
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lots More Hand Work....

Still sticking to my plan of working on this quilts hand work first. You're probably gonna get sick of it waaay before it's done, but I'm feeling good about making serious progress. There are many decisions to make, lots of wording to play with, and all kinds of things to consider. I'm so afraid it's going to be over the top crazy, but really, it is what it is--a story quilt.
Adding a date....
Our girls basketball team went to the State 1B tournament this past weekend after making it through Regional eliminations. Yay for them to be in the top 8!! They ended up playing the 6 time previous state champ winners for the first game. Really tough draw. Aghh! How does that happen? Our girls played amazing, but couldn't quite pull off a win against the team who went on to be the 7 times champs {dropping us directly into the losers bracket.} Some losers. Our girls managed to come away with a 4th place trophy after winning the next two very competitive games. We are SO proud of them! My youngest daughter didn't get much playing time (she's a swing player) but our niece played all three games.
Some details for the baskets....
I, of course, took lots of hand work in case there was a moment with nothing to do. Not that I was expecting much down time, but we never know! Lots and lots and lots of prep work beforehand. It's the nature of the beast, but oh so worth it to get it done and out of the way.
Another 'thought' for the list
I even played around with making an American flag to add to my quilt. It looks like something this quilt could appreciate, but will have to be figured out later. I didn't get nearly far enough to make any real decision with that part of the quilt.
Auditioning an American flag....
Wonderful to see our girls play with such heart, eat some good food, and take advantage of the opportunity to check out the used book, antique, and quilt stores. No mall hopping this time around though. We sought out the slower paced side of the city to sort of wind down from the intensity of all those very important games.

Time to catch up on my blog reading and link up with Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday! I've just about finished enough that I can justify picking up a different quilt to do some stitching on for awhile...


  1. I never get sick of hand work or hearing about somone's thought process as they design. So sorry the girls didn't go all the way but a great showing and they most definitely should be proud. Enjoy your slow stitching!

  2. it sounds like you had good games to see and the girls did well. I hope to visit a quilt shop or two in Wisconsin next week - always nice to wander through a nice one.

  3. I don't think I will ever get "sick" of seeing what you are working on and your progress. It is always interesting.

  4. Always wonderful seeing your handwork and what decisions you make. Love the flag!

  5. Congratulations to your daughter and niece on a memorable weekend. What fun to get to the tournament!

  6. Sounds like exciting times! I remember the days of tournaments.

  7. I always think the American flag looks amazing in quilts, so I am in favour of that! I would not worry about OTT on the fire quilt -- it is your personal story, so that should be the driver. Onwards!

  8. Very nice things, I hope you enjoyed your slow Sunday stitching!

  9. Looks like you're making progress and I like the little glimpses you are sharing. Sounds like the tournament was fun, at least.

  10. so many great projects going. I love your lettering and placement - very fun!
    great flag


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