
Friday, March 6, 2015

The One That Won't Wait For Attention

This quilt has just sort of snuck in under the radar. Every now and then I have one that kind of demands my full attention no matter what! I have kept up with the goal of working on a certain amount of applique for the fire quilt each week and then... well, I gleefully pulled this one out and got right to work.
Low Volume Log Cabin with the borders attached
It was simple work to stitch the primitive star onto the quilt. Easy peasy. The appliqued scallops were next up. They have been getting worked on here and there in what feels a lot like stolen minutes. Finally, {ha! it was very speedy work really} they reached the point of being ready to sew onto the main part of the quilt.
With some applique work....
I fussed with the corner blocks for a very short time and then decided to go with another log cabin style of block. Afterall, there was plenty of those leftover strippy lengths to play with. I am so very happy with the soft, relaxed look of this quilt. Hopefully it can be quilted in a way that only emphasizes its best points. You know, later on, when it finally gets a turn in the hoop....
Interesting in black and white....
I was curious to see the quilt in a black and white photo. Does the value hold up under close scrutiny? Hmm... It definitely needs some fine tuning in the stitching department. Maybe some big stitching work on this one? Ahem! Later. Stitching to be done on this one LATER.*wink


  1. big stitch sounds interesting for this one

  2. That star is awesome!!! Big stitches will be perfect! I'm really having fun watching this one progress. So glad it keeps jumping to the front of the line. :)

  3. Interesting to see what you have chosen to do for the border. Always a surprise or two with what you do.

  4. Absolutely love it! I think the "volume" is just right. Love the scalloping on the border and that perky star on the edge. So inspiring!

  5. Looks great and I agree, its going to be a lovely snuggly quilt.

  6. The border fabric is gorgeous. The scallops make it unique. Low volume is what was popular when I first started quilting, but the colors were peachy & light blues--not my thing. Glad this has come back around with more variety in the fabrics. Love your log cabin blocks!!

  7. I love the scallops...and YES to the BIG stitch quilting!!

  8. Love the big star on the quilt and I'm with Paulette - yes to big stitch quilting!

  9. Que gran idea en los bordes, la estrella genial!!!
    buen fin de semana

  10. Your Log Cabin is really looking wondeful! Love the border and the scallops. Everyone said they liked the star, I saw a flower.

  11. I just love those soft colors. The scallops are a nice surprise to the borders.

  12. I can see why you keep getting drawn back to this one. The scallops are such a clever addition to a border too.

  13. I love this! You have such wonderful ideas.

  14. This one so speaks to me , I need to pull put my pinks, Browns and neutrals soon.


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