
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sunburst Quilt Progress

A little bit of work on my Sunburst quilt, but not much else quilty-wise. Too much cooking, cleaning, list-making and then, the subsequent Black Friday shopping.*sigh  Someday they will push it too far even for people like me and then I'll be done with it.
My Sunburst quilt
So glad to have a quiet, peaceful Thanksgiving Day though. Wish our oldest son could have made it home, but it's hard to compete with a family gathering at the Oregon coast. Now there's not much else to do except wash up the leftover containers as they get emptied out one by one. Why do we always cook enough for an army? lol

Hopefully the trees on this quilt will look more like (funky) trees when the leaves are added on. Right now it's looking a bit odd, even to me....


  1. It's going to be interesting to see how your sunburst quilt evolves. I'm assuming it's all hand applique?
    Just washed the last container and crock pot today from Thanksgiving.
    On to Christmas!

  2. me too - I have froze some of the leftovers and making turkey soup this evening with cornbread - of course there are no rolls leftover - they were gone by Friday morning. Sorry your son didn't make it!

  3. Espero que el fin de semana descanses de tanto trabajo
    ese edredón me impacienta ver el avance

  4. We cook for an army so that we can have leftovers! :)

  5. Your quilt will look lovely . Im not surprised there hasn't been much quilty progress because from where Im sitting Halloween is a pretty major affair.

  6. Another interesting project for all of us to follow along. Leftovers are good for a bit of cooking reprieve.

  7. I look forward to seeing your trees blossom with leaves! Actually, I thought they were Hanukkah candles.

  8. Sunburst is really progressing! The trees will look great when the leaves start growing.

  9. Very interesting project this one! Nice to see it progressing.


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