
Monday, January 15, 2018

A Little Bit Here and There

There's been a lot going on around the home front, but the quilting has been pretty slow for the start of this year. Oh well. Thankfully there is always a quilt in the hoop to work on! For now it's the 2016 adhoc. improv. quilt with largish free-cut strings and some simple applique.
Gold and Blue Strings quilt
So far I'm enjoying the stitching tremendously and just going with the flow. In a moment of quilt room opportunity the other day, I stumbled across some older, vintage looking blocks. This, ahem! required some very deep digging as they have never actually been classified as a legitimate project before. They have been in my possession for about three years--found in a rummage room sale for dirt cheap. Never really sure what would happen with these or why I even bought them as the fabric appears to be a decor style fabric possibly used in reupholstering? But you know how it is. I. Just. Could. Not. Resist the siren call of these bright, funky prints.
The 70's are calling
The cutting and piecing was obviously very rough with these blocks. Rather than take them apart and re-cut them, I just started sewing them together 'as-is'. It is so not square, but I didn't want to spend a huge amount of time on them either. Eventually I intend to find a backing and a piece of flannel to use as the batting and then it will probably be tied instead of properly quilted. I'm thinking car or beach blanket? Whatever. It sure was a fun, lazy bit of time in the quilting room. #noregretswhatsoever


  1. Yum! I love that quilting on your string quilt, and I can see how it is just so much fun!

  2. I wouldn't have been able to resist those bright flittery bits either!

  3. you always come up with the most original ideas

  4. Lovely to see your AdHoc quilt again with the lovely applique pieces softening the strings. Wow, the vintage blocks are bright and cheery and I like your idea of using flannel instead of the usual batting for this.

  5. That last quilt will be a perfect car or camping blanket! so fun!

  6. What a fun contrast between the muted colors of the adhoc shot and the blast from the past one! :)

  7. Love the AdHoc quilt! And that 70's top - wow! I think you need a pair of platform shoes for this one!

  8. Far out! I love the 70's quilt!
    Your hand quilting project looks lovely as usual.

  9. That is one wild quilt coming together! Some pretty interesting fabrics. Your handquilting always looks great.

  10. What a fun new top for a utility quilt, it'll be sturdy as well as very well used I suspect.

  11. Delicious texture on the hand quilting... totally yum!

  12. Sewing those 70's square was probably pure zone sewing, just sewing and enjoying the journey.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love your combination of strings and applique. And then the 70s appeared. Bill Volkening will be so proud. I think you will enjoy this as a beach quilt. Fun!

  15. you always have such fun stuff to se here. Love that 70s quilt - makes me want to hit the disco. Remember silk shirts? lol

  16. I love these bright funky fabrics too! So much fun. (Just quietly I'm betting this one ends up with an "Audrey" border with some appliqué....I may be wrong......but who knows? 😉 )

  17. That 70s and now legit quilt is sure a lot of fun! (and brings back memories)

  18. The AdHoc strings is one of my favourites - I have been loving it in your sidebar. Those bright squares will be a fabulous utility quilt - sometimes a quick hit of straightforward fun is just what you need.

  19. The 70's blocks are truly wild. Fake quilt blocks, giant flowers. I'm vividly reminded of our last home we bought. Everything was perfect until I saw the kitchen. Huge orange and brown flowers in blocks! Well, the persimmon Formica countertops matched it very well. Remodeling time!


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