
Friday, March 11, 2022

Baskets and Flowers

It was lovely to have company for a nice long weekend. The nieces are growing up way too fast! Can't believe one of them is already driving.*sigh We are getting too old! Most of the time when we have guests, I can get out the quilting and do a little stitching. This time I just mostly curled up in the corner of the couch and settled in for the good visiting.

A Tisket, A Tasket basket blocks are done
So yeah, in terms of quilting, there is lost time. In terms of quality of life stuff? Who cares? At some point last week I stitched the last little bit of binding down on Spring Flowers. It was very satisfying to have another completion for the year. I feel very dithery and not very focused lately with the quilting stuff. It's just all sort of whatever feels right for the moment. But even more so than usual.
Spring Flowers is a true blue finish!
I'm pretty sure this quilt will be given away eventually, but not sure to whom. Yet. I really like the sweet flowers and spunky vibe, but I'm not super attached to it if you know what I mean. Some day, a person will cross my mind and I'll think of this quilt and just that easily, a match will be made. I almost gave it away already and then changed my mind. This quilt deserves to have somebody that truly loves it. Just haven't figured that part out yet.

Totally completed!
Loving that this quilt was started with the leftover cut-out circles from another quilt project. That does seem to be my modus operandi these days! Maybe my creative imaginings are getting dull and there needs to be a weird challenge in order to get something started.

Tried to keep the hand quilting low key
Oh well. We can't be 'on' all of the time, can we? This past two years has been such a roller coaster of emotion, it's simply incredible that so many of us even show up for any little spark of creativity. Lately, all I want to do is avoid any hint of the news and hibernate at home with my new Libby reading app. Where oh where have you been all my life? Just kidding. I adore reading physical books with actual paper the very best.

Looking very snuggable
The quilt meetings have been fun and also a little tiny bit of a drain on my time. You know me. It's hard to have deadlines when it comes to my quilting.*Ughh Makes me want to rebel which is really a terrible, terrible idea when I'm the one {supposed to be} trying to keep the momentum going for everyone else! 

Just sewing to sew
I was feeling so restless the other day that I grabbed up the bag of practice strips from the free-cutting demonstration day and just started sewing. All the strips are 10" long which is a bit limiting, but I'll figure something out eventually. Paired with a cream fabric, all the uglies should be toned down and maybe even start to look interesting. Maybe. I don't even care. It was just something to do while I soothed the soul and got myself ready to dive into the Improv. Class work. I think it takes more time to figure out the plan of attack than it does to do the actual work!

The latest in the hoop
Oh well, I wouldn't have it any other way when I see how much fun people are having. That makes it all very worthwhile. As you can see, I'm still plodding along with hand quilting on the occasional evening. Moving a little slower with this particular quilt than normal {'cuz all the reading distraction}, but it's wonderful to see progress. Just a little bit more and like always, it will probably motivate me to kick it up into a higher gear. Oh, I'm out to the border already? That means I'm almost done!*wink  Don't we wish!



  1. Beautiful work and I enjoyed your post, thank you.
    Spoon Flowers finished super.
    Visiting with family is a wonderful treat isn't it? I always feel refreshed after visiting the grand children and bouncing grand baby girl on my knees, I have to be careful not to bounce her too much because she does spit up once in a while. Still fun!
    Have a great day!

  2. Have you considered listening to audio books while you do quilting? Takes a bit to concentrate to start with because our minds wander. Don't give up! you can find free audiobooks on Libby. I download them to my phone so I can listen anywhere. That way you can satisfy two urges at once!!!!

  3. i love your work..It is very cheery in rough times xoxo

  4. Love that quilt, looks so soft and cuddly!

  5. Your finish is just in time. Spring will be here and hopefully add a spring in our daily steps as we figure out what we are doing! Definitely the days of dull drums(is that one word?) have to come to and end or at lease cease for a time.

  6. Sigh .... another beautiful quilt! So, beautiful!

  7. Nice finish on Spring flowers. I love the striped border, and the contrast-y back. You are so right about it taking more time to come up with a plan of attack than to do the actual sewing. I spent pretty much all of my sewing time yesterday trying to figure out how to approach my next project, made more challenging because I need to kit things up for a quilt retreat. I’m loving your ugly greens. I bet they end up looking fabulous wherever they end up. I adore your Tisket/Tasket blocks! The brown background no doubt flavors my opinion ;-)

  8. I love your spring flowers quilt. That little yellow border and then the striped border was such a perfect finish for it. I'm curious what size that quilt is.

  9. Love how the little baskets are coming along. I glad you got some visiting in. It's funny how we all just want to hunker down and try to feel safe with all the unsettling news. For me, it's trying to control the piece of my life that I can. I thought I would give one of my quilts away recently, I even made up and sewed on the label. But, I kept feeling like it was the wrong thing to do. Such a funny feeling - wanting to do something nice and feeling bad. So I put it back up in the top of my closet. I haven't removed the label yet though. But, you're right about somebody coming a long someday, and it will be the perfect fit.

  10. The basket blocks are wonderful. I also love the handquilted texture of spring flowers :0) It will be such a beautiful gift when you find the right person for it!

  11. I love the Spring Flower quilt . . . just sayin'.

  12. So good to actually sit down and read a few blogs, especially yours Audrey. You have been so busy and my comments will be brief as I have to limit computer time unfortunately. I love what is going on in your hoop and congratulations on Spring Flowers, I shall be waiting to see your A Tisket, A Tasket blocks made up into a top.

  13. Spring Flowers is such a lovely finish, and I'm hankering for a closer look at that bright cheery backing fabric. Your quilt in progress in the hoop looks a lot like mine, long threads everywhere, waiting for some hoop movement so they can get back into action.

  14. Tisket Tasket is adorable. The dark background makes those flowers pop. Certain quilts seem to be made unknowingly for just the right person. Someone will be very happy with Spring Flowers.

  15. Your Spring Flowers finish is so sweet and soft, and I love the surprise of the yellow floral back. I agree with Kyle, someone will love receiving it someday.

  16. Lovely finish! I'm sure it will be well appreciated.
    I feel the same about the news. The two long years has taken a toll on artists I think.

  17. Love the basket blocks, I see you used tumbling blocks for the baskets. What a neat idea!

  18. "Spring Flowers' is another delightful finish! And I'm looking forward to seeing how you put 'A tisket a tasket' together!

  19. I love the Spring Flowers! Your a Tisket, A Tasket basket blocks are giving me vintage vibes! I am about to jump into to reading again to keep my mind busy!

  20. To say I love Spring Flowers is an understatement. How do you do it? Quilting and improv style is definitely your secret power, my dear. I cannot love all you stitch any more than I already do.

  21. Love the basket blocks! Is that your design?

  22. Always inspiring!



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