
Friday, January 19, 2018

HST Medallion Quilt Gets the 4th border!

Another border added onto the Hst Medallion quilt! I started out with a lot of dread, thinking of how many borders were left to sew. Ughh! Do I really want to keep doing this?
Hst Medallion quilt
As mentioned previously, I decided to try cutting all the pieces during proper daylight hours in an effort to get them that much more precise. What a difference it made! I only had about 3 or 4 hst's where the seams needed to be fudged and wallah! The borders went on amazingly well. Such a relief. Maybe it actually will be possible to add on 6 more hst borders without completely losing my mind!

This black border is the very last one for a single fat quarter to work. In fact I had to add about 4" length of a different fabric on one side. And now it's taking a bit more than a fat quarter to cut all the hst's for each border too. I'm looking at the stack of fabrics pulled from my stash and trying to determine the order in which I will use them, trying to make the larger pieces of fabric fall at the last. From here on out, there will definitely be more and more fabric combinations used for each border just to come up with enough. And that's okay. It will just end up with a scrappier look, which of course I love and still adheres to the antique quilt inspiration.

The colors are off with this picture, but it's been hard to find the proper time of day to take a good picture. At least you clearly see the design and how it's extending out through the borders!


  1. I have been working with little pieces too and so hard to be precise. I have 4 short borders to work on right now as the quilt is still tiny but I have to redo each one of them so they will fit - great job on yours!

  2. I love how this is shaping up. Yes, some of my tops have slightly different fabrics finishing the rows... for exactly the same reason. And all my photos are weird colors these days from lack of sunlight. Twinsies.

  3. That's about a million triangles and well done.

  4. Great going Audrey! You're a braver girl than me!!

  5. Are you being inspired by a particular antique piece or did you fall down this rabbit hole all by yourself ? *vbg* I adore what you have so far, and I think the scrappy outer borders will just continue to add character to this piece.

  6. This is looking good - do keep going. I have been thinking a lot about HSTs recently: it's a pain to do them but they always look so effective.

  7. Your medallion quilt is looking good, but all those HSTs would drive me crazy too. But you're more than half done, right? Sometimes when you push yourself to finish something difficult, it turns out to be so rewarding in the end.

  8. Good thing you kept going because this is looking awesome! Don't give up now!

  9. Wow, I went back and found your inspiration photo. You go girl. This is going to be OUTstanding!!!

  10. Fabulous! My hair is thin enough already without trying to attempt this one!


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