
Monday, November 10, 2014

Random Sampler Parts and Pieces

I've been not working on this quilt for a very long time. It's probably the UFQ that hangs over my head the most-- like a dark cloud of reproach. I don't have a problem with unfinished projects in general {check out this great post if you want validation that it's perfectly normal}, but there comes a time when it is time.
Working late in the evening
You know, finish it up or send it down the road? So.. since I still love the fabrics, am intrigued by the (un)pattern and think there are still things to learn from this project, I've established a deadline for finishing the quilt top: Thanksgiving weekend. If I still can't get motivated to pull it all together by that date, then I will fold in the towel on the entire project.
Making a couple more sawtooth stars just because I like them....
I also managed to finish up the applique stitching on my eagle centerpiece. I like how the flowers frame the eagle and yet soften it too.
The Eagle Centerpiece
After putting it up on the wall, I spent over an hour trying to decide what my next step will be with the eagle quilt. The colors are not cooperating with me at all! For some reason, everything I thought was happening with this quilt is suddenly in a free fall. Oh well. Some of the best quilts can come about because of re-design. I just have to be patient while it all gets sorted out....


  1. Love the random blocks. Sending creative juices your way to figure out how to put it together and where to go with the eagle. Know you will come up with wonderful things.

  2. Well, you certainly have lots of great parts to work with in lovely fall colors. I am sure you will create something unique as always.
    Terrific eagle!

  3. The sampler blocks look great . You just have to finish it so we can ooh and ahh over how lovely the finished quilt top is!

  4. WOW For a quilt which is in free fall this one has beautiful parts. Don't give up--

  5. I have not gotten to the pass it on step, I think I need to work on that to reduce the UFO stash. Samplers aren't my thing, but I love the kitchen sink,type that are more random.
    Sweet eagle!

  6. You have a way of working getting creative when challenged so I believe you'll find a way to make those blocks rock and roll!! I love your eagle framed with flowers!!

  7. hope it comes together for you - there have been a few times over the years when I started something and actually tossed it out finally because I knew I didn't want to finish it anymore

  8. I'm sure your creative juices have been working overtime.

  9. How about taking smaller bites? You could use the blocks for pillow covers, table runners or pot holders if you don't feel the quilt love.
    Or go check out that book I just posted about. Holy smokes it lit a fire under my butt.
    Good luck!

  10. I love the flowers around the eagle / you are so creative.
    As to those sampler the colors / perfect for fall..can't wait to see what you do in the end :)

  11. Keep on plugging away with the sampler blocks. I like the colors very much and you have a lot to work with.

  12. Your eagle is so cool! I'm making the quilt from Flags of the American Revolution in a SAL and the eagle center block is my favorite! Love your random blocks and fabric....

  13. Knowing you, they will both come out beautifully. Let the Quilting Muse work her magic!

  14. Now I don't need another quilt and God knows that I leave projects go sometimes for years, but for heavens sake if your going to pitch the sampler blocks, you can pitch them my way. TIA


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