
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Always Some Hand Quilting Going on Behind the Scenes....

After machine quilting through the sashing and alongside the 9-patch blocks, there really is minimal area left to hand quilt. I started out with a chunky, red, big stitch look and then, after completing only one frame, ripped it out and started over. This time with a very light lime green thread.
Imagine a Quilt in the hoop
I just felt that this quilt didn't need anything to distract from what the cream background squares do for the quilt--calming it down and giving it a peaceful, almost serene look. I'm really enjoying working with this quilt again in spite of being disappointed that I'm not big stitching. For some reason, that was what I was in the mood to do right now! The fabric and color combination is very soothing to me though. Every single 9-patch has one piece of the same exact blue floral and then the rest is scrappy {with a lot of repeats}. I don't know how to describe it except for the fact that it just feels good to me!

Through the years I am constantly pulling out an older quilt top to hand quilt and then all the while, working on a zillion 'current' quilt projects. This has often caused some overlap in the way I work with my quilting, such as me starting Quarter Circles Round #2 after hand quilting my first Quarter Circles quilt and things like making my Cactus Basket blocks in the colors I did, no doubt because I was busily hand quilting my Spring Forward quilt at the same time.
Getting close to the border work...
This influence of older quilt to new, and back and forth as I add design elements and detail, is a constant, occurring over and over in my quilt room. I like to think that it adds depth to my quilts as nothing is ever really finished in a rush or pushed off for the next little bit of whimsy that catches my eye. Of course, some quilts languish for years waiting for that last little bit of detail, but we won't be mentioning that.*wink
Scrappy Tulips
And last but not least, I went ahead and added a border onto Scrappy Tulips. It's a very vivid floral print that dulls the sashing down just a bit, but at the same time, adds a bit of drama that the quilt seems to need. I'm definitely going to have to change out that pink square for a red one and then try to find something for the next border that pulls out the brighter colors again. Always a challenge, these make-it-up-as-you-go-along types of quilts....


  1. Light lime green thread sounds like just the right thing for that wonderful quilt. The border fabric for your scrappy tulips is the perfect choice too, it looks as though it was made to be!

  2. Always good to hear your thinking in your quilting choices - the light quilting thread will be beautiful! Scrappy tulips is a stunner and a great border added. Your work is so inspiring Audrey!

  3. Loving the process. It's so great to read your posts it feels like I have just popped in for a cup of tea and we chat about what you have been up to lately. Gentle and genuine.

  4. I was interested to read your issues with your quarter circles quilt bleeding after washing. It raised a question in my mind I have often wanted to ask. Why do people wash their quilt the moment they are complete? I use my quilt for a while before washing it, and when I do wash, I never, ever wash in the machine unless it is one which has been a "use for everything" quilt and around for ages. Plus I never, ever put a quilt in the drier, not even those I am prepared to wash in a machine - that is bound to damage a quilt.

  5. I always wash my quilts to get the markings out of them and because I like the antique shrinkage look - I think that is why most of us wash our quilts = always love your quilts Audrey

  6. Hilo verde pienso que es perfecto para tu edredón!!
    los tulipanes,son muy bonitos
    me gusta ver como decides las telas para tiras de borde,

  7. The color choices in these two quilts is inspiring. Love the blue tulip border :)

  8. I tend to piece one, quilt one, pretty much in the order they are made, but you have made me think again. I love the idea that your new work and older pieces are in a kind of dialogue, with influences passing back and forward. Maybe that is one of the things that makes your work so good.

  9. I just love your quilting pattern. Sometimes it is so hard to chose the right quilting for the quilt, but you nailed it! And I love the tulip border. I have an antique scrappy tulip quilt, but yours has inspired me to make one. Love it!

  10. I love your quilts Audrey. They do reflect the time and. Thought you put into them. That blue border is very bright but it does work for the quilt.

  11. Those tulips are looking gorgeous! Love the blue border.

  12. Beautiful fabrics. I always like your sashing. Red is a favorite of mine but you've chosen so well - bright but not overpowering. Such a treat to see!

  13. Isn't it exciting to get to the borders? looks great! Love that lettering

  14. Love the idea of lime green thread! It's looking good. And I agree with your philosophy of working on old and new. Keeps everything fresh.

  15. I just love your "make it up as we go along" kinds of quilts!


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