
Friday, November 7, 2014

A Few More Tree of Life Blocks

I just got back from a few days in Oregon visiting my brand new little niece {Remington Price}!  Love that sweet little girl, but it's good to be back home too.
The forest is growing
I now have a small forest of trees growing on my design wall. So far the ones that I like the very best (see the two blocks below) are not the ones that show as well from a few feet away. But that's good. Every quilt should have interesting details up close as well as from a distance. In theory, we plan really well for that to happen. Right? Uh huh..... In reality, it's mostly a lot of luck and having some wonderful fabrics to back us up!
A couple of my favorites
I have definitely found out that the trees seem to need a little time on the wall before being sewn together too. All the leaf pieces need to be carefully but also casually planned out. lol  Is that even possible? Anyway, the point being, if the sewing is rushed, then hello! seam ripper. Which, of course, I despise. Weird leaf placement (like the one below on the right) just gets under my skin and I will not rest until it gets properly taken care of.
Playing with them on the wall...
I am so hoping for a big chunk of quilting time to happen this weekend, but we shall see. There are issues that have been sadly neglected around here lately like oh.., house cleaning? Grocery shopping?


  1. If only there were fairies to do the housework and shopping so you could work non stop in your forest of trees! They look wonderful!

  2. Love how your trees are turning out! What pattern are you using? It's going to be gorgeous!

  3. I think it is turning out great. The leaves on most trees are falling or almost gone for the winter while yours are doing the opposite :)

  4. I so wish I had someone to clean my house!! after all the remodeling it is going to take me several days to dust the whole house - yuck - double yuck - love your trees of life blocks and had to look at them several times to see what you meant about looking at placement carefully and then noticed they were not all the same color in a block

  5. I love your trees! This one is on my Wish List!! Your's is going to be lovely!

  6. I think your trees are just gorgeous--all those little 1/2 squares--my! Hugs, Julierose

  7. I love your tree blocks! I think your weird leaf placement block adds charm like the fabric substitutions in an antique quilt - they rarely added them in where I would think to and I love that. I hope you get your chunk of sewing time this weekend :0)

  8. Your tree blocks are so great! I especially love the little pieced square from the striped fabric. Too fun! Oh, and housework is highly overrated...stick to quilting!

  9. What a wonderful name for your new niece! So cute! The tree blocks are looking good - I love how you pieced some of the striped pieces.

  10. You constantly amaze me! Love the tree of life blocks.. and I like that they are not perfect or there is 'weird leaf placement' ... just like natural trees! Did grocery shopping today too.... would have rather spent all that money on fabric! LOL

  11. Yes, a little reverse sewing was complete here today :-)
    I made a tree of life quilt a few years ago, your lovely blocks make me want to get it out!

  12. Your tree blocks rock Audrey . This is going to be such a lovely quilt.

  13. What thoughtful placement of leaf triangles in your tree of life. They really create movement. I like the variations in both fabric and placement from one block to the next. Hope to see more of this quilt as your work on it.

  14. Looking really good. And I always do "planned scrappy". Otherwise, I'm sure I'd be dissatisified and end up ripping.

  15. Looks like it is going to be a beautiful forest!

  16. Audrey I found your blog looking for Baptist Fan-- and I love it! I'm laid up with foot surgery so I will be able to catch up on everything lol.. I can't cut or sew right now so I'm just quilting vicariously!

  17. Such great trees. House cleaning is not on the top of my list.

  18. I really love your redesign of these trees, Audrey. They look so amazing all together! It's looking good!

  19. Your forest is growing more lovely and Interesting each time you take a walk through the woods.

  20. great tree blocks! food; yes, house cleaning; maybe - priorities.....

  21. I don't see any problems with the leaf placement. Hope you get those necessary things done quickly and can get back to stitching. Love how these tree blocks are coming along.

  22. I can't decide which tree I like best. How many do you need for the quilt?


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