
Monday, December 1, 2014

More Tree of Life Fun

Back to the Tree of Life quilt for a bit. I can't seem to sustain working on this quilt as the hst's are totally driving me bonkers. Only four blocks left to put together after these, thank goodness! Still don't know how I will set the blocks but I wanted to be sure and have enough for whatever direction it wants to take.
A few more Tree of Life blocks
I do enjoy playing with the hst's on the wall, rearranging them until there is an interesting tree. Some fall into place easily and others make me wonder what I was thinking to pair particular fabrics. For instance, the orange leaves on the plaid background (bottom left) is not going to stand out as a definite 'tree'. Oh well. Good thing I'm a fan of having blurred and indistinct blocks in my quilts. It's one of those antique utility quilt things that can be charming if done right {not to say that I'm doing anything right here! lol}.
Playing with the trunk
Very fun to play with the stripey tree trunks too. Since both of these fabrics are wovens, they can easily be flipped to present whichever side I want to use. For both of these trees, I decided to have one striped triangle going in a different direction. Little details that make me smile, both now, and again later when I'll be using the quilt.
Trunk changed up directionally, but not the background fabric....
As you can see though, I was careful to make sure the polka dot background is all running the same direction throughout the block. It just gets way too chaotic to mix everything up directionally, so I pick and choose the elements to play with per each block. It's definitely been an interesting quilt so far, although the background fabrics for one are a little outside my comfort zone. And the many hst's. Let's not forget those troublesome little parts. Pin, pin, pin, pin....


  1. I like the blocks on point. I must admit, I do not care for the plaid background and orange leaves, but hey, it is not my quilt. LOL /Debbie

  2. All those hst's--no wonder you have trouble sustaining your sewing on this! (Can you tell I am not a fan of making them--BUT love the way they look done by someone else---like you lol). I like all the blocks and the blurry ones too...I like the effect of fading in and out...hugs, Julierose

  3. Your trees are great! I have a tree of life quilt in my future too…..sometime…….uhm,

  4. Actually if you look at your photo of the blocks, that plaid tree does stand out, a little better than you think I suspect. Loving the process here, becaus I thought I was the only one who loved, hated, loved, hated, and loved the finished project after all the dislike.

  5. I like them all. The use of such an unusual print and color is what gives it that antique utilitarian look. I would keep it in. I look forward to your progression.

  6. It is a lot of HST's.....I can see why you are a little sick of them. But it's beautiful and worth it!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ME GUSTA ESE árbol naranja !!!
    CUANDO lo mires te Hará sonreír


  9. Oh such wonderful trees! Not sure I could endure making all those half square triangles!

  10. I especially like the plaid background! That tree has some character. And I think it does give a vintage the old days when they used old clothes to make quilts and so were limited by choice of fabrics. What a fun quilt.

  11. Wow! I want to make one of these! Love it.

  12. Great blocks! I get what you say about the hst's, I admit that that is the reason I will never make such a quilt......

  13. All that pinning is paying off because these blocks are really fun!! I love all the fabrics, the plaid, the dots , the playful stripey tree trunks!!

  14. I like the mix of colors. And especially the plaid! That 's a fall tree ! :)

  15. The trees look great - I actually really like the orange plaid!

  16. Each tree is just another interesting one in the whole forest. I like the orange plaid one too.

  17. These are going to make a great quilt. Those little details you are paying attention to are what make a quilt really interesting, I think. They give you things to keep noticing, keep thinking about.

  18. I like the random placement of the tree triangles. I enjoy seeing all that you work on.

  19. I started a Tree of Life quilt last week, Audrey, and you're completely to blame!

    Well, maybe not completely... I blame Bonnie Hunter a bit too...

    Certainly it's not MY fault that I'm so suggestible!

  20. This is such a great pattern, can't wait for the final layout.


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