
Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's a Saturday and I Don't Even Know if I Have Time to Quilt...

Just playing! I have such a small space in my quilting room that it becomes quite an exercise in frustration at times. Especially with blocks like these where the color is pretty much all over the place. Still, there is plenty of room to figure out the important things.
My Tree of Life blocks
I like the light so much better upstairs than downstairs in the middle of my living room. Plus, nobody walks across my quilts in the quilt room except me. I do have to deal with the occasional random comment though, which can either invigorate me or send me into a self pitying spiral.*wink
Trying to balance the trees....
Regardless, there have been decisions made. It's the old fashioned setting and an orange background. Who'd have thunk it? Every other color made me want to go running for the hills except for this leftover I-felt-sorry-for-this-orange-languishing-in-the-clearance-bin fabric. I bought it a long time ago for a baby quilt and ended up buying the rest of the bolt.*sigh  I know, I know. It's a very bad habit and one that should most definitely be kicked to the curb.

So... I've already cut the orange strips {no second guessing this one} and determined the fabric for the connector squares too. Now I just need to find time. And motivation. Hm... First things first. The family seems to think that groceries have become a top priority.....


  1. This makes me think Autumn in New many Pine Tree quilts are very Christmassy. This is a wonderful version. And I love Scrappy Tulips, previous post. What a happy quilt!


  2. I love your quilt ! It looks great and the orange fabric is definitely a winner, lucky you brought enough....

  3. I think your room is as big as mine! Unfortunately I still have the family computer up with me so I cannot use a floor as a design wall. Love the Orange and bolt buying makes good economic sense ......if one ends up using it all that is.

  4. Geeze--food before quilting--how quaint lol!! We have had a forecast of a MAJOR nor'Easter on Mon-Tues this week--I'm heading over to JoAnne's to get more thread--and there you have it--priorities, right?? DH is going for gas for our generator...hugs, Julierose

  5. Fancy the family thinking about food before quilts!......some more training needed there I think. So many pieces in your trees, I think you have done well to do so many blocks.

  6. The orange fabric really highlights the tree blocks. Trust you to come up with a solution that is not boring or expected. Good job!

  7. I too love the orange. I think sometimes it gets a bad rep but I try to use it often. Very pretty quilt.

  8. Another lovely quilt. I like the scattered randomness of the occasional alternate leaves in the trees.

  9. Those blocks are wonderful, I never did the tree pattern. All the patterns for trees are different and yours is the one I prefer so far. I like very much the thin orange sashing.

  10. Why do they always want to eat? Sounds like pizza to me :)
    Love the trees.

  11. I love your tree blocks and the orange really sets them off. It’s perfect.
    Amazing how lighting changes things.

  12. So I'm not the only one who feels the need to give random fabrics a good home! Your trees are creating an enchanting forest in this quilt!

  13. Like the setting, like the orange :-). If I spent as much time quilting as I do feeding other people my output would quadruple.

  14. Oh, gosh, I love this quilt and that orange is perfect. (Who doesn't love the clearance bin?)I have to lay out blocks on the floor too. Kids are all grown up and gone from home but the 10 hr day at the paying job cuts into my quilting time!

  15. Your tree quilt is wonderful! Don't you love it when those fabrics you felt sorry for turn out to be the perfect choice.

  16. Your piece of orphan fabric saved the day. It looks great as the setting fabric.

  17. Tee hee hee! You always knew that fabric would come in handy, didn't you?

  18. Good choice! That fabric looks perfect!

  19. A wonderful and happy forest!
    I like to tease the kids and say I went shopping last week... you want to eat again this week?!?! They roll their eyes and I go grocery shopping!

  20. It's looking pretty great, Audrey! And I am definitely in favour of the orange. :D

  21. the orange really pulls things together - wonderful tree blocks.

  22. Love how this project is developing!! Remarkable how different it looks in those first two pictures due to lighting. I'd never be brave enough to use orange sashing - it looks wonderful!

  23. Pretty nervy of the family to think that grocery shopping would come before quilting! I do like that orange with the tree of life blocks.


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