it also serves as a really good display of the shifting definition of VALUE (color A is the LIGHT in one set, but the dark in the other).

  6. NO WASTED PIECES is the perfect appliqué to add in the border (and yes, the borders really add a lot to the quilt top). I agree about the horizontal layout of the rows rather than vertical - I find myself re-orienting here as well. Your colors are always spot on and it is such fun to explore the scrappy variations.

  7. I really like the colours in No Wasted Pieces and such a good idea to add those particular words.

  8. Perfect name, No Wasted Pieces! We feel lucky when that happens

  9. No Wasted Pieces already has that glow that spells success in my book, and the applique words are the perfect finishing touches for this top.

  10. I sometimes end up with proportions that don't work as I wanted - adding borders seems like such a sensible solution I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me. No Wasted Pieces has ended up looking all the better for the intervention!

  11. 'No wasted pieces' looks good, love the added border! Good to have a couple of 'manly' quilts underway! Will you include photos of your class progress?

  12. I rarely consider uneven borders. Great solution. And applique is always fabulous. Manly quilts are needed here, too.

  13. Lots of cool projects, Audrey. I love the scrappy look. And what would it be without a little appliqué?


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